Friday, October 2, 2009

Rethinking Today's Religions - Misleading Our Children

When I was a young man, my parents told me about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Every Christmas, there would be presents underneath the tree from Santa Claus and on Easter I would get a basket full of candy and eggs. However, when I was 11 years old, my parents broke the devastating news to me, there was no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny.

As you can imagine, I cried for hours over the frustration and disappointment. For one, I thought that I wasn't going to get any more Christmas gifts, but my parents provided me with the needed psychological relief and told me that they were going to provide Christmas gifts for me, until I died. Even though I was upset, I was relieved and confused.

If my parents lied about this, could they have possibly lied about something else, anything else. Have you ever thought about this and is there a situation in your life today that could be an old habit that never got corrected. Some theme that your parents told you when you were a child that was a lie and they never told you the truth. Maybe they never told you the truth because they don't even know themselves that it's a lie.

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were obviously disappointments to me and most people that I've talked to about their experiences, with their parents and even their children. Why do we do this as parents to our children, even though we didn't like it when it was done to us. Hard to explain why we can't break certain habits and certain traditions.

I love Christmas and the joy of giving. Even though I am no longer a Christian, I enjoy going over to my relatives homes and spending Christmas or Christmas Eve with them. Now for the bad news, if you were raised to believe in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or any other large religious organization. Let me ask you this, do you think that it could be like Santa Claus, do you think the religion you believe in so strongly could be a story that has gotten out of control over the centuries.

I've spent a life time rethinking today's religions and can't find very many facts to prove any one religion is superior over another. Do your own research and find your own answers. Enlightenment could be as simple as gathering the right information.

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Does Anyone Have a Direct Line to God?

I have heard Catholics tell me that the pope has a direct line to God. I don't really know if that's true, but if he does, or anyone else does, I would like to ask them to do me a favor.

I would like them to ask God a few questions, these questions aren't going to be difficult, and we could even make them in yes or no formats, but these answers need to be asked and only God can provide us with the answers.

The first question that I would like to ask God, would be about starvation, why are there so many starving people all over the world? Are we or are we not supposed to be fruitful and multiply? Is overpopulation creating more problems in the world today, than it might have 2000 years ago?

These questions above, could be a little difficult to answer, but they shouldn't be too difficult for someone like God. I believe that God can handle a few tough questions and if the Pope or anyone else has direct communication with God, I would like to suggest something to them, quit wasting your time on frivolous things and start asking God the serious questions, that every one is really interested in.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, to pray and worship to somebody who realistically won't answer or deliver the things that we are requiring. I realize that most religious people are told, that God only answers some prayers or that God isn't ready to answer your prayers yet.

Anyway, if gods not going to answer all of our prayers, couldn't he at least answer some of our questions.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended authors, Don Miguel Ruiz

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Thanks For Reading Our Articles

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jesus' Missing Years in the Bible

It looks like there is a big problem in the Gospels. There are more years in Jesus' life that are missing than years of his life that were ever recorded. Why weren't these years listed in the Bible?

All the Gospels talked about the death of Jesus, the birth of Jesus and a few years in between, but all of the Gospels are missing some very important years from his life. When raising a child, some of the most important years of their lives, will be those when they were teenagers and often those of their young adulthood.

The Gospels talk about Jesus at the temple at around the age of 12 or 13. After that, there is very little known until he reaches the final years of his life. Was there someone or a group of people or even a community who influenced his life? Could Jesus have learned something from a spiritual master Guru that changed the world forever?

There is more speculation on Jesus' missing years than you could ever imagine. Some say that Jesus went to Egypt to study with their masters or priests. Egypt obviously wasn't that far from where Jesus was raised, but like most of the stuff in the Bible, there is very little evidence to support any of these speculative stories.

Could Jesus have went to India and studied with the Buddhist masters or even a Hindu scholars? Did Jesus study with advanced Jewish scholars? This is only a little bit of the historical speculation, but if the truth was ever to be known, it could help Christianity solve a lot of problems.

Most Christians rarely even question these missing years. There are quite a few Christians that don't even know that there are any missing years in Jesus' life. I wrote this article to get people thinking and hopefully to start educating themselves about early Christianity. Good luck and God bless.

