Monday, August 31, 2009

How To Get What You Want In Life

Most high achieving men and women are intensely goal-oriented. While most under-achieving men and women have poorly defined goals, if they have any goals at all. This is one of the main reasons why the majority of people suffer from the frustration of feeling that they are accomplishing very little in life.

The ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success. It is the single most important skill that you can learn and perfect. Goal-setting will do more to help you achieve the things you want in life than anything else you can do.

Becoming an expert at goal-setting and goal-achieving is something that you absolutely must do if you want to reach your full potential as a human being. Goals enable you to do the work you want to do, to live where you want to live, to be with the people you enjoy, and to become the kind of person you want to become.

When you develop the habit of setting clear and realistic goals there is no limit to the financial rewards you can obtain. All you have to do is to set a specific goal for financial success your desire, make a plan, and then work the plan until you achieve it.

The payoff for setting goals and making plans is being able to choose the kind of life you want to live. With this being said, its amazing that so few people set goals. Over the past 50 years many organizations and educational institutions have conducted studies on goal-setting. Virtually every study has shown the same startling results. On average, only 3 percent of Americans have written goals and less than 1 percent review and rewrite their goals on a daily basis.

With all of this evidence showing what a person can achieve by setting goals. Why is that so few people actually do it? Over the past 25 years I have consulted with and spoken to thousands of men and women about goal setting, and I have found that there are five common reasons why people dont set goals:

The first reason Ive found that people dont set goals, is that they feel theyve done well without setting goals. If its not broken, why fix it?

Given the power of goals to transform lives, Im always astonished how often I hear this from people. Its easy to be satisfied if youve never set goals. Its convenient to say that everything is fine if you dont know where youre going. You can always say that any destination you arrive at is OK.

The second reason I most often hear from people, is that they do have goals, they just keep them in their head. Most people believe in the fewest motions possible to get things done.

A person who thinks this way, does not have goals. They have wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams. Dreams come to all of us as we go about our daily business. Wishes drift in and out of our conscious thoughts. We think of new interests wed like to pursue, changes wed like to make, and great things wed like to achieve, someday. Were pretty sure we have the ability, and fully intend to do all those things sometime in the future.

The ludicrous nature of this way of thinking is that unless those vague intentions are translated into specific goals, they will drift into that never-never land called Might Have Been, and they will take your life with them.

Unfortunately, this is precisely the way most people conduct their lives. They claim they have goals when they do not. Until dreams are translated into specific goals, thay rarely become a reality, and even if they do, the person is denied the deep satisfaction that would have come from translating his or her dream into a specific goal and achieving it.

The third reason I find that people dont set goals is that theyre afraid of failing. The person feels that without goals, he or she doesnt have to worry about failing.

The problem with this way of thinking is that it goes against the foundation of life itself: you cant be born without risk. Youre only kidding yourself if you think you can live without risk, no matter how carefully you tend to the financial, physical, and emotional aspects of your life. There are always risks in everything you do and setting goals involves risk.

You may succeed. But you may also fail. If you fail, then what? Risk taking is part of the process of growth. So is failure. You must be willing to risk failure again and again if you want to be in the company of the worlds most successful men and women.

Make a friend of failure. Use it as a valuable learning experience, a great motivator, and a necessary step on the road to success. At one point or another in their lives, some of the worlds most successful people have been miserable failures. Winston Churchill once said, I would rather fail my way to success than be a successful failure.

The fourth reason I find that people dont set goals, is that they feel that by setting goals and achieving them, they will be expected to live up to their goals in the future. After achieving a goal where is their motivation going to come from to move on from that point?

This train of thought is even more ludicrous than the first three, because you become more motivated as you approach a goal. When you achieve a goal, you will want to try a more demanding one. Nothing approaches the motivating power that comes from systematically setting and achieving your own demanding goals.

The fifth reason I have found why people dont set goals, is that they only set goals when theres a need. I always hear things like, I set goals when I have a major project at work, or when I want a larger house, or a new car.

People with this type of thinking need to understand that goal setting is not an occasional need. It is a process that transforms lives and that mastering this process of setting and achieving goals is at the heart of life itself. If you dont act intentionally, with purpose, you will be condemned to a life of mediocrity, in which anything meaningful occurs only accidentally.

I have given the most common reasons why most people dont set goals, now lets talk about criteria for effective goals that turn dreams into satisfying reality.

1. They must have a definite purpose. Why do you want to achieve the goal?

2. They must written and rewritten every day.

3. They must be measurable.

4. They must be visible in a place where you can see them everyday.

5. They must have deadlines. A goal without a deadline is simply a wish.

6. They must be realistic and achievable.

7. They must be demanding.

8. Goals must be flexible. You will often have to make changes to achieve your goal.

Effective goals will keep you very focused. Nothing will get in your way. Effective goals will liberate you rather than shackle you. They will improve the quality of your life. Effective goals will give your life balance, they will motivate you, they will challenge you, and they will allow you to live your dreams. Without goals, you can only dream your dreams.

Copyright2006 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many of Americas largest corporations, on the subjects of leadership, self-esteem, goals, achievement, and success psychology.

Reach Joe at:

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Putting God on Trial

I was listening to something interesting the other day when someone mentioned putting God on trial for some of the atrocities in the world. If God is the creator of the universe and all that is, or all that ever will be, how can we put him on trial, he's our creator. We can't put our spiritual master on trial can we, he'll just escape anyway if we convict him, won't he. He's got to be smart enough to break out a prison.

As a child I often thought about God and why he would allow such suffering throughout the world. It never made sense to me when I was child and it still doesn't make sense to me today. Why would the creator, want us to suffer, with even the littlest of problems. Other religions have explained it as if God was teaching us a lesson and that's why we have hardships in our lives.

Do you think God ever went through these hardships? Did God have problems finding a job or gathering some food? Does God even eat? Okay now I'm getting off the topic here,(I wonder what God does eat)... if children do something wrong, most of the time their parents will discipline or correct them. If adults to things wrong, the government will discipline and reprimand them. Sometimes these punishments can be severe. It depends on the crimes committed.

If man has to be put on trial for committing crimes like murder, genocide, and general atrocities towards mankind, should God also be put on trial or is he above man because he's God. I can't imagine the creator of the universe ever being put on trial for man's crimes against humanity or other men, but it seems like someone who is all powerful and all knowing could help his children out of this little mess that we're in today.

Couldn't God help us like we help our children. We as parents might not have all the answers, but we do not claim to have them. We are not all powerful and all knowing, like we would assume God to be. When is God going to help us solve some of our major world problems, like genocide and starvation.

Putting God on trial might not solve all of our problems today but it would be nice to have some help with our problems. If he created us to please him, do we have to go on trial one day, for all the things we did or ignored while we were alive. Something to think about isn't it.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development. Check This Out What Happened to the Wise Men's Gifts

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Spiritual Dictionary

Change, Happiness, Success And Our Core Values

The saying that "change is the only constant thing in this world" holds profound meaning in every sense of the word. Backed by this universal truth is also the dictum that there is no such thing as 'forever'. However, amidst all these acclaimed universal truths, there are things in this world that stay eternal: One of them our set of core values the fundamentals that enable us to find happiness and success in our lives.

In his # 1 National Bestseller book that sold over 10 million copies, author Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1990 ed.) illustrates his own personal experience on change. As a parent, he claims that to change a situation, we first have to change ourselves, and to change ourselves effectively, we first have to change our perceptions. However, Dr. Phil argues that it's more complicated than that. Illustrated in his book Life Strategies - Stop Making Excuses! Do What Works, Do What Matters (1999 ed.), he firmly wants to instill in our minds the glaring truth about change that we can not change what we do not acknowledge. In similar fashion, I totally agree on his argument. It's like saying that the hardest thing to open in this world is a closed mind - therefore making change difficult to occur.

There are some people who have a mindset to make some changes in their lives and choose to be happy. Even the great Chinese philosopher Confucius would agree in his belief that "man must be wise and unafraid to live a happy life" - a philosophy similarly shared by his contemporary, Mencius where he enumerates three mature virtues of his 'great man' as wisdom, compassion and courage deliberated in Lin Yutang's book, The Importance of Living (1962 ed.) a must-to-read book for daily living.

Likewise, Stephen R. Covey focuses the "Character Ethic" as the foundation of success things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty and the Golden Rule.

In his book, he presented Benjamin Franklin's autobiography as the epitome of these values "a man's effort to integrate certain principles and habits deep within his nature", he explained. The Character Ethic, according to Covey teaches us that there are basic principles of effective living, and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.

In addition, Anthony Scire's dynamic and contemporary book The Power of 2 (2003 ed.) promotes building solid relationships over the long term and encouraging us to be "nice, kind and good" to everyone we know and meet. This highlights Henry James's core value of kindness:"Three things in human life are important", he said. "The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind." In the same book, then eminent Bishop Fulton J. Sheen admonished us to also take control of our emotions so that we may live a successful and happy life. He said: "Each of us makes his own weather determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits."

Change therefore is inevitable in our lives. If - and when it comes, our core values should help us adapt to the consequences of change. Hence, as exemplified by great and wise men of past and present generations, our happiness and success depend upon our core values and attitudes.

Letty R. Vendramini

Your Voyage To Happiness Begins Here. Learn how you can find real happiness in your life and how to live it to the full. Abandon unhappiness and achieve true lasting happiness. Discover the "real you" and unleash the joy within.

Visit and receive Your FREE Happiness Report Worth $47 On How You Can Find True Lasting Happiness In Your Life. Click now to download. Alternatively Letty regularly writes articles on How To Sustain True, Lasting Happiness available to view at

Letty R. Stevens Vendramini acquired two degrees in Bachelor of Philosophy (Ph.B) Minor in English and Bachelor of Social Work (BSocWk). Letty teaches subjects in Philosophy, Psychology, Public Speaking, Argumentation and Debate, English Grammar and Composition, Research and Thesis Writing and Business Ethics. Letty is a part-time Private Practitioner in Social Work-Counseling. She is also a writer, a newspaper columnist/correspondent and an editor.

Home Improvement Tip - Fixing a Squeaky Floor

Question: I have a floor that every single time I step on it I get the most annoying sound. I don't know what it does to me or why it bothers me so much. My kitchen floor squeaks and actually moves up and down if you are standing on it. The whole floor moves. How do I stop it from moving and squeaking. Help Me Greg!

Answer: It sounds like you have a broken floor joist. You are going to have to go under your house. If you have a basement this will be a little easier to fix. It is my guess that you don't have a basement or you would have seen the broken floor joist by now.

Have someone stand on the floor in the spot that squeaks and have them move up and down while you are under the house. Don't have them jump up and down while you are under the house. This could cause more damage to the structural framing of the floor. Once you are in the right position under the floor you can have them start moving slowly. What you are looking for is one of the floor joist that are moving.

If you see one of them moving. Look to see where the damage is. Is it a split, crack, wood rot or a big knot in the wood that has loosened up and fell out. Once you find the damaged floor joist you can now think about repairing it.

If you don't see any floor joist moving. Have the person on top start moving a little bit more and you can even have them jump on it a few times until you see something out of place. If you still don't see any broken floor joist. Start looking at the sub-floor, this will be plywood of some form, 1 x 6 or 2 x 6 materials.

What you are looking for is movement of any kind. Is there a separation or movement between the sub-floor and the floor joist. If you still can't find the problem maybe it is time to call in a professional.

The main thing you are going to be looking for is movement of any kind.

Most squeaky floors are caused from the sub-floor rubbing up and down on a nail. If you have carpeting and you have a squeaky floor you can do your best to locate a floor joist and screw right through your carpeting into the floor joist.

For more help on fixing squeaky floors visit

Thanks for the great question. I hope it helps.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Visit us now for Home Improvement Tips

Should The Bible Be Edited

Simple Tips for Increasing Your Psychic Awareness

In my psychic development course, I focus mainly on mental exercises and meditation techniques which quickly help to increase psychic abilities. The following article outlines some simple and practical ideas which will help to increase your intuitive abilities as well as nurture your spiritual self.

Turn off the television. Designate at least one day of the week as a media free day. Keep the radio off and skip reading the evening newspaper, ignore magazines and other forms of advertising. Limit your exposure to mass media as much as possible. This will greatly help to reduce the background chatter of the conscious mind. Communicating with the intuitive mind is all about quieting the conscious or upper mind. You may be very surprised to learn just how much your intuitive mind is suppressed by a constant bombardment of media and information. In fact most advertising is designed specifically to grab your attention and appeal to your outer senses. It may even be argued that some advertising is designed to inhibit the intuitive mind directly.

Keep a journal. Spend a few minutes each day jotting down whatever ideas or thoughts come to you. These can be words, sentences, doodles, whatever happens to enter your mind. This information doesnt have to make sense; it doesnt have to follow any particular pattern. Simply write what comes to you, no matter how random or unintelligible it may seem. The point here is to establish a channel of communication with the intuitive mind. With time, as the connection to the intuitive mind is strengthened, the information that you record will begin to make more sense.

Most of us are in a constant state of over stimulation. The intuitive mind usually cannot be heard properly above the dull roar of daily activity. Create an environment that is designed to encourage the intuitive self to communicate more freely. Surround yourself with natural colors and materials. Reduce the amount of plastic and other synthetic materials in your living areas. Sooth your senses with any items that provide a calming effect, such as incense, music and comfortable clothing.

Set aside a certain amount of time each week to focus on meditation and periods of relaxed awareness. Spend time simply listening to the sounds of your environment. Try to pinpoint as many different sounds as you can within a ten to twenty minute period. Begin by closing your eyes and focusing your awareness on your own breathing and the sound of the air as it enters and leaves your body. Expand your awareness outward and focus on the sounds within close range. You may notice things like your refrigerator humming in the kitchen, water pipes, air conditioning units and other common household noises.

Attempt to isolate as many sounds as possible, also attempt to determine the location of the noises and their distance from you. Expand your awareness outwards once again to focus on noises that may be heard outside of your dwelling. Birds, neighborhood pets, cars, distant highway traffic all of these things and many others may be noticed at this time. Notice the variations, timings, directions and patterns of the noises within your environment. Again, try to isolate as many different sounds as you can. Now expand your awareness outwards again. You may begin to notice very distant sounds at this time such as passing airplanes and distant factory noises. This depends on your location; you may also notice noises which have no easy explanation or description, things like very low hums or vibrations, rhythmic tapping or other odd noises. Again make the attempt to isolate as many sounds as you can and try to gauge the physical direction that these sounds are coming from as well as their distance. End this exercise by quickly shifting your awareness back to your own breathing.

These simple yet effective tips for increasing your psychic awareness can easily be incorporated into your lifes schedule. Remember, that as the avenues of communication with the intuitive mind are widened, the clarity, detail and quantity of the messages received form the inner mind will increase.

Jeffry R. Palmer is the well known author of several books dealing with the subjects of metaphysics, paranormal phenomena and psychic development. His articles and columns have been featured in several popular international magazines. His accurate and detailed psychic predictions, including Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesian tsunami have captured the attention of an international audience.

Personal psychic readings by Mr. Palmer are available through the web site. These psychic readings are kept in strict confidence, cover all aspects of life, are extremely accurate and detailed and are very simple to purchase. Mr. Palmer even offers a 100% money back guarantee to clients if they aren't completely satisfied with their readings.

Online Psychic Readings

Dog Creates Remodeling Nightmare

How many homeowners normally leave their dog in the backyard or they have full time access to the backyard through a doggie door. You're probably wondering how can a little dog create a remodeling nightmare for any contractor.

This wasn't the case this dog was a large Labrador retriever and tore up everything in the backyard constantly. The house remodel we were working on was a two story room addition over a single story house. This job lasted around six months and the dog was a daily reminder of how much attention a large dog actually needs.

Let's start with the first item of value the dog actually destroyed. It was my favorite tool bags of course that I have taken care of for over five years and deeply appreciated the fact that they were broke in just the way I wanted them to be. Kind of like a baseball mitt that doesn't quite fit right because of how stiff it is until you break it in.

While the homeowner of course apologized and never even offered to replace them. Oh but after that he did mention never to leave anything lying around in the backyard. Lesson learned of course and never forgotten. Well to make a long story short this large dog could chew up tools, lumber, plumbing pipes, electrical wire and was even able to destroyed the plywood fencing we would use to keep him away.

I'm going to stop right there with the remodeling nightmare created from this dog in hopes that other contractors can learn from my valuable lesson. As a contractor you should never assume that a homeowner will replace any damaged or broken tools and materials.

As a homeowner with a dog reading this article, think about having a place to enclose the dog if necessary while remodeling work is done on your home.

I love being around dogs and other animals but sometimes a problem like this can make life extremely miserable for both parties.

Greg Vanden Berge has been building and remodeling for over 30 years and his information has proven valuable to most contractors and homeowners all over the world. He usually tries to write at least two articles a day on home improvement or remodeling problems.

Greg is in the process right now of working on a home inspection website that will revolutionize the home inspection business. He is also working on a book to help homeowners and contractors as well as other home related professions in dealing with the home inspection process.

You can visit the home inspection website currently under construction at Home Inspection Help

When Do We Get To Meet God

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Accepting Second Best In Life

Are you a person who accepts second best in life? Is winning silver good enough for you? Are you content to be a follower rather than a leader? A couple of years ago I would have answered yes to all of these questions but I have since seen the light. I now strive to be number one in every aspect of my life, I am happy to work hard to achieve my goals and to listen to the advice that I am being given. In this article I will write about how I learnt to have this new found positive attitude.

As a teenager and into my early twenties I basically drifted through life, it was as if I could not be bothered. I have to admit that I was a slightly depressive person during this period of my life, this was mainly because I had a stammering/stuttering problem with my speech. I seemed to be in an almost continual rut, always blaming the stutter for my lack of progress in life.

This was all to change when a new guy started at the office where I worked. His name was Jim and he was very bright and bubbly. Jim had a positive outlook on life and was seemingly very confident. I, at that point, was the opposite.

Over the next few months I began to spend a lot more time with Jim and was quite shocked when he asked me:

"Why are you so unhappy Steve? You always seem to be quite down, is there anything I can help you with?

Even though I did have a lack of self-esteem and was perhaps not always the brightest of personalites, I was not expecting to be asked this type of question.

Jim did prove to be a massive help to me, he made me understand that we only have one life, one shot at making a name for ourselves and that positive people tend to be the most happy and successful people.

Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:

stuttering information

dvd replication

eradicate depression

Success Starting in Your 40s

You're going to find it hard to believe, but very seldom does an individual peak with creativity until they reach the age of 40. The average individual usually makes the most money between the age of 40 and 60. This doesn't have anything to do with retirement. Most highly creative people keep producing until they die.

If you're 55 years old and looking for a new career or can't seem to find a job in the profession you have worked at your whole life, don't be alarmed or fearful. Do you think you could start your own business? Is there something, you have always wanted to do but have put it off until retirement, or until you had enough time to do it?

Why wait, if you can't find a job in a business you never truly enjoyed, maybe you can find a new job doing something you love.

I have worked in construction for 30 years and at 44 years old started to pursue a career in writing and plan to create award winning websites and best selling books, for the rest of my life. This doesn't mean, I won't work in construction ever again, but I will become a best selling author within the next 20 years.

Most people don't take the time required to learn a new profession. If you're sincerely interested in another career, and you're 50 years old, there is plenty of people out there to give you hope and inspiration.

If you would like some proof, here's a couple successful American businessman who succeeded after the age of 40. Henry Ford is probably one of the most popular and became extremely successful after the age of 40. Andrew Carnegie, an American industrialists who transformed the steel business and did not start reaping the rewards of his efforts until he was well past the age of 40.

I gathered this information from the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. There is a section in the book where he talks about people after the age of 40 with phenomenal success. Anyone who's interested in gaining wealth through spirituality or finances should read this book.

I've often heard the statement, "People Often Over Estimate What They Can Do in a Year and Often Underestimate What They Can Do in a Decade." If you want to accomplish something after the age of 40, I would advise you to start with a plan and then put that plan and the action. Your plan could take five to 15 years to achieve or longer but think about the rewards, whether spiritual or financial.

Gregory Vanden Berge is working to promote personal development ideas and spiritual reform. He has started a web site for videos and articles based on current information about subject he is very familiar with.

"Education has freed me, to pursue other ideas and release me from the bondage and fear of organized religion."

Gregory Vanden Berge

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes

How the Universe Will Make You Rich

If you are an avid watcher or listener of motivational products like DVD, Podcasts or Life Coaching then you may have heard of The Law of Attraction. This is a concept that has been around since the beginning of the twentieth century and has been debated and discussed in many texts throughout the last 100 years.

Very basically, the concept is based around the following four steps;

1. Know what you want.

2. Ask the universe for it.

3. Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.

4. Be open to receiving it.

Should we be considering this concept or is it merely just another collection of new-age philosophy that is designed to encourage a wave of positive thinking? Let us discuss what the Law is, whether it is real and how we can use the concept to help our personal development.

It is easy to view the Law of Attraction as the easy route. Just think of what you want and it will happen for you. The obvious response is to think to yourself that there is nothing to worry about because success will just come to you. But this is not the concepts purpose, as you will have to actually do something for it to work. But you can activate it by amending your thinking to begin the process towards success and growth.

Have you ever thought about someone and the telephone rings and it is them? I think we have all had this at least once or twice. If this happened once to a friend or family member, we could think how amazing that is and it is a co-incidence. But to happen to many people has to make us stop and think. The philosophy is that what we think about will happen to us, whether it is good or bad. Therefore it is sensible to make our thoughts pure and totally focused on what we want to achieve. The Law of Attraction says that when we think about something the Universe will help make it happen. Noel Edmonds a popular U.K television presenter wrote down that he wanted a new T.V. show after having success in the 1990's with Noels House Party. He has said in many interviews that without the Universes help he would not be enjoying the success of Deal or No Deal or Noels Christmas Presents, which are his latest two successful shows.

Look at your current lifestyle critically. Lots of people have the goal of getting up, going to work, getting home as quickly as possible and then watching T.V. The universe makes this happen and they tend to achieve this quite well! But the law does not care what we want, it merely provides it blindly. So it is very important that you empower yourself to implementing some change and take control of your earning power and future. It does not necessarily need to be a business or even making money, but follow your goals with complete focus and the law will do the rest.

The law is based on what the power of positive thought can achieve. The fact you are here reading this article suggests you have an awareness of this and can relate to it, even if it at present observing others is the only tangible evidence. Everyone who has a rags to riches story is testament to the power of positive thought. In 1937 Napoleon Hill published his book Think and Grow Rich which became one of the best selling books of all time selling over 60 million copies. He discusses the importance of controlling your own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the energy that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts and therefore opportunities.Can youwork out what Hills great secret of the book holds? He said it is better if you work it out for yourself, and it is widely believe the Law of Attraction is the big secret he alludes to throughout the book.

Scientists are critical of the law because they cannot measure it. The word law implies a set of rules, so when the only way we can measure the success of the law is through occurrences which could easily be looked on as luck we are obviously open to criticism when believing in things like this. Another very obvious criticism is that if merely thought produced positive results then why poverty, famine and death in third world and other suffering countries?

Readers are encouraged to watch The Secret (2006 which focuses on the Law of Attraction. This can be found on amazon. This gained so much exposure that Oprah Winfrey dedicated two shows to the concept, and Larry King also had a lengthy discussion on the subject.

My personal take on the idea is that it enforces things I already hold close to me. Positive thinking never hurts, but to think negatively or not at all means you can never reach your potential. If you decline to learn how to ride a bike do not expect to be able to cycle. So do not be one of these people who sits back and shouts that life is not kind to them, stand up and force life to consider you as a potential success.

Whether or not you are helped by the Universe in reaching your goals, a lot of your assistance will come from within. The dogged determination to let nothing stand in your way will break as many barriers and obstacles as any law can. If the law does exist, then combining your own positive attitude with the universes help will make you unstoppable.

Malcolm Clarke is a self-help and personal success writer.

He maintains his success website that offers articles, podcasts and products.

Visit today.

DIY Bathroom Remodeling Or Hiring a Contractor

The first question you need to ask yourself when remodeling a bathroom is can you actually do the work yourself or do you have someone that can help you with the remodeling. If you don't know anyone and can't do the work yourself, I would suggest hiring a contractor with experience remodeling bathrooms.

If you can do the work yourself or think you could do the work yourself, why not give it a shot. Any experience you have in construction or home remodeling, is going to be beneficial to your bathroom remodeling project. There is plenty of information on the internet or in your local libraries on bathroom remodeling and these often prove to be great resources for do it yourselfers.

As an experienced contractor I have gathered a great deal of information through books, at work and watching local home improvement shows. The biggest problem with the show's and quite a few of these books, is they don't provide enough information. Most of the time they provide you with the basics of bathroom remodeling and you could soon find yourself in trouble or seeking the advice from a home improvement professional.

The largest benefit for doing the bathroom remodeling project yourself, could be the money you save, along with the satisfaction of completing the project. It makes homeowners feel good when they've completed a large home remodeling project, like a bathroom remodel.

If you don't have the time, lack the experience or a combination of both, I would suggest hiring a contractor to relieve you from the stress and frustration of your bath remodeling project. The more complex your bathroom remodeling project is, the greater the degree of difficulty, the longer it will take to complete the project. Some of these projects can take up a lot of your time.

If you're working on galvanized water supply pipes or old cast iron waste pipes, you could find yourself hiring a plumber to install your bathtub and fixtures. These old pipes create problems for most do it yourselfers and I would suggest hiring a professional, whenever you run into a problem you don't feel comfortable with.

Choosing to tackle some of these difficult problems yourself, could lead to water leaks and more damage to the home eventually costing you even more money than the original cost of hiring an experienced plumber in the first place. When it comes to water, structural framing and electricity, think twice, especially if you're not experienced in these areas.

My advice to do it yourselfers is to hire a professional if you're not comfortable or seek the advice from a contractor or someone with considerable experience bathroom remodeling.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more House Remodeling Pictures or home building ideas.

Greg Vanden Berge Quotes

Applying Programming to Life

I never knew I would be doing so much programming professionally. I grew up wanting to be an artist. Drawing was my thing; I drew a lot and loved doing it. I loved Disney cartoons and comic book superheroes. I didn't care about the great European painters. My parents would always say that artists didn't make any money and that I'd starve to death as an artist. I was way too young to care much about money so that didn't mean anything to me.

Life progressed and I basically fell into programming. I only learned how to code to make games--I also only drew because I wanted to make comic books and cartoons. I don't really do much programming outside of work these days and drawing has fell completely off the radar. I'm mostly engaged in politics, economics, money, and business now. But, I have been programming for a good many years professionally and on my own and there are a few incredible parallels to life that I've discovered.

You Don't Need to Know How

This is the single most important idea from programming that applies to life. You don't need to know how you'll get something done, you just need to believe you can do it. Very often when I am making a game, I have no idea how I am going to implement a feature. Either because I've never done it before or I've never heard of or seen anyone else do it. The latter is highly unlikely as I don't really do cutting edge stuff. The former is quite common. I consider this part of my job rather exciting--some people would have heart attacks. I'm not a veteran at making games and I never went to school for games or programming--my degree is in Marketing but, I can code.

In all the programming I've done, be it for a game or an application, there has been no feature that I've not been able to implement. It has very little to do with how good I am--I don't think I'm that good. Once you believe you can, your mind has this incredible power to find the means to get it done. I strongly believe that this is also true in life. Don't worry about how you'll reach a goal and absolutely don't think that you cannot. Just believe you can and as if by magic, you'll find a way to do it. There are a multitude of things in life that I've managed to accomplish without knowing how. I mean, I'm making games for a living. It had been a dream of mine to do that and like most dreams, it seemed far-off and almost impossible. I didn't know how I was going to do it and I didn't question it--after all, I was just a kid. I set the objective, believed it would come to be, and set forth towards it.

I know that this blind faith is ludicrous to some people. There isn't any other way for me to explain it. I know it works since I use it all the time. Of course, it doesn't mean things will all happen smoothly with no bumps along the way. To compare it to programming again, I'm often stuck for hours or days trying to figure out how to do something. It gets frustrating and almost impossible but, I keep at it trying different ways and thinking differently and then I find the answer. Always.

The problem lies more in the fact that we are more likely to give up on our own life objectives than on finding a solution at work. Think about it, I'm sure you have managed to solve a seemingly impossible problem at work by simply believing you can or because there was no other alternative; your boss wanted it done. We don't have a boss to make sure we reach our life objectives and so it is easy to put it on hold or just give up on it. So remember: you don't need to know how, you just need to know you can.

It Can't All Be Perfect

There are times when I spend way too much time trying to write super efficient code when the brute force method works just as good and takes much less time to write. Granted, computer programs today seem to be written more and more poorly. My web browsers--FireFox and Internet Explorer-- are always crashing! New applications run slower on newer computers than their old counterparts on older computers. There is a nice middle ground between writing super lightweight efficient code and slow resource-hogging code. The key is to know where the middle ground is.

I have no magical formula to find it. A lot of it has to do with experience and intuition. In life, we don't always need perfection but, at the same time, we can't always have everything half-assed. Just from being alive, we have learned what is and isn't important in our lives. For those things that we care about, we should try to be as perfect as we can. They are important and so they deserve the extra attention. Just as we only have so much computing power to use, there is only so much time in a day. Pick and choose what is important and focus on those or we'll never get anything done.

Think By Not Thinking

Every so often, there are bugs--defects in a program--that are impossibly stubborn. I'll look over the code as carefully as I can several times and everything looks fine. I test and debug to try and locate the source of the problem and I can't find it. These problems will drive you insane, especially when you finally solve it later and find out that it was something ridiculously silly. How do these problems usually get solved? I do it by not thinking about them. As illogical as that sounds, it is probably the best way to find the answer. You just forget about it, go do something else, and all of sudden the solution will come to you. I assume my subconscious mind goes to work on it once I stop consciously thinking about it. The subconscious has the incredible ability to see details we miss.

If it is one thing we have too much of in life, it's problems. Problems from A to Z and it never seems to end. Sometimes they are small and sometimes they are not so small. Some people take small problems and make them big problems. The size of the problem is in the eye of the beholder. I take all problems and make them small problems. That way, I don't worry about them. Often, I have a problem that I don't have a good solution for so I put it aside for a while. I don't spend every waking moment focused on it. I'm aware it is there and I let my subconscious take care of it. These are generally non-urgent problems but, even the urgent ones might be best solved by making them small problems and letting your subconscious find the answer--it can work pretty fast too.

So how do we make problems seem small? Actually, we are just putting them into perspective. I read this in Whatever You Think Think The Opposite, by Paul Arden, and in one part it describes a son telling his father that he had a problem so his father asks if someone was trying to kill him. He says "no" and his father says, "Then, you don't have a problem." That is how I look at it. If no one is trying to kill me and no one is going to die, the problem isn't that big of a deal. Don't spend all your energy trying to find a solution to all your problems, you'll just go crazy from over-worrying. Relax, give it to your subconscious, and you'll be fine.

To wrap it up: you don't need to know how, you just need to know you can do accomplish things, everything can't be perfect so we should choose the important things to focus on, and our subconscious can handle a lot of our problems better than we can. Who knew such universal ideas could be found in programming?

Tommy Leung

Is Money a Big Part of Organized Religion?

Where do you think most modern day religious organizations would be without money? Is money really a big part of modern day organized religion or is that something in the past. Why do certain scriptures require their believers to donate a portion of their earnings?

Does this money improve the lives of religious believers? I'm asking these questions because most people won't. Most people don't even no where the money they earn is going. If you donate money to a religious organization and they choose to hire someone to install stained glass windows throughout the sanctuary, is this really going to help the congregation. Is this a want or a need?

When does a religious group become too powerful for its own good. Do you think the Catholic religion, which at the time of me writing this article, is the largest organized religion in the world, by itself, is very powerful or driven by finances. This organization has seeked wealth and power for centuries, creating an establishment that has its hands in everything all over the world.

Is it fair to have religious leaders living a life of luxury, while some of their followers suffer and go without food or shelter. Should some of this money go towards the aid of others who choose not to believe in the religious culture of their patrons?

Why do some people give money to their religious organization, even though they can barely survive. Are these people driven to contribute money because someone makes them feel guilty? Some of these people give money and time, even at the expense of their own family. It's just not fair, when I see people who are barely scraping by but give faithfully to an organization that promises them a better life after they die.

Your rewards for living a good life on Earth will be received after you die and are allowed to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does anyone have any proof of this? If you choose to base your life entirely on faith instead of seeking knowledge and wisdom, or even questioning your religious doctrine, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Money plays a big part in organized religion and honestly does a lot of good throughout the world. Christianity has had a large impact on the United States of America but only time will tell if it was a good thing or not.

If you have extra money and desire to give it to a religious organization of your choice, feel free, but if you're giving 10% of the money you've earned and really can't afford to, I wish you would take the time to research what your church actually spends it's money on. If your church is building another church in Mexico but you don't have enough money for food, clothes or other necessities, I would suggest that you let other people donate their extra money instead.

It might not be mentioned anywhere in your religion, but I'm sure your God or the ultimate Almighty power of the universe you believe in, does not want anyone to suffer or go without, because your religious organization chooses to make you feel guilty if you do not contribute a certain amount of money, for whatever reasons they can possibly come up with.

If everyone that believes in this interpretation has the keys to the kingdom of heaven, wouldn't Jesus be suggesting a life kind of like Mother Teresa but without any money. She wouldn't be allowed to ask any wealthy people for money, let alone use it if she acquired it somehow.

Have you ever ask yourself is there any Hope in Religion .

Would it be safe to a sound that by asking for money from a wealthy person would mean I would not be going to happen. Does it say anything in the Bible about using money from a wealthy person for great earthly deeds and you get to go to heaven but he does not. If this is starting to sound a little confusing, welcome to my world. There are very few people that follow organized religion, that even ask these questions, let alone seek the answers and find the truth and keeping an open mind to future information that possibly could change the old answer that they accepted as a truth but now realize, the possibility that the old information could be wrong.

If you were a religious leader and could not answer some of the major questions that you yourself had, would you continue living a life of confusion or seek relentlessly to find the answers until you are satisfied. Knowing that if you were satisfied with the answers to your questions and now your religious beliefs have changed considerably, would you retire or quit working with the religious organization you were involved with.

This is one of the biggest obstacles for most people that seem to get comfortable in their religious environments. If the interpretations of a you Bible verses are incorrect and can be proven, either scientifically or through translation errors, does this mean that there are more verses in the Bible that could be incorrect or misleading.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Should The Bible Be Edited

Mindfulness Meditation - A Path To Happiness

Meditation has been found to have a positive influence on the body, mind, and spirit. Successful management of chronic pain, decrease in blood pressure, and reduction in stress hormones are a few of the physiological benefits of meditative practices. Meditation is also known to produce a variety of psychological benefits, including reduction of anxiety, enhanced sense of well-being, increased awareness of emotions, and a greater sense of self-actualization. Spiritual bliss and enlightenment are among the spiritual benefits of meditation.

Recently scientists have looked at the effect of mindfulness meditation (one type of awareness meditation) on the brain and neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the brains ability to develop and change - essentially rewire itself - in response to training and/or experience. Richard Davidson, PhD at the University of Wisconsin has conducted research that indicates that meditation increases neuronal firings in the left frontal cortex of the brain the same area associated with positive feelings and happiness. Studies involving very experienced meditators (Buddhist monks) have shown that these brain changes may be long lasting. In other words, mindfulness meditation may increase your level of happiness and the more you practice the happier you will be.

Rather than disregarding any distracting thoughts, those practicing mindfulness meditation simply observe their thoughts without judgment. The goal of this form of meditation is to increase awareness in the present moment. If you want to give this type of meditation a try, I suggest beginning with a mindful walking practice. This simply means that while you are walking, you keep your awareness on the experience of walking. Stay in the present moment and be aware of what your body feels like as you walk. Notice the sensations as you put one foot in front of the other. Notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Simply keep your awareness on your experience in the moment.

When other thoughts come into your mind (and they most definitely will come) simply observe them and let them go without judging them. This is a key to mindfulness - rather than getting caught up in these thoughts or berating yourself for having distracting thoughts, it is important to be an impartial observer of the thoughts flowing through your mind. Remember observe the thoughts and let them go.

As you gain experience with this type of meditation, you will gain the understanding that your true essence - your essential spirit - is not the contents of your mind, but rather the observer of the contents. This awareness will help you detach from intense emotions and allow them to flow freely and easily. When practiced on a regular basis, mindfulness becomes a way of life and a path toward greater happiness, peace, and joy.

Kirsten Harrell, Psy.D. is a psychologist, consultant, life coach, inspirational speaker, and entrepreneur. Dr. Harrell has combined her expertise in positive psychology, energy psychology, stress management, and mind-body therapies, to provide cutting edge services to individuals and businesses for over 15 years. In addition, she is a leading authority on the use of positive thinking to create health, happiness, and success. Dr. Harrell has taught graduate level courses at the University of Dayton and Wright State University. She is the President and co-founder of Popular Inspirations, Ltd. and co-creator of ipopins (the one minute affirmations).

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Finding Homes Using the Internet - Home Shopping

You can simply type the words real estate or homebuying into any search engine on the World Wide Web and you will come up with hundreds, maybe even thousands of websites that are extremely helpful and full of great information. Like the one you're on right now.

Finding homes with the internet, combined with a skilled real estate salesperson, provides you with the most effective technology available today. Most websites start out, having you select a state you would like to search in and then, select a city, with your price range.

By answering their questions, this narrows the search down to all of the homes available in the area. The internet has made home shopping very simple. Considering what you had to go through in the 1970s. You found a realtor or by looking in the yellow pages, sometimes you found a good realtor and if you are lucky, maybe you would find you a good home.

Most of the time, the first homes you would look at, were owned by the real estate professional you were working with.

There are however a couple of problems with using the internet to find your dream home. Some of the verbage used and photographs taken can create a wonderful illusion of a tropical paradise but the reality, it's a regular home in a decent neighborhood.

Some of these photos are taken by skilled photographers who take advantage of every angle and tend to give an illusion of grander. When you actually start driving around and looking at these homes, only then will you get a reality check, of what the home actually looks like. You'll get used to it.

After you've looked at a few of your future dream homes, you will get a better idea of what I'm talking about with these wonderful pictures and the extraordinary home descriptions like "Beautiful Three Bedroom House with an Ocean View." When reality it's a two-bedroom house with an extra closet for the third bedroom and the ocean is 45 miles away, but you can see it on a clear day if you actually climb to the top of the largest tree on the property.

Take your time when searching for your dream home and don't let any one push you into making a decision if you're not ready. If you find your real estate professional a little too aggressive or pushy, get out of your contract, if you've signed one and find another, more helpful real estate salesperson to help you with your home purchase.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Find other real estate tips and great advice, from another one of the Internet's best website creators.

Are Your Prayers Being Answered

The Drawback to Positive Thinking

There is a drawback to the general positive thinking syndrome promoted in the self help world. The effectiveness of simply forming and holding good thoughts does not work. This method may seem logical, but it is not practical, as you shall see. It may feel as if it is working for a short period of time, but only because you are, at first, operating off a contact high borne on the thinking that you can straighten out, or get things done by this highly suggested method. Your personal will power will only sustain itself but for so long. Sooner or later, the giant horde of negative prompters laden in the subconscious will overtake you and disintegrate your affirmations.

This popular method that is advocated by a myriad of books is generally misunderstood. Positive thinking, in and of itself, will not change you. It will hold at bay, or repress the negative parts of the acquired personality. Positive thinking shoves the negative into the subconscious mind and attempts to reconstruct conscious mind activity with positive thoughts.

Herein lies the drawback. The subconscious is many times more powerful than the conscious, or objective mind, and will reflect back to your world exactly what you think into it. But, if you are thinking certain positive thoughts as a process, and are not emotionally true to them, you're creating problems on down the road. This is because only ideas impressed on the subconscious with certain conviction will come about. Now, any negatives you are harboring, or holding at bay, are much stronger, more radioactive, and just waiting to rise to the top in a great many new areas. The negatives should be let go of, not suppressed, not forced below. Your true power source, or higher self, can more easily come into play when you let go.

Meditation is a most useful tool to utilize in the process of positive thinking. The quietude of meditation brings one into a closer proximity to your inner source of power. Meditation has the ability to regenerate your thinking process. This enables you to be more emotionally connected to a desire you wish to express in the form of a positive thought. Your attention to a thought, plus the emotional value you give to it is what determines the impression the thought form makes upon the subconscious mind.

Attention and feeling are more grounded in the meditative state, as opposed to being awash in the goings on of daily life. The only positive thought force of any real consequence dovetails down from the influence of a higher intelligent power within that formulates what it wants and gets it. So, sit still, be quiet, form an affinity toward the power source of your inner essence, and decree. The more you adjust to, and use this method, the higher the probability that your positive thought forms will come into play.

Harrison Ennis is considered to be a true renaissance man of the 21st century. A published author and freelance writer, as well as owning several design patents. A votary of shag dance. Serious researcher on the science of life for over a quarter century. A Kundalini adept. Lifelong involvement in physical culture; to include martial arts, yoga, traditional exercise, and various obscure modalities. Tracker of cutting edge health products and practices. Fitness / Wellness researcher and coach, esoteric educator, and life science counselor. Past general manager for one of the largest health and fitness club facilities in a major metropolitan area. Proffers his Yoga by Ennis - Yoga Life Science Regimen as a personal trainer for individuals and groups, and gives seminar sessions by request and special arrangement. His current products and services directory may be viewed at

Putting God on Trial

I was listening to something interesting the other day when someone mentioned putting God on trial for some of the atrocities in the world. If God is the creator of the universe and all that is, or all that ever will be, how can we put him on trial, he's our creator. We can't put our spiritual master on trial can we, he'll just escape anyway if we convict him, won't he. He's got to be smart enough to break out a prison.

As a child I often thought about God and why he would allow such suffering throughout the world. It never made sense to me when I was child and it still doesn't make sense to me today. Why would the creator, want us to suffer, with even the littlest of problems. Other religions have explained it as if God was teaching us a lesson and that's why we have hardships in our lives.

Do you think God ever went through these hardships? Did God have problems finding a job or gathering some food? Does God even eat? Okay now I'm getting off the topic here,(I wonder what God does eat)... if children do something wrong, most of the time their parents will discipline or correct them. If adults to things wrong, the government will discipline and reprimand them. Sometimes these punishments can be severe. It depends on the crimes committed.

If man has to be put on trial for committing crimes like murder, genocide, and general atrocities towards mankind, should God also be put on trial or is he above man because he's God. I can't imagine the creator of the universe ever being put on trial for man's crimes against humanity or other men, but it seems like someone who is all powerful and all knowing could help his children out of this little mess that we're in today.

Couldn't God help us like we help our children. We as parents might not have all the answers, but we do not claim to have them. We are not all powerful and all knowing, like we would assume God to be. When is God going to help us solve some of our major world problems, like genocide and starvation.

Putting God on trial might not solve all of our problems today but it would be nice to have some help with our problems. If he created us to please him, do we have to go on trial one day, for all the things we did or ignored while we were alive. Something to think about isn't it.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development. Check This Out What Happened to the Wise Men's Gifts

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Are Your Prayers Being Answered

3 Successful Goal Setting Strategies That Never Fail

Goal setting is an easy process; all you have to do is to write down what you want to achieve in a piece of paper and paste it somewhere you can see often. Although that this is an easy process, you will be amazed how many people are actually doing this. The lack of commitment to follow through is one of the common reasons people fail to achieve their goals.

Another big common reason is that most people never do what they suppose to do after they have set their goal. You should know that it is what you do after you have set your goal that will bring you to your success. If you are not doing anything after you have set your goals, nothing is going to happen.

Below are the 3 successful goal setting strategies that you must do them right after you have set your goals. If you follow through, you will guarantee to achieve your goals...

1. Affirm your goals every night and visualize about the achievement of your goals. You need to sink the idea into your subconscious mind and at the same time, motivate yourself to achieve it. By doing so, you are constantly motivating yourself into taking more action. Remember, it is the action that you take that will make your goal come true.

2. Take at least 3 actions that will bring you toward your goal everyday. For example, if your goal is to become a real-estate millionaire, the actions that you can take are like doing market research, looking for deals, read to improve, making calls to prospects and many more. Goal setting is not a magic wand; you will never achieve your goal if you are not doing anything.

3. Make a public commitment by telling everyone about your goal. If you do so, you will leave yourself no alternative but to achieve your goal. Some of your friends may laugh at you if you tell them that you are going to be a real-estate millionaire, but so what? Turn their negative force into positive motivation that propels you into taking action.

By following through these 3 successful goal setting strategies that never fail, I believe that you will definitely achieve your goal. Remember, success is about getting things done.

If you are serious in achieving what you really want in your life, goal setting is the right tool for you. I'm going to share with you the 3 phases of Goal Setting Activities, you are about to discover the real and guaranteed strategies how to achieve your goals

For more information about Goal Setting Activities, please visit:

Hiring a Contractor For Bathroom Remodeling - Remodeling Contractors

Well here's the age old question, how do we go about finding a decent bathroom remodeling contractor.

Here's some things you will be looking for in a contractor.

1. Is Your Contractor Fair and Honest?

2. Does Your Contractor Have Experience Remodeling and Designing Bathrooms?

3. Can You Actually Find a Contractor Who Will Complete the Job in a Timely Manner?

4. Do You Think the Workers Will Be Able to Clean the Job up Daily?

5. Will the Contractor Show up on Time?

6. Is the Contractor Going to Work At Least Eight Hours a Day?

7. Does the Contractor's Crew Have Experience?

8. Is Your Contractor and His Crew Courteous?

If you find a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project that has answered yes to all questions above, hire that person immediately. Most contractors can sincerely answer yes to half of the questions above. If you're looking for the ultimate bathroom remodeling contractor, you could be searching for quite a while, you're looking for some one that is competent and you feel comfortable with.

When hiring a contractor, look for someone who has your interest in mind first and not theirs. Find someone who is willing to help with the designed process of your bathroom and the remodeling. If you find a contractor to be arrogant or controlling, there is a good chance, your bathroom might not turn out the way you envision it.

When hiring a contractor for your bathroom remodeling project or any home improvement project, the most important thing to keep in mind is, whether or not you feel comfortable with this person or not. Never hire a contractor you're not comfortable with.

If a contractor is referred to you by someone you trust, this does not guarantee you will be happy with the bathroom remodel. Most referrals that I have gotten over the years are like rolling the dice, I believe I would have done just as good picking a name out of a hat.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Religion Articles

Applying Programming to Life

I never knew I would be doing so much programming professionally. I grew up wanting to be an artist. Drawing was my thing; I drew a lot and loved doing it. I loved Disney cartoons and comic book superheroes. I didn't care about the great European painters. My parents would always say that artists didn't make any money and that I'd starve to death as an artist. I was way too young to care much about money so that didn't mean anything to me.

Life progressed and I basically fell into programming. I only learned how to code to make games--I also only drew because I wanted to make comic books and cartoons. I don't really do much programming outside of work these days and drawing has fell completely off the radar. I'm mostly engaged in politics, economics, money, and business now. But, I have been programming for a good many years professionally and on my own and there are a few incredible parallels to life that I've discovered.

You Don't Need to Know How

This is the single most important idea from programming that applies to life. You don't need to know how you'll get something done, you just need to believe you can do it. Very often when I am making a game, I have no idea how I am going to implement a feature. Either because I've never done it before or I've never heard of or seen anyone else do it. The latter is highly unlikely as I don't really do cutting edge stuff. The former is quite common. I consider this part of my job rather exciting--some people would have heart attacks. I'm not a veteran at making games and I never went to school for games or programming--my degree is in Marketing but, I can code.

In all the programming I've done, be it for a game or an application, there has been no feature that I've not been able to implement. It has very little to do with how good I am--I don't think I'm that good. Once you believe you can, your mind has this incredible power to find the means to get it done. I strongly believe that this is also true in life. Don't worry about how you'll reach a goal and absolutely don't think that you cannot. Just believe you can and as if by magic, you'll find a way to do it. There are a multitude of things in life that I've managed to accomplish without knowing how. I mean, I'm making games for a living. It had been a dream of mine to do that and like most dreams, it seemed far-off and almost impossible. I didn't know how I was going to do it and I didn't question it--after all, I was just a kid. I set the objective, believed it would come to be, and set forth towards it.

I know that this blind faith is ludicrous to some people. There isn't any other way for me to explain it. I know it works since I use it all the time. Of course, it doesn't mean things will all happen smoothly with no bumps along the way. To compare it to programming again, I'm often stuck for hours or days trying to figure out how to do something. It gets frustrating and almost impossible but, I keep at it trying different ways and thinking differently and then I find the answer. Always.

The problem lies more in the fact that we are more likely to give up on our own life objectives than on finding a solution at work. Think about it, I'm sure you have managed to solve a seemingly impossible problem at work by simply believing you can or because there was no other alternative; your boss wanted it done. We don't have a boss to make sure we reach our life objectives and so it is easy to put it on hold or just give up on it. So remember: you don't need to know how, you just need to know you can.

It Can't All Be Perfect

There are times when I spend way too much time trying to write super efficient code when the brute force method works just as good and takes much less time to write. Granted, computer programs today seem to be written more and more poorly. My web browsers--FireFox and Internet Explorer-- are always crashing! New applications run slower on newer computers than their old counterparts on older computers. There is a nice middle ground between writing super lightweight efficient code and slow resource-hogging code. The key is to know where the middle ground is.

I have no magical formula to find it. A lot of it has to do with experience and intuition. In life, we don't always need perfection but, at the same time, we can't always have everything half-assed. Just from being alive, we have learned what is and isn't important in our lives. For those things that we care about, we should try to be as perfect as we can. They are important and so they deserve the extra attention. Just as we only have so much computing power to use, there is only so much time in a day. Pick and choose what is important and focus on those or we'll never get anything done.

Think By Not Thinking

Every so often, there are bugs--defects in a program--that are impossibly stubborn. I'll look over the code as carefully as I can several times and everything looks fine. I test and debug to try and locate the source of the problem and I can't find it. These problems will drive you insane, especially when you finally solve it later and find out that it was something ridiculously silly. How do these problems usually get solved? I do it by not thinking about them. As illogical as that sounds, it is probably the best way to find the answer. You just forget about it, go do something else, and all of sudden the solution will come to you. I assume my subconscious mind goes to work on it once I stop consciously thinking about it. The subconscious has the incredible ability to see details we miss.

If it is one thing we have too much of in life, it's problems. Problems from A to Z and it never seems to end. Sometimes they are small and sometimes they are not so small. Some people take small problems and make them big problems. The size of the problem is in the eye of the beholder. I take all problems and make them small problems. That way, I don't worry about them. Often, I have a problem that I don't have a good solution for so I put it aside for a while. I don't spend every waking moment focused on it. I'm aware it is there and I let my subconscious take care of it. These are generally non-urgent problems but, even the urgent ones might be best solved by making them small problems and letting your subconscious find the answer--it can work pretty fast too.

So how do we make problems seem small? Actually, we are just putting them into perspective. I read this in Whatever You Think Think The Opposite, by Paul Arden, and in one part it describes a son telling his father that he had a problem so his father asks if someone was trying to kill him. He says "no" and his father says, "Then, you don't have a problem." That is how I look at it. If no one is trying to kill me and no one is going to die, the problem isn't that big of a deal. Don't spend all your energy trying to find a solution to all your problems, you'll just go crazy from over-worrying. Relax, give it to your subconscious, and you'll be fine.

To wrap it up: you don't need to know how, you just need to know you can do accomplish things, everything can't be perfect so we should choose the important things to focus on, and our subconscious can handle a lot of our problems better than we can. Who knew such universal ideas could be found in programming?

Tommy Leung

Slow Market Home Pricing Advice

Homes are going to be sold in good markets and bad. When times are good, people often forget that bad times will be coming eventually. During good times, people often get caught up in the hype of the real estate boom. During tough times, houses will be sold eventually, or taken off the market and sold later. If you need to sell the home as soon as possible, for financial or other reasons, you will have to adjust your price with the current market and don't get greedy.

This is the hardest thing for most people to do, lower the price of their home in order to sell it in a slow real estate market. Don't get caught up in the value of your home, six months or even a year ago. Last year's prices are not going to be this year's prices and you need to get that through your thick skull. If the average homes in your neighborhood are selling for $250,000 and you have a swimming pool or done some upgrades, maybe a room addition. Your home is going to be worth more than the average selling price.

Most real estate professionals will price your home according to the length of time you have to sell it. If you're in a hurry to sell, they don't have time to test the market. The price of your home would need to be competitive or lower than homes selling in the area. Whether homes are selling fast in a good market for selling slow in a bad market, if you have time, you can ask a little bit more for your home. If the market hasn't reached the bottom, waiting could actually hurt you, because the prices of the homes in the area would still be dropping.

Listen to your real estate professionals advice when pricing your home. That's what you're hiring them for, they are in the real estate business. Your neighbors, relatives, friends and people you work with, will probably be guessing if you asked for their opinion on pricing your house.

Your house is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Finding that person is the key to selling your home, finding that person as soon as possible could give you the illusion that you sold your home to cheap. Don't worry about it, your final objective is to sell the house.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If you really think your home is safe, check out these pictures about home water damage.

Using Words In The Bible Effecti

Friday, August 28, 2009

Perceptions of Self - How You See and Treat Yourself is Expressed in Your Reality - Part 1

Many individuals do not recognise that their self-esteem or self-worth needs improving. As long as they have the personal good looks, status and material needs they think that is all that they need for success and no one else is the wiser to what is going on in their inner world! It goes deeper than an outer faade. Self-esteem and self-image is an outer reflection on their inner level of self-love and self-worth. Their level of worth is expressed in their quality of life, within their experiences and what is happening in their reality.

Human self-esteem problems, issues and challenges can be broken down into four primary categories:

1. Recognise and address your issue
2. Acknowledge and respect yourself
3. Stand your ground with assertion and empowerment
4. Release disempowering events, things and people

Let's take a look at each individual category:

1. Recognise and address your issue. The most important factor for you to be able to raise your self-esteem is for you to uncover the issue that is giving you a low self-worth in the first place. Nobody and nothing outside of you can do it for you. Dressing well and living in a nice environment only addresses a perception of your worth on the outside - it is a faade, if you have imbalances within you, or conflicts with those you live and work with, you are just covering up an unfinished business. Even if you are successful at your work, your life's experiences, your health and the quality of your relationships will tell you how much self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance you have. Once you realise that you have a low self-worth you must be ready and willing to do something about it.

2. Acknowledge and respect yourself. You need to be aware that you attract to you what you are within. You need to acknowledge yourself, accept yourself, love yourself, honour all of your experiences and choices without regrets and to have compassion for yourself etc. Eg. If you do not respect yourself, you will attract others to you who will treat you in a very disrespectful manner. You were born with 100% worth and that is up to you to claim your worth. A lower self-esteem or worth is due to allowing others to belittle you, to influence you into thinking that you are not 'good enough' or you do not deserve to be, do or have something. You have taken on their old truths as your own. You now believe that you are unworthy, it is an old truth and that is how people will treat you. If you feel that you don't deserve, or are unworthy or you do not love yourself in anyway - it is a truth that you have formed, your masquerade story, which is now your lie. It is only your perception on how you see yourself and therefore how you treat yourself either with belittlement emotionally or physically. How you see and treat yourself is reflected back to you as 'like attracts like' scenario in your health, relationships and abundance aspects.

3. Stand your ground with assertion and empowerment. Once you make a conscious choice to raise your self-esteem and self-worth - be alert to sabotage or you will retreat from exploring this empowering journey fully. The level of your self-worth also relates to the level of your assertion and empowerment. Once you begin to practice self-worth strategies you will soon develop more assertion and empowerment qualities. You will not be so timid in standing your ground towards others manipulations. Once you begin to stand your ground, your family, friends and workmates may dislike it as your personality-identity changes. The sabotage is: when you have a low self-worth, people usually walk all over you and when you hold high regard for yourself and honour yourself and stand in your power, you will not allow them to wipe their feet on your worthy doormat. This can create a conflict in your relationships and you are in danger of retreating if you are not prepared to get out of your comfort zone and 'stand alone'. Change may cause a conflict in the beginning, but if there is unconditional love present with that relationship they will come around to support you, otherwise they will leave your life, because they cannot get what they want from you. If you give up on continuing to raising your level of worth due to family or social challenges, you can retreat back into appeasement, obligation and compromise. If you are not prepared to release anything and anyone who is feeding off you or stealing your energy in order to support their self-absorbed needs you may stop trying to improve your perception of self. That means, if anyone who cannot support you and allow you to choose your own journey, those who do not respect you for who you are and who you can become or those who try to control you through their agendas to get what they want - let them go, they don't serve you in an empowering way. That is conditional love.

4. Release disempowering events, things and people. The greatest gift anyone can give to you whilst you are choosing to raise your self-worth and your consciousness is their love and support - with compassion but without judgement and agendas - no matter what you choose to do, even if it seems a silly or wrong choice for them. Whatever path you choose to walk down is appropriate for you, for that is what you need to experience to develop your growth and awareness.

True compassion is not just about sadness and pity - it is allowing you to choose your journey without others trying to control you, without others trying to change you or to enforce their righteous ways upon you. Having an agenda or expectation of trying to enforce and change you or what they think you should be, do or have, places limitations and controls onto you. They will disempower you if you allow others to control you, which will result in you retreating into submission or resisting and rebelling with conflicting drama games. Any self-absorbed limitation combined with conditional love suffocates relationships - causing conflict and breakdowns within relationships, as well as your health and abundance levels. This also means that you need true compassion for yourself for all the choices and experiences that you have had. To be able to raise your self-esteem is to release anything or anyone who does not serve your growth.

As you let go of things or people who do not serve you, you may feel that you are left stranded or alone with only a few to support you. As you stand in your power, you will attract other people into your life who will respect you for who you are, you will attract new relationships based on unconditional love into your life and you will attract more abundant opportunities.

Pamela's new revolutionary Self-Help Personal Development Review is a unique and complete report that reveals new insights, perceptions, direction and empowerment for personal or business problems, issues and challenges. It reveals new ways to address and solve problems, to expand the understanding of self-love and self-worth, the attraction of new relationships, the manifestations of abundance of all kinds, empowerment and self-awareness concepts. It provides new refreshing 'out of the mind' information that gives greater awareness, clarity, wisdom, acceptance and understanding to inspire and expand consciousness. Please visit to discover new 'out of the box' insights about Self-Help Personal Developments Reviews.

Nailing Or Screwing Drywall

Nails versus screws who will become the winner. When drywall first came out the installers used everything from regular steel nails to galvanized roofing nails. After a short amount of time they started to develop major problems from nails popping out of the finished drywall.

Nail popping results when the nail is driven into moist lumber and as the lumber shrinks the house settles and nail can actually pop out to the walls. Hard to imagine the nail could actually pop out of the drywall as the wood was drying out.

How far the nail would actually pop out was determined by how far it was driven in to the framing studs or ceiling joists. Well pretty soon drywall installers started to use ring shank nails to eliminate this problem. This worked great but these nails were hard to drive in and would often break.

As time went on the nails improved and were made out of galvanized metal with cupped shaped heads and came in a few different sizes. The size of the nail used was determined by the thickness of the drywall. These new nails worked great and had good holding power and eliminated a lot of nail popping.

Using nails means driving them in with a hammer. If you miss the nail you damage the drywall. This seemed to be a big problem and was virtually eliminated with the screws.

Well pretty soon people started using screws which had greater holding power and pretty much nail popping. Another advantage to using screws over nails is the simple fact you need less screws than you do nails to attach the drywall to the metal or wood framing.

This means less labor installing and finishing the drywall.

There is one problem with the screws and that is they have to be set perfectly. They can not break the paper surface on the drywall but have to be set enough into the drywall so that it can be finished properly. Most screw guns have an adjustable setting used to get just the right depth for the screws installed in the drywall. But this also was a problem when screwing into a hard piece of wood you can actually snapped the screw head off, strip the screw head or break the screw.

Nails on the other hand can bend while driving them into a hard surface.

Who wins the nails versus screws while installing drywall? I have got to give it to the screws. That doesn't mean the nails just got screwed or the screws just got nailed.

I couldn't resist. I actually preferred the screws over the nails except for when nailing the drywall corner bead on. Some drywall professionals use nails to hang the drywall and go back with a screw gun and some screws to finish the job. The nails sometimes seem handier than the screws when installing the drywall.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Carlsbad Home Improvement

Was Jesus A Good Example

Working With Good Communication

Have you ever heard the phrase "we just can't communicate?" We just don't get along anymore and we never did anyway or what about, she just doesn't understand me. Most people identify communication with the ability to read or write well. This might not be the case as you will soon find out.

How many times have you been to the doctor's office and listen to an educated professional explain something to you that just doesn't make any sense. These people keep asking you, "Do you understand," Am I making myself clear and sometimes out of embarrassment because you don't want to look like an idiot you tell them yes I do understand. This isn't a good way to communicate either.

How do we communicate in a positive way to get our point across? I'm going to share a secret that works time and time again and some very successful communicators use this often. Ask the person you are communicating with if they understand what you just said, if someone is talking to you then use the statement, "Just to Make Sure That I Understand What You Just Said" and then repeat back your understanding of their conversation.

Sometimes just asking a view simple questions and clarifying your understanding can bring great benefits to any communication.

In some countries like Japan for instance you might find them reading your body language more than the words you are communicating with. Sometimes just by the way someone stands or reacts to something you said can give you a valuable insight to what can be understood in the conversation.

Don't forget however this could lead to a misunderstanding also. Again if you think someone understands how you are communicating with their body language, try not to assume that you know for a fact how they are reacting. Always ask them if they understand what you're talking about.

A person is responsible for what he says and to make sure that the other person understands completely the point he is trying to get across. I don't know how many times I have mentioned something to someone only later to find out there was a problem with my communication.

One of the greatest problems in business, marriage and most relationships are poor communication skills. Why not start using some of the simple skills used in this article to help with communication. You will start to see the benefits within a short period.

How do we do it? Why do we do it? And when are we going to change? How do we change our lives to become fulfilling sources of extreme happiness and joy. What is it going to take to open your eyes and finally seek the information you need.

If you're looking for a secret to happiness or a missing piece to the puzzle you quite possibly could find what you're looking for but no guarantees at spiritual books.

Check out Greg Vanden Berge.

Developing Wealth Building Habits

If you want to be successful, you need mentors or in other words find people that have succeeded. These people can include the ultra rich like Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but don't forget about the people around you that have created good wealth building habits.

Some of the people have great advice and will need to be listened to very intently, while others need to be put on a list and never spoken to again. If you're going to be developing wealth building habits, you're going to need some advice from wealthy people. Let me make myself clear, when I'm talking about developing wealth building habits, I'm not talking about spiritual, knowledge, Biblical or religious wealth. I'm talking about making money, as much money as you desire or feel you need.

Wealth building habits start with you. Ask yourself this question "how bad do I want or desire wealth?" Really, really, really bad or are you the kind of person that would like to be rich, but that's as far as it goes. Developing any of these habits does not include sleeping in until 11 o'clock in the morning and then complaining the rest of the day about your finances.

Bill Gates used to work 16 hours a day. How many days a week did he do that? These are the questions you're going to find the answers to. If you're interested in making $50 million, you need to find someone who can teach you, how to make $50 million.

It won't be necessary to contact Warren Buffett but I would advise you to gather as much information about him as possible. Wealth building habits start with learning about wealthy people. If they get up at four o'clock in the morning and read the newspaper until six o'clock, then exercise for 30 minutes and start working at seven o'clock, you need to start doing this also. Developing good wealth building habits over time are what most successful businessman and women have been doing for years. Study their habits and start changing yours.

If you do something every day, it will usually become a habit within 30 days.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Another Crappy Rule In The Bible