Great Christian Books And Articles

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Religious Education And Fear

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chakra Meditation - Help For Chakra Visualizations

Chakra meditation can help you remove stress and anxiety while replacing them with positive energy. There are seven Chakras that can be opened while you meditate. These are useful elements in yoga, new age and Buddhist spirituality exercises.

What are Chakras?

Chakra meditation requires you to use chakras in order to meditate to your fullest potential. There are seven of these elements to consider as you develop a new way to relax and open your mind to your spirituality. Each of these elements has organs, emotions and colors that can be used for your visualization techniques.

Crown and Root

The crown is linked to the nervous system and the brain. This realm is important in connecting to your higher self. Your visualization color in this area is purple and the energy is targeted towards the top of the head. When you open the crown, you relieve yourself of isolated feelings and headaches.

The root connects your energy to stability and self-sufficiency. This charka needs to be in balance with your crown because it provides a link from the self to the material world.

The visualization color of the root is red and the visualization in your body involves the adrenal glands, spine and circulatory system. When you open the root, you relieve bodily aches and tiredness.

Solar Plexus and Umbilical

The solar plexus relates to your confidence and esteem. Chakra meditation in this realm visualizes the color yellow and it affects the liver, stomach, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder and diaphragm. When you open the solar plexus you improve confidence, make better decisions and abdominal conditions.

The umbilical connects to sexuality. The visualization color is orange and this realm is located at the belly button. This chakras involves hormonal and emotional balance. When you open this realm you address hormonal imbalances and extreme shifts of emotion.

Throat and Heart

Chakra meditation includes the throat image that involves self-expression and individual growth. When this realm is closed, so are you. You can overcome shyness by opening the throat in your visualization. The color of this element is sky blue and it involves the neck, thyroid and throat area of the body.

The heart is love with no conditions. The visualization color is green and it is located in the middle of the chest. Emotional elements include trust, empathy and tolerance. Closing the heart can cause problems in the heart, lungs and the upper part of the back.

Third Eye

The third eye in charka meditation involves your intuitive nature and creativity. Opening the third eye can enhance your ability to foresee events and it helps you take other perspectives. The visualization color is indigo and the third eye is positioned on your forehead. Closing the third eye can lead to infection and allergic reactions.

Opening your various elements takes considerable concentration and meditative fortitude. Chakra meditation can open the world to you if you open your elements to your self.

J. Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. 'Chakra Meditation' is an excellent recording by Duncan McColl, based on his decades of experience in powerful and classical clinical therapy. To find out more, visit Chakra Meditation. A range of other self hypnosis products can be found here - Meditation Self Help. All of the recordings on Self Help Recordings are backed by an impressive sixty day guarantee, so to find out more simply click on the links.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Customer's Review of Jonathan Manske's Book, the Law of Attraction Made Simple

I have been studying the law of attraction for quite some time now and find the concept absolutely extraordinary. There is no denying the forces of this law when you look at instances in your life or things you have acquired. I have many examples in my own life of the law of attraction in action and every time I reflect upon those things I realize the power of the infinite as well as the power of myself.

While I have manifested many wants and desires in my life there are still things that have fallen short. Therefore, I am always seeking out new resources to better my skill of attraction and to help others who want to master the creation process of their own life as well.

Not to long ago I came across a video interview of Jonathan Manske in which he spoke of his book The Law of Attraction Made Simple. I was intrigued and for the nominal price of $27 I felt it could be a good resource for me.

After spending only a day and half reading it from cover to cover I concluded that it was one of the best books I had read when it came to utilizing applicable strategies to create your desires. The law of attraction is powerful, but unfortunately most of us just go through life blindly attracting things, wanted and unwanted.

Jonathan gives you a step by step process to truly master your creation and clear out any blockages you may have. I found this part to be exceptionally useful and I use the techniques taught in the book on a daily basis. Jonathan gives you, what I call, a blueprint to the law of attraction with real strategic exercises to perform through out your day.

Thank you, Jonathan, for writing such an educational tool for the betterment of society.

You can order your copy of Jonathan Manske's book at

I am no way associated with the income of this book. I simply am a happy customer

Stacy McIntosh is a leader in the network marketing industry and shows others in her organization how to powerfully utilize the law of attraction in their own life and business. Stacy can be contacted through her websites or

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Jerky Gun - Do You Need One?

A jerky gun is a great easy to use tool that simplifies creating beef jerky. Using one of these tools can save you time and hassle. They eliminate lot of clean up because when you're done you just simply drop the gun in the water to soak. While beef jerky can be made by hand we want to show you why it will save time. I mean it's simple enough to roll out your own meat dehydrate it on trays and serve right? This begs the question, do you need a beef jerky gun?

Most people are scared of using tools like this. However, keep in mind how simple using something like this really is. First, you mix up your meat mixture into a large bowl and add herbs, spices and anything else. Most jerky kits come with a ready to use mixture so it makes making the actual jerky much easier. Then you load the mixture into the jerky gun and then pull the trigger and it instantly pumps out the jerky into the desired strip length.

After you've made the jerky then you just put it into the food dehydrator to be dehydrated. After the jerky becomes tender and dehydrated you can then pull it from the dehydrator and lay it on a cooling tray, wax paper or baking sheet. Clean up the jerky gun and store away. Now you have fresh home made jerky that you can snack on. At this point you can add pepper or any other type of additional spice to it and go from there. The nice neat strips the jerky will come out in make it easy to serve to guests, family or friends.

In closing I don't think a jerky gun is a priority but it can be a good addition to your kitchen. Since they are so easy to use my question for you is "why not own one?" You are not just limited to beef either you can make lamb, turkey, pork and any other type of jerky meat you can think of. So, this may be the one thing your kitchen has been missing.

Michael S Brown is designed to help people find the perfect food dehydrator for their homes. Jerky Guns can be found and are reviewed here.

Have Fun With Your Grandchildren Without Breaking Your Back

In previous decades, the bond between grandparents and grandkids was strong. It was not surprising to see little kids flock around their grampas or grammas and listen to interesting stories about the war or about fairies, heroes, legends and almost everything under the sun. But along with the popularity of the television, Internet and video consoles, the generation gap between grandparents and grandkids had started to become wider.

However, despite the seeming impossibility of bridging the generation divide between kids and their grandparents, there are actually a lot of things you can do about it. The first thing grand dads and moms need to do is to be more aware of the latest technological advancements enjoyed by the youth of today. Knowledge about what children are interested nowadays would help seniors break the ice with the little ones.

Creative ideas and fun activities are always the best when grampas or grammas want to lure the kids into spending fun moments with them. In order to achieve this, however, seniors need to maintain their imagination and continue to become physically active.

If you want to be a cool grandparent and would want your grandkids to have fantastic time with you every time you are together, you might want to consider the following activities:

Collect Things Together

Since it may be difficult to play hoops with your very active grandkids, you can share their love for sports by being a treasure throve of information or trivia about their favorite sport or athletes. Watching a live baseball game with them or attending their school games would really help you score big points with your grandkids.

If your little ones are interested more on trivia and not in playing games, you can probably bond with them by collecting basketball caps, jersey, and trading cards, among other things. By bringing them to book signing sessions and to libraries or museums that cater to their interests, you would be building a stronger bond with them without breaking your back or dislocating your shoulders.

Have A Hobby Or Craft

Woodworks, insect and rock collecting, science experiments are some of the hobbies and crafts that you may want to have with your male grandchildren. For the little girls, you can probably teach them to sew, create a scrapbook of your family, or make fancy jewelries and other girly stuff. Photography, painting, pottery and bird watching are also hobbies that would interest your grand kids, both boys and girls alike.

Try To Play With Them

Do not ever think that playing puzzles, toy cars, role playing and assembling Legos are juvenile activities that you would not enjoy with the kids. If you really want to have an idea on what interests your grandchildren, as well as on how to guide them in making the right choices, you need to get involved with them without getting too smothering.

Venture Outdoors

Going for a hike, playing in the park, visiting zoos, taking picnics and having nature trips are outdoor activities that you and your grandchildren will definitely enjoy. Planting trees and tending to your garden are some other activities you could share with the little ones outdoors.

Since kids nowadays are always cooped indoors with their video consoles, DVD, television and computer, inviting them to bask under the sun during spring and summer can really be good for their health too. However, before you take them to such activities, you have to make sure that you are physically fit and strong enough to be responsible for their safety while they are with you.

Arthritis and joint pains should not hinder you from having fun with your adorable grandkids. There are many natural supplements, including Flexcerin, that are safer and effective not only in easing pain but also in improving the health of your joints.

To know more about Flexcerin, simply go to

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine