Friday, October 2, 2009

Rethinking Today's Religions - Misleading Our Children

When I was a young man, my parents told me about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Every Christmas, there would be presents underneath the tree from Santa Claus and on Easter I would get a basket full of candy and eggs. However, when I was 11 years old, my parents broke the devastating news to me, there was no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny.

As you can imagine, I cried for hours over the frustration and disappointment. For one, I thought that I wasn't going to get any more Christmas gifts, but my parents provided me with the needed psychological relief and told me that they were going to provide Christmas gifts for me, until I died. Even though I was upset, I was relieved and confused.

If my parents lied about this, could they have possibly lied about something else, anything else. Have you ever thought about this and is there a situation in your life today that could be an old habit that never got corrected. Some theme that your parents told you when you were a child that was a lie and they never told you the truth. Maybe they never told you the truth because they don't even know themselves that it's a lie.

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were obviously disappointments to me and most people that I've talked to about their experiences, with their parents and even their children. Why do we do this as parents to our children, even though we didn't like it when it was done to us. Hard to explain why we can't break certain habits and certain traditions.

I love Christmas and the joy of giving. Even though I am no longer a Christian, I enjoy going over to my relatives homes and spending Christmas or Christmas Eve with them. Now for the bad news, if you were raised to believe in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or any other large religious organization. Let me ask you this, do you think that it could be like Santa Claus, do you think the religion you believe in so strongly could be a story that has gotten out of control over the centuries.

I've spent a life time rethinking today's religions and can't find very many facts to prove any one religion is superior over another. Do your own research and find your own answers. Enlightenment could be as simple as gathering the right information.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Does Anyone Have a Direct Line to God?

I have heard Catholics tell me that the pope has a direct line to God. I don't really know if that's true, but if he does, or anyone else does, I would like to ask them to do me a favor.

I would like them to ask God a few questions, these questions aren't going to be difficult, and we could even make them in yes or no formats, but these answers need to be asked and only God can provide us with the answers.

The first question that I would like to ask God, would be about starvation, why are there so many starving people all over the world? Are we or are we not supposed to be fruitful and multiply? Is overpopulation creating more problems in the world today, than it might have 2000 years ago?

These questions above, could be a little difficult to answer, but they shouldn't be too difficult for someone like God. I believe that God can handle a few tough questions and if the Pope or anyone else has direct communication with God, I would like to suggest something to them, quit wasting your time on frivolous things and start asking God the serious questions, that every one is really interested in.

It doesn't make a lot of sense, to pray and worship to somebody who realistically won't answer or deliver the things that we are requiring. I realize that most religious people are told, that God only answers some prayers or that God isn't ready to answer your prayers yet.

Anyway, if gods not going to answer all of our prayers, couldn't he at least answer some of our questions.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended authors, Don Miguel Ruiz

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Thanks For Reading Our Articles

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jesus' Missing Years in the Bible

It looks like there is a big problem in the Gospels. There are more years in Jesus' life that are missing than years of his life that were ever recorded. Why weren't these years listed in the Bible?

All the Gospels talked about the death of Jesus, the birth of Jesus and a few years in between, but all of the Gospels are missing some very important years from his life. When raising a child, some of the most important years of their lives, will be those when they were teenagers and often those of their young adulthood.

The Gospels talk about Jesus at the temple at around the age of 12 or 13. After that, there is very little known until he reaches the final years of his life. Was there someone or a group of people or even a community who influenced his life? Could Jesus have learned something from a spiritual master Guru that changed the world forever?

There is more speculation on Jesus' missing years than you could ever imagine. Some say that Jesus went to Egypt to study with their masters or priests. Egypt obviously wasn't that far from where Jesus was raised, but like most of the stuff in the Bible, there is very little evidence to support any of these speculative stories.

Could Jesus have went to India and studied with the Buddhist masters or even a Hindu scholars? Did Jesus study with advanced Jewish scholars? This is only a little bit of the historical speculation, but if the truth was ever to be known, it could help Christianity solve a lot of problems.

Most Christians rarely even question these missing years. There are quite a few Christians that don't even know that there are any missing years in Jesus' life. I wrote this article to get people thinking and hopefully to start educating themselves about early Christianity. Good luck and God bless.

Great Christian Books And Articles

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:
Religious Education And Fear

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Chakra Meditation - Help For Chakra Visualizations

Chakra meditation can help you remove stress and anxiety while replacing them with positive energy. There are seven Chakras that can be opened while you meditate. These are useful elements in yoga, new age and Buddhist spirituality exercises.

What are Chakras?

Chakra meditation requires you to use chakras in order to meditate to your fullest potential. There are seven of these elements to consider as you develop a new way to relax and open your mind to your spirituality. Each of these elements has organs, emotions and colors that can be used for your visualization techniques.

Crown and Root

The crown is linked to the nervous system and the brain. This realm is important in connecting to your higher self. Your visualization color in this area is purple and the energy is targeted towards the top of the head. When you open the crown, you relieve yourself of isolated feelings and headaches.

The root connects your energy to stability and self-sufficiency. This charka needs to be in balance with your crown because it provides a link from the self to the material world.

The visualization color of the root is red and the visualization in your body involves the adrenal glands, spine and circulatory system. When you open the root, you relieve bodily aches and tiredness.

Solar Plexus and Umbilical

The solar plexus relates to your confidence and esteem. Chakra meditation in this realm visualizes the color yellow and it affects the liver, stomach, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder and diaphragm. When you open the solar plexus you improve confidence, make better decisions and abdominal conditions.

The umbilical connects to sexuality. The visualization color is orange and this realm is located at the belly button. This chakras involves hormonal and emotional balance. When you open this realm you address hormonal imbalances and extreme shifts of emotion.

Throat and Heart

Chakra meditation includes the throat image that involves self-expression and individual growth. When this realm is closed, so are you. You can overcome shyness by opening the throat in your visualization. The color of this element is sky blue and it involves the neck, thyroid and throat area of the body.

The heart is love with no conditions. The visualization color is green and it is located in the middle of the chest. Emotional elements include trust, empathy and tolerance. Closing the heart can cause problems in the heart, lungs and the upper part of the back.

Third Eye

The third eye in charka meditation involves your intuitive nature and creativity. Opening the third eye can enhance your ability to foresee events and it helps you take other perspectives. The visualization color is indigo and the third eye is positioned on your forehead. Closing the third eye can lead to infection and allergic reactions.

Opening your various elements takes considerable concentration and meditative fortitude. Chakra meditation can open the world to you if you open your elements to your self.

J. Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. 'Chakra Meditation' is an excellent recording by Duncan McColl, based on his decades of experience in powerful and classical clinical therapy. To find out more, visit Chakra Meditation. A range of other self hypnosis products can be found here - Meditation Self Help. All of the recordings on Self Help Recordings are backed by an impressive sixty day guarantee, so to find out more simply click on the links.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Customer's Review of Jonathan Manske's Book, the Law of Attraction Made Simple

I have been studying the law of attraction for quite some time now and find the concept absolutely extraordinary. There is no denying the forces of this law when you look at instances in your life or things you have acquired. I have many examples in my own life of the law of attraction in action and every time I reflect upon those things I realize the power of the infinite as well as the power of myself.

While I have manifested many wants and desires in my life there are still things that have fallen short. Therefore, I am always seeking out new resources to better my skill of attraction and to help others who want to master the creation process of their own life as well.

Not to long ago I came across a video interview of Jonathan Manske in which he spoke of his book The Law of Attraction Made Simple. I was intrigued and for the nominal price of $27 I felt it could be a good resource for me.

After spending only a day and half reading it from cover to cover I concluded that it was one of the best books I had read when it came to utilizing applicable strategies to create your desires. The law of attraction is powerful, but unfortunately most of us just go through life blindly attracting things, wanted and unwanted.

Jonathan gives you a step by step process to truly master your creation and clear out any blockages you may have. I found this part to be exceptionally useful and I use the techniques taught in the book on a daily basis. Jonathan gives you, what I call, a blueprint to the law of attraction with real strategic exercises to perform through out your day.

Thank you, Jonathan, for writing such an educational tool for the betterment of society.

You can order your copy of Jonathan Manske's book at

I am no way associated with the income of this book. I simply am a happy customer

Stacy McIntosh is a leader in the network marketing industry and shows others in her organization how to powerfully utilize the law of attraction in their own life and business. Stacy can be contacted through her websites or

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Jerky Gun - Do You Need One?

A jerky gun is a great easy to use tool that simplifies creating beef jerky. Using one of these tools can save you time and hassle. They eliminate lot of clean up because when you're done you just simply drop the gun in the water to soak. While beef jerky can be made by hand we want to show you why it will save time. I mean it's simple enough to roll out your own meat dehydrate it on trays and serve right? This begs the question, do you need a beef jerky gun?

Most people are scared of using tools like this. However, keep in mind how simple using something like this really is. First, you mix up your meat mixture into a large bowl and add herbs, spices and anything else. Most jerky kits come with a ready to use mixture so it makes making the actual jerky much easier. Then you load the mixture into the jerky gun and then pull the trigger and it instantly pumps out the jerky into the desired strip length.

After you've made the jerky then you just put it into the food dehydrator to be dehydrated. After the jerky becomes tender and dehydrated you can then pull it from the dehydrator and lay it on a cooling tray, wax paper or baking sheet. Clean up the jerky gun and store away. Now you have fresh home made jerky that you can snack on. At this point you can add pepper or any other type of additional spice to it and go from there. The nice neat strips the jerky will come out in make it easy to serve to guests, family or friends.

In closing I don't think a jerky gun is a priority but it can be a good addition to your kitchen. Since they are so easy to use my question for you is "why not own one?" You are not just limited to beef either you can make lamb, turkey, pork and any other type of jerky meat you can think of. So, this may be the one thing your kitchen has been missing.

Michael S Brown is designed to help people find the perfect food dehydrator for their homes. Jerky Guns can be found and are reviewed here.

Have Fun With Your Grandchildren Without Breaking Your Back

In previous decades, the bond between grandparents and grandkids was strong. It was not surprising to see little kids flock around their grampas or grammas and listen to interesting stories about the war or about fairies, heroes, legends and almost everything under the sun. But along with the popularity of the television, Internet and video consoles, the generation gap between grandparents and grandkids had started to become wider.

However, despite the seeming impossibility of bridging the generation divide between kids and their grandparents, there are actually a lot of things you can do about it. The first thing grand dads and moms need to do is to be more aware of the latest technological advancements enjoyed by the youth of today. Knowledge about what children are interested nowadays would help seniors break the ice with the little ones.

Creative ideas and fun activities are always the best when grampas or grammas want to lure the kids into spending fun moments with them. In order to achieve this, however, seniors need to maintain their imagination and continue to become physically active.

If you want to be a cool grandparent and would want your grandkids to have fantastic time with you every time you are together, you might want to consider the following activities:

Collect Things Together

Since it may be difficult to play hoops with your very active grandkids, you can share their love for sports by being a treasure throve of information or trivia about their favorite sport or athletes. Watching a live baseball game with them or attending their school games would really help you score big points with your grandkids.

If your little ones are interested more on trivia and not in playing games, you can probably bond with them by collecting basketball caps, jersey, and trading cards, among other things. By bringing them to book signing sessions and to libraries or museums that cater to their interests, you would be building a stronger bond with them without breaking your back or dislocating your shoulders.

Have A Hobby Or Craft

Woodworks, insect and rock collecting, science experiments are some of the hobbies and crafts that you may want to have with your male grandchildren. For the little girls, you can probably teach them to sew, create a scrapbook of your family, or make fancy jewelries and other girly stuff. Photography, painting, pottery and bird watching are also hobbies that would interest your grand kids, both boys and girls alike.

Try To Play With Them

Do not ever think that playing puzzles, toy cars, role playing and assembling Legos are juvenile activities that you would not enjoy with the kids. If you really want to have an idea on what interests your grandchildren, as well as on how to guide them in making the right choices, you need to get involved with them without getting too smothering.

Venture Outdoors

Going for a hike, playing in the park, visiting zoos, taking picnics and having nature trips are outdoor activities that you and your grandchildren will definitely enjoy. Planting trees and tending to your garden are some other activities you could share with the little ones outdoors.

Since kids nowadays are always cooped indoors with their video consoles, DVD, television and computer, inviting them to bask under the sun during spring and summer can really be good for their health too. However, before you take them to such activities, you have to make sure that you are physically fit and strong enough to be responsible for their safety while they are with you.

Arthritis and joint pains should not hinder you from having fun with your adorable grandkids. There are many natural supplements, including Flexcerin, that are safer and effective not only in easing pain but also in improving the health of your joints.

To know more about Flexcerin, simply go to

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chiropractic and Your Immune Function

Chiropractic recognises the inherent ability of the human body to regulate its internal mechanisms and adjust to the many physical, chemical and emotional stresses that confront us in everyday life. The body's stress response is designed to accommodate temporary circumstances that require a 'fight or flight' reaction. A good example is to imagine you're being chased by a wild animal. In this situation the body has to prioritise the functions that are needed most.

Blood pressure and heart rate become elevated to enable quick muscle response. Non-essential functions such as digestion and the immune system, both of which can be quite taxing of the body's energy reserves, are given less priority. These rapid changes result from the release of large amounts of hormones, known as catecholamines (eg. adrenalin) and cortisol (stress hormones). This response is extremely effective when needed for the short periods of stress that were typical of our earlier primitive lifestyles. Unfortunately the demands of modern life mean that our bodies try and cope with excessive stress levels on an almost constant basis.

Depression, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, obesity, cancer, metabolic disorders - especially Type 2 diabetes - and sex hormone imbalances are endemic within Western society. Chiropractic recognises these individual medical complaints as normal physiological responses to unhealthy lifestyles. These symptoms are all profoundly influenced by the presence of increased levels of cortisol and associated stress hormones.

Thus a well functioning immune system is dependent on these hormone levels being kept in balance. In current society, stress is experienced in many ways. Sedentary lifestyle (physical) and poor nutrition (chemical) and emotional anxiety and strain are all examples that can affect us. Whilst some degree of stress is a normal part of life, excessive stress experienced on a daily basis, is undeniably detrimental to overall health. Every effort should be made to reduce stress levels and counteract their negative long-term effects.

Technological advancements have significantly reduced the daily physical activity that was a feature of previous generations. This means that certain health initiatives such as regular exercise, stretching, sufficient rest, good nutrition and ample hydration have become even more important in reducing stress hormone levels as well as their obvious physical and mental benefits.

Another essential aspect of this healthy lifestyle is Chiropractic. It is just as important as eating the right foods and getting enough water. Chiropractic enables people to reach their full potential by allowing their nervous system to function without interference from spinal restrictions called subluxations.

These subluxations have far more reaching effects on the whole body than just causing pain. That's why pain is such a poor indication of health and why it is good to receive regular Chiropractic care, to check and remove spinal subluxations before they become a health issue. Prevention is always better than a cure. Ever increasing scientific research is supporting the link between chiropractic care and improved overall health and not just pain removal. Emerging results from groundbreaking research being conducted in Sydney has confirmed a significant improvement to immune response following chiropractic treatment.

Blood tests taken before and after chiropractic adjustments showed an increase in IgA levels (immune system function) with a corresponding decrease in cortisol levels. These results suggest that chiropractic may be of assistance in helping your body adapt to stress. This is why it is such an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

Children are amazingly perceptive at picking up on any stress in their parents' lives. Even as babies they are remarkably in tune with our feelings, and the effects of a mother's stress (as well as positive emotions) can even be seen in an unborn child! This, of course, is bad news for most parents, since we are all too often overworking ourselves and feeling the effects of stress.

In order to look after our children we need to look after ourselves. We've all heard it before but it really is important to ensure that we get a good diet, regular exercise and plenty of rest - at least most of the time. And of course, the occasional pampering treatment - so go on, spoil yourselves! After all, you're doing it for the kids!

Did you Know?

Stress in childhood creates an increased vulnerability to stress in later life. Love and positive attention helps to strengthen a child's immune system. Daily routines help to create a stable environment and increase a child's feelings of security, thereby lessening the effects of stress. Numerous studies have shown that breastfeeding helps to improve a child's immune system.

Dr Neil Davies D.C, is the author of Chiropractic Pediatrics A Clinical Handbook (Churchill Livingstone 2000) and developer of the NeuroImpulse Protocol and Adjusting the Child seminar programmes for chiropractors. His passion for improving the clinical skills of chiropractors is well known in international circles and he will be commencing new courses in USA in 2008.


The Garlic Press - Food Ruining Tool Or Handy Kitchen Gadget?

To press or not to press, that is the question! Garlic is undoubtedly high on the list of seasonings for many chefs and food lovers. It is found in foods worldwide, from main courses to side dishes. Honey garlic ribs, garlic mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and the list goes on. Have I whetted your appetite?

But what is the best method for you to prepare this pungent herb? This question has been a hot topic among food preparers for years. Some feel that the garlic press is a wonderful kitchen tool that everyone should own. Others are sure that it ruins the properties of garlic entirely. This isn't a clear cut issue, being a matter of taste (literally).

There are two common methods of adding fresh garlic to your cooking. First,you could peel and dice the cloves by hand, using a knife and cutting board. The other method would be to use a garlic press, and extrude the garlic directly into the dish you are preparing.
There's no denying that a good garlic press can save time and mess. Most of the presses don't even require you to remove the peel or touch the peeled garlic directly, keeping the smell of garlic off your hands. It is easy to use the pressed garlic in foods since the garlic comes out almost as a paste and stirs into, or is spread on, your creation easily.

A good garlic press will have lots of room in the hopper and be fairly easy to squeeze. Some of the cheaper models take a lot of strength to press, and this is difficult for anyone with small hands. A high quality garlic press will be easy to clean, will actually extrude all of a clove instead of just mashing it inside the hopper, and be sturdy enough to last. More than one cheap press has broken at the hinge after a few uses. One of these cheaper models will have you cursing the manufacturer in short order.

Many chefs prefer to use diced or chopped garlic instead. This is usually done by smashing the clove using the side of your knife and hitting the flat of the knife with your hand. You can then pull the loosened peel off of the clove. A quick dicing, and your garlic is ready for use. This traditional method is quite effective and easy to master.

You will have to make up your own mind on which method is best for you. If you don't mind a little extra work and mess, you can get by fine without a garlic press. If you want to keep the odor off your hands and need to process a lot of garlic fast, then a press may be just what you need.

Tim Ebl loves to cook in his own kitchen, and tries out new kitchen tools as often as possible. For more articles on various kitchen gadgets go to Kitchen Gadgets

Friday, September 11, 2009

Organic Food Coupons

All-organic meals may come as more expensive than a regular protein-carbohydrate combo one. And yes, it's more difficult to find fiber-rich and organic foods sold at lesser prices. But with organic food coupons, you can enjoy a considerable amount of savings. Quite a few manufacturers are open-minded about giving out coupons as they are still soliciting ample resources to cater to the market's escalating needs. If you are bold enough to communicate with the bigwigs of sellers and re-sellers, there is a greater possibility of acquiring coupons from them. How much more when they learn that you are a die-hard fanatic of organic foods?

Other consumers believe that acquiring some organic food coupons would entail more efforts. At present times, the trend of qualifying organic foods as part of the product lines is growing among several food makers. Brands like Campbell's, McCormick, Grape Nuts and Chips a Hoy are embracing the idea of going organic with their food selection. While it is realistic that finding coupons for natural food purchases can be a bit hard, it doesn't suggest that no companies would be open to handing out coupons. It only goes to say that you need to allocate and assert more work to find them online. By browsing the Internet pages, you will eventually learn which companies are actually distributing food coupons.

Shoppers nowadays are becoming choosier in their way of purchasing foods. This reality tends them to resort to the idea of shopping with the use of organic food coupons. The advantage of those who actually buy on a budget is that they can wisely pick the items needed while saving big bucks. What's so good now is that there are quite a number of websites that actually offer food coupons. Newspaper circulars released on Sundays also have coupons inserted. Before availing of the coupons, you must verify through the websites if the coupons are acquired directly from them or by other means. SCO Juice, Coleman Natural, Mambo Sprouts, Stony Field Farms, Organic Valley and Shop Nature Oasis are among those who offer special food coupons for organic and natural foods.

The market tells us that there are two accepted ways wherein organic food coupons can be obtained. There are certain manufacturers that actually provide coupon booklet through the retailers every quarter. You can also print coupons directly from the manufacturer's website. has coupons that can be printed. During holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, these food coupons are widely distributed and mailed directly to shoppers. Just so you know which websites to go for you to get the coupons, you can begin exploring the search engine. That's the best option there is to embrace so that you get your coupons in perfect timing.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about organic food, please visit My Organic Markets for current articles and discussions.

2009 Feng Shui & the Fire Year

Energy patterns are determined each year by the star that migrates to the center of a 3x3 grid.The grid represents each direction (North, NE, East, SE, South, SW, West, NW, and the center). This year the number nine floats to the middle, and from there a formula determines where the rest of the numbers (one through nine) go.

The star that appears in the middle has a great influence on how we experience the world, our offices, and our homes. As an example, in 2008, the one water star was in the center. One water dominates the center's five earth energy; thus resulting in earthquakes and hurricanes; the effects of Hurricane Ike were felt from thousands of miles away. So what is in store for us this year?

Fire typically represents success and growth. By all accounts, it should have a productive relationship with the center (five star) which represents our overall health and harmony. However, since five is the disaster and pain star, nine (fire) gives it energy...we are in for a bumpy ride.In this case, the world may see explosions (volcanoes, bombs, and gun fire), fires, earthquakes, tempers, and drought. This 9:5 combination can also produce money troubles (investing and gambling), which our economy is already experiencing.

This flying-star relationship can also cause or exacerbate eye, heart, and circulation problems. In addition to the literal translation, the eyes can imply lack of vision and heart can imply 'not getting to the heart of the matter.' That means we need to make decisions with long-term goals in mind. Quick fixes are not the way to go! Negotiations will be challenging as both sides will hold fast on their views, and flexibility and adaptability is called for.

Increase your water intake and decrease sugar (alcohol). This is especially important because the combination of fire and earth (dry heat) dominate the water element. Water affects blood and kidneys. Our bodies will easily dehydrate this year so drink plenty of pure water. Fall in love with the unadulterated beverage and your hair, nails, and skin (blood and kidneys) will thank you.

The last time we experienced fire energy was in 2000 except this was during a 20-year period of seven (soft metal) so a direct correlation cannot be drawn. To do so, we need to visit the Gregorian calendar MDCCCXXIX for 1829 (period eight, fire year, Chinese astrology of earth ox); Buddhist calendar for 2373, Chinese calendar 4465-4466, Hebrew calendar 5589-5590, Japanese Bunsei 12, Korean calendar 4162, Thai solar calendar 2372, various Hindu calendars, and so on.

A few world events during 1829: Madman sets York Cathedral afire; Andrew Jackson inaugurated; crowd mobs White House; Greece receives autonomy from Ottoman Empire; Vicente Guerrero becomes the president of Mexico; Danzig (Gdansk) dike breaks, flood kills 1,200; The Swan River Colony (later to become the cities of Perth and Fremantle) is founded in Western Australia; London Metropolitan Police founded; Russo-Turkish War; 1st U.S. mint building started; "typographer" (typewriter) patent; "Stourbridge Lion" locomotive goes into service; offer to buy Texas refused by Mexican government; failed assassination attempt on Simon Bolivar; Walker's Appeal (racial antislavery pamphlet) published; Scotland Yard active; Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay Canal formally open; Jews expelled from Nikolayev and Sevastopol Russia; and Britain-abolished "suttee" in India (widow burning herself to death on her husband's funeral pyre).

Birthdays during 1829 include Levi Strauss (Levi jeans founder), Carl Schurz (German revolutionary and American statesman), Sully Prudhomme (Nobel Prize laureate and French author), William Booth (founder of The Salvation Army), and Geronimo (Apache leader).

As was mentioned in our article, 2009 Earth Ox in a Fire Year, the heavenly branch and stem are both earth. Earth depletes fire's energy. This negatively affects businesses in public relations, fashion, advertising, chemicals, oil, and law. Public relations and public opinion will likely be poor.

While 2009's outlook is rocky, there's no use in sulking or giving up. You've heard these are the end of times (several calendars say 2012 is when this culminates)? For what it's worth, I don't believe the world is coming to an end. I do believe we have to change our ways. We have to learn from the past and manifest a different future.

Unfortunately, the world needs a big incentive to come together and do so. A global crisis is that incentive (and wake-up call). Someone wise once said, "character is not defined by what happens to us, but how we respond." Author Unknown

For futurists and future thinkers, the next time 2009's energy will surface is 2189, so 2009 events provide a glimpse into the future. Let's return to the present and discover ways to be proactive.

When we evaluate 2009's fire energy with the current 20-year period of eight (earth), they are compatible. This combination shows joyful occasions so savor those intensity breaks. Review the article, 2009 Chinese Astrology Earth Ox in the Fire Year, for an additional perspective. There are common themes that affirm what we've covered here. Also, because nine represents one of the 'youth' directions and five earth brings trouble, problems may surface regarding children's self esteem, concentration, and emotions.

Each building has a unique energy blueprint (determined by when it was constructed and how this applies to magnetic energies). You'd be wise to have a Feng Shui analysis performed by a classic experienced practitioner this year, especially if your home or office is South sitting (has South at its back).

It is wise to be aware of the ruling animal's location in terms of its compass direction within any property. This position is known as the Grand Duke, and in 2009's year of the ox, the Grand Duke is in NE-1. It is unwise to undertake or initiate any construction in this section of your building or property during the year of the ox. If any construction or renovation is planned, it's still possible to proceed but first initiate construction somewhere else on the property before demolishing or rebuilding in the NE sector.

In terms of flying stars and 2009, East is an inauspicious direction this year (known as three sha or three killings). Therefore, it is not recommended that you have East at your back (also known as the sitting position).

The five yellow disaster star is in the North. If your bedroom or main entrance is in the North, you want to drain this negative energy. Metal is recommended, but your home or office may need something stronger.

In conclusion, this is a year to be patient and methodical. It is a good time for youthful, talented leaders. There aren't quick fixes for Earth changes, war, business challenges, unemployment, the economy, communication breakdowns, children's adversity, and closure. Therefore, we should not seek a time commitment for the sake of having something to measure against. Instead, we need to do it right the first time. Long-term strategies are called for. Begin with the end in mind.

On a more tactical level, perform a thorough inspection of your home and office. The risk of fires is high this year. Clean your dryer lint traps and vents. Spread the load with electrical outlets, or better yet hire an electrician to add more outlets. Ensure children understand that matches and lighters are not toys. Replace smoke-alarm batteries, whether they need it or not. Practice your fire evacuation plan and ensure everyone knows where they are to meet (somewhere close but safe). Talk with your local fire department about other ways to minimize your risk factors.

Let us help you build your plan. Several consultation options are available. We prioritize your efforts and provide a customized action plan. Call for your free telephone consultation today! For maximum effect, remedies should be in place by February, 2009.

Diana Garber is a classic Feng Shui practitioner with nearly 30 years experience in energy and risk management. Her extensive corporate background and work with Fortune 100 companies sets her apart as an international consultant, speaker, author, and seasoned program manager. She utilizes over a dozen sciences to evaluate influences such as electromagnetic currents, geopathic stress, and other factors internal and external to one's living or work environments to improve clients' lives. Please visit our Web site at for information, testimonies, and much more.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Garlic Press - Food Ruining Tool Or Handy Kitchen Gadget?

To press or not to press, that is the question! Garlic is undoubtedly high on the list of seasonings for many chefs and food lovers. It is found in foods worldwide, from main courses to side dishes. Honey garlic ribs, garlic mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and the list goes on. Have I whetted your appetite?

But what is the best method for you to prepare this pungent herb? This question has been a hot topic among food preparers for years. Some feel that the garlic press is a wonderful kitchen tool that everyone should own. Others are sure that it ruins the properties of garlic entirely. This isn't a clear cut issue, being a matter of taste (literally).

There are two common methods of adding fresh garlic to your cooking. First,you could peel and dice the cloves by hand, using a knife and cutting board. The other method would be to use a garlic press, and extrude the garlic directly into the dish you are preparing.
There's no denying that a good garlic press can save time and mess. Most of the presses don't even require you to remove the peel or touch the peeled garlic directly, keeping the smell of garlic off your hands. It is easy to use the pressed garlic in foods since the garlic comes out almost as a paste and stirs into, or is spread on, your creation easily.

A good garlic press will have lots of room in the hopper and be fairly easy to squeeze. Some of the cheaper models take a lot of strength to press, and this is difficult for anyone with small hands. A high quality garlic press will be easy to clean, will actually extrude all of a clove instead of just mashing it inside the hopper, and be sturdy enough to last. More than one cheap press has broken at the hinge after a few uses. One of these cheaper models will have you cursing the manufacturer in short order.

Many chefs prefer to use diced or chopped garlic instead. This is usually done by smashing the clove using the side of your knife and hitting the flat of the knife with your hand. You can then pull the loosened peel off of the clove. A quick dicing, and your garlic is ready for use. This traditional method is quite effective and easy to master.

You will have to make up your own mind on which method is best for you. If you don't mind a little extra work and mess, you can get by fine without a garlic press. If you want to keep the odor off your hands and need to process a lot of garlic fast, then a press may be just what you need.

Tim Ebl loves to cook in his own kitchen, and tries out new kitchen tools as often as possible. For more articles on various kitchen gadgets go to Kitchen Gadgets

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Versus Old Lumber - Structural Failure

During my 30 years of remodeling and building new homes. I have ran across quite a bit of structural framing failures. I find myself answering this question a lot when explaining to a homeowner about the structural failure I am repairing on their home, "Why Didn't They Use Better Lumber" or " Why Didn't They Use Larger Lumber." I really have a hard time answering these questions because I honestly don't know the answer.

However I can try to use some logic and reason to give these people an answer that seems to make sense to both of us. Why didn't they use better lumber, quite simply because, with most older homes that were built before the 1970s they actually do have better lumber. Now you're probably thinking how can these homes have better lumber when the lumber is old versus the new lumber used in a brand new house.

Most of the structural repairs I have made over the years has nothing to do with the lumber and whether it was new or old. A large number of these repairs were caused by neglect and poor maintenance.

The lumber in most older houses are from older growth trees. Some of these trees were extremely large and only the premium parts of the trees were used. The premium lumber is cut farthest away from the center of the tree. Now the larger the tree it makes sense that there will be more premium lumber.

A large majority of the newer lumber used in home construction comes from trees about 6 inches in diameter. Now you're probably wondering how can they cut a 2 x 8 piece of lumber out of a 6 inch tree. Of course they cannot, the larger lumber comes from larger trees.

Most 2 x 4's that are less than 8 foot long can be cut from these trees. This scrap or waste that comes from cutting these two by fours will now go into engineered building materials like particleboard, oriented strand board and engineered beams. Another name for an engineered been would be a paralam.

I hope you're starting to get the picture now when it comes to using new or old lumber. There are companies that are going into old logging rivers and retrieving old growth lumber. These were logs that sank to the bottom of the river's and were never retrieved because it was too costly.

The old growth lumber is quite expensive. Who's to say what problems we will happen in the future from the newer products created with modern day technology. When it comes to building houses it is not an exact science and as contractors we have been repairing the damage from poor engineering for years.

When I use the word poor engineering I am not pointing fingers at engineers. We now have more knowledge about home construction then we had years ago.

New versus old lumber, who wins the battle. Only time will tell.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Structural Repairs.

What Happens To Nonbelieving

How to Overcome Your Lethargy

Lethargy. When you really just can't be bothered to do anything apart from lounge around like a couch potato and even that's really a bit too much effort.

There are occasions when it's OK to feel lethargic. For instance, when you're recovering from an illness or a long project at work or an arduous sporting event. Your body needs time to relax and recuperate.

The problem is when you feel lethargic all the time...

So what can you do to get yourself back into the go getter you used to be?

Start by checking your diet. Certain foods may be attractive when you eat them but your body takes time to digest them, making you feel drowsy and sluggish. Lay off the heavy carbohydrates at lunch time - have a light meal instead - and see whether that helps.

Make sure you get a good night's sleep. It could be that your lethargy is because you're suffering from restless nights. Maybe that's being caused by stress in your life. Or it could be a change sudden in the weather and you're sleeping too hot or too cold, in turn causing you to sleep lightly, tossing and turning rather than getting a decent night's sleep.

Be careful about artificial stimulants. Things like coffee and tea, which both have caffeine in them. Cut down rather than cut them out completely. And be wary about drinking them too close to bed time. The same goes for alcohol - this has all sorts of side effects and could be hindering your recovery from lethargy.

Discover more ways to overcome your lethargy including a simple technique that only requires you to listen to an MP3 to help you get rid of your lethargy.

Bathroom Faucet Leaks

Faucet leaks can waste more water than you think. Have you ever put a cup or bowl underneath a leaky faucet and actually seen how much water is wasted. Leaky faucets should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent the waste of water in your home. Water is a precious resource and should be used wisely.

One slow drip from the faucet can waste over 5 gallons of water per day. If you think that's not a big deal, let me put it in perspective for you. 5 gallons of water per day equals 35 gallons per week, times 52 weeks in a year, that equals over 1800 gallons of water, and that's a lot of water.

The problem with a faucet leak isn't just the amount of water it waste, it will soon start to deteriorate your sinks, bathtubs and showers and could damage other sections of the home, like the wood framing. I've seen a water drip in a steel kitchen sink, in just a few years, wear a hole right through it. Keep in mind water and wind formed the Grand Canyon, water can be extremely erosive.

Faucet leaks can attract house pests, like mice, flies, ants and a wide variety of other insects.

Most faucets can usually be repaired for under $20. Most of the time the problem will be in the valves or handles that turn the water on and on. If you're not familiar with plumbing parts, you could pick up a do-it-yourself home repair manual or go online and look up the manufacturer of your faucet, for more information.

Usually the manufacturer has a diagram of the faucet, broken down into sections and you could get a pretty good idea, what parts you will need to remove, in order to replace the damaged part or parts that are creating the water leak.

Calling a plumber seems to be most homeowners last resort. They only do it if they absolutely have to. If you don't understand how a faucet works and have no desire to learn how, I would suggest you call a plumber or contact someone who can help you with your faucet leak, but get the faucet leak fixed and quit wasting water.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.
If your looking for some more bathroom remodeling or home building ideas.

Impact Of Christian Mentors

Monday, September 7, 2009

Do You Ever Loose Your Keys - Planning Advice

You obviously don't need to read this article if you rarely lose your car keys. However if you misplace your car keys often and have a pretty good relationship with your locksmith, it's time to change these bad habits into good ones.

One of my friends, recently lost their car keys. I would like you to listen to what I'm about to say and see if it makes sense to you. Most people get two keys when they buy a car. This means, if they lose one key, they now have a spare key. When they lose their first key, this should give them a pretty good clue that the second key is now the only key, if they wish to drive their car.

Does that make sense? If you lose your first key, you don't have a second or spare key anymore. Now is a good time to purchase a spare key or have one made. Don't wait until you lose the second one, unless you are planning to change your bad habit into a good one.

Now let me get back to my friends who recently lost their car's key. The car they were driving was a new Honda and you can't go to the locksmith to get another key made. You have to order one from the Honda dealer and this key cost them over $200. That's a lot of money for one key.

Now my friends lost both of their original keys and now have one key to operate the vehicle and this key cost them over $200. Now if I had to pay this amount of money, I would make sure that I never lost this key ever again. I would do whatever it to to change my old habits and create some new ones.

How hard is it to get in the habit of placing your keys inside of your purse. Placing your keys in your pockets and then only removing them when you are going to place them inside of a drawer, container, cup, bowl or on a shelf in your bedroom. If you place your keys in a drawer, this will keep them out of other people's temptation.

If you choose to lay your keys in a bowl, in the kitchen, there's a good chance someone will take them or another member of your family could lose them. Place your keys in a protected area, do not leave them out in the open ever.

If you want some tips to prevent you from losing your keys, simply talk to someone who rarely if ever loses their keys. Most of these people have simple and easy to follow tips. You can consciously create a habit that can save you money and frustration in the future.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Bathroom Moisture Problems - Home Repair

Right above my bathtub in my master bathroom the paint is peeling off the wall. The area is peeling above the tile in my bathtub and shower combination. I tried to glue the peeling paint back and only made the situation worst.

First things first. The paint is peeling because there is to much moisture in the bathroom while you are using it. Do you have any windows you can open or a ventilating bathroom fan. If you have a window crack it open part way while you are showering.

The water droplets will accumulate on the walls and drip into any cracks. Right above the tile grout is a great place for moisture to accumulate. Oh yeah moisture loves grout and drywall. If you have any unpainted areas or an area that has cracked. Guess what you have now.

Your paint is peeling because the bathroom gets hot and cold. Moist and dry. If you have the door and windows shut. You just created a moisture trap. Most people prefer their privacy and will closes the door when using the shower. Well then open the window and let some cold air in while you are taking a nice warn shower. I don't think so. Most showering fools don't like that idea either.

Ok one more idea keep the windows shut so you don't let the cold air in. Then lock the door so no on barges in on you. If you have a ventilation fan turn it on. This will at least pull fresh air in from under the door and send the moist air out of the house.

But the fan is so noisy and I can't enjoy my nice warm vapor producing shower that will eventually cause me to get sick from mold particles floating around in the air while I am using my bathroom.
Does this about sum it up for you and don't we all do this from time to time. We want to enjoy our shower time, so we close up everything and when we are in our bath sauna environment relaxing our house is getting some damaging moisture that could cause mold and mildew.

Open a window or door a little when you shower. Get some air circulating through the bathroom and prevent damage to your nice house.

Put up with a little inconvenience for you homes sake and your pocket book.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business in California for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building in North San Diego Home Remodeling Carlsbad Home Remodeling

Visit us now for Bathroom Ideas

If I Hate My Brother

Need Motivation? Olympian Reveals the Number One Key That Will Ignite Your Motivation Forever

Every four years, millions of people around the world are enthralled by the athletes of the Olympic Games.

But as a spectator what you may not know is that Olympic athletes discover keys to success THAT CAN HELP YOU! True, you may not be able to relate to their god-like physical attributes, but if you're like me, you can relate to their desire to achieve, to reach a goal.

So whether you are a fan of the Olympics, and especially if you're not, you will want to take advantage of the number one key learned by all Olympic athletes. This key will build your motivation, ensure greater success and boost your self-esteem.


We all can agree on the first outcome, and that is TO WIN! Winning means that you achieved better results than anyone else on that day. That's good. The downside of winning is that only one person can win. So where does it leave everyone else?

Most people would say that if you don't win, then you lose. Losing is much rarer in the Olympics than you can imagine. But let's talk about another outcome.

You can BE BEATEN. This is not the same as losing. Being beaten means that you did your very best, but someone else did better than you. Of course everyone wants to be number one, but there is honor in being beaten. How can you possibly do better than your very best?

Think about it. If your very best isn't good enough, then only the impossible will do. What are your chances of achieving the impossible in your life? If there is only win and lose, you are setting yourself up for failure. How much motivation can you muster to continually try and fail? So the key is to include "being beaten" as an honorable outcome.

The final outcome is TO LOSE. In the Olympic world "to lose" means giving up or quitting. It means taking yourself out of the race, or not even trying. How motivating is that? Many people have this all-or-nothing attitude. If they can't win, then they don't try. Over time this attitude is the biggest killer of motivation. How do you operate your life?

To succeed we need a different attitude; we need to believe that doing our best is honorable.

A great story emerged from the 1968 Olympics. John Akhwari of Tanzania, brutally injured his leg during the marathon. The winner had already been declared an hour earlier when John hobbled into the stadium. As he crossed the finish line, the few remaining spectators roared its appreciation. A reporter asked him why he had not retired from the race, since he had no chance of winning. He seemed confused by the question. Finally, he answered: "My country did not send me to start the race. They sent me to finish." Was John a loser? No. HE WAS WELCOMED HOME A HERO.

Another great story you will never forget is about Nick If this story doesn't strengthen your motivation, nothing will!

It's true. The Olympics just come around every four years. And your life, your fitness, (or lack of it) is very, very real. However, if you are like me you appreciate guidance from whatever direction it comes. And this key learned from the Olympic athletes can (and will) insure you emerge from your particular challenges with stronger motivation, greater success, and increased self-esteem. So go ahead! Set high goals for yourself; just remember to celebrate EVERY time you do your best!

Linda Schaumleffel, Olympian and head injury survivor, guides people worldwide with faltering memory or head injuries, by teaching them how to thrive again, strive for peak productivity, and build a hedge against dementia. Get a jump on your own brain health with free special report, "BRAIN FITNESS: The Top 17 Activities That Will Revive Your Brain at Any Age!" at

When We Choose Misery Over Happiness

I am not one to feel sorry for most people. They seem to have a unique ability to cause themselves the most damage during certain parts of their lives. I have met some pretty self destructive people in my life. Being raised by a mother that lived in misery and love.

My mother had a difficult childhood. It seemed as if every corner she turned there was a obstacle either right in front of here or waiting just around the corner. Her father died when she was 12 year old. He was a farm laborer and didn't make much money. In other words they were poor...... She got sent to live with a few foster families and according to her she was molested by one of the fathers she lived with.

Soon her older sister invited her to live with her. My aunt was married to the owner of a pottery business and had 2 children about 10 years younger than my mother. My aunt soon realized she had a live in baby sitter that allowed her to stay out drinking most of the day.

My Uncle was what you would call a drunk back then, now we call these people alcoholics. Well any way I think you are starting to get a picture of my mothers life up to this point. It is probably safe to assume that this isn't the ideal life for a young woman.

The next event to happen in my moms life was for my uncle to fall in the shower one night after tying one on that night. He died soon after but my aunt seemed to make a another good choice and ended up marring the owner of the bar that they spent most of their time in.
The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. Allan K. Chalmers

By this time my mom was in High School and met my future father. It wasn't exactly a marriage made in heaven. My dad was always an easy going man. He seemed to let most stuff go in one ear and out the other.

As you guessed it they had a few children. Nice one Dad and Mom. According to the books I have read on Angelic beings. People that believe in the after life and angels. They tell me I had a choice and was able to choose my parents....... What was I thinking...... I should have choose someone with some money and a couple of parents that were deeply in love .

How did I end up here in this situation.

I ended up loving my parents like most of us. They seemed to be doing the best that they could possibly do raising me, my bother and my sister. My mom and dad ended up getting a divorce and I went to live with my father.

My Father is remarried to a wonderful woman that seems to bring him a lot of happiness.
I haven't seen my mother for a while now. She lives with a life of excuses and misery. Her childhood was not the greatest but that doesn't give her the right to bring misery into other peoples lives. She has made a conscious choice to live what seems to be a painful life. Maybe her choices in life have made me choose happiness over misery.

I have always wondered what it is that motivates someone to live a life of true unhappiness when it takes the same amount of energy to live a life of joy. Life is meant to be full of joy and happiness so start today by making the right choices to live a fulfilling life of happiness.

If you are reading this and can't make up your mind what kind of life you truly want to live visit me at . Change your thinking and change your life.

Greg Vanden Berge will help you create a new approach to life and discover talents you never knew you had. We can help you get the most out of yourself all the time. Start developing your innate strengths and abilities to start enriching your life TODAY !

Religion Articles

The Importance of Goal Setting

The whole point of setting a goal is to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. If you set goals and work toward them diligently, you can have all the things you want. People who set and achieve their goals are people whove decided what they want, committed themselves to going after it, and havent let anything stand in their way short of violating the rights of others.

A proper goal gives you all the incentive you need to grow in your awareness of being a perfect expression of an Infinite power, designed for excellence and abundance. As you become more welcoming and aware of your relationship with God, and of all the potential thats been built into you, youll function more effectively in harmony with the laws of the universe. Living in synch with all of this will yield results youve never dreamed possible.

They say that awareness is curative. It gives deep meaning to life because it spells the end of your robotic existence no more walking in the deep ruts formed by your harmful programming and counterproductive thought life. These old ways of thinking arent ways youve chosen they were planted in your heart when you were young by your parents, teachers, and religious leaders. While some of these programs serve you well, many of them are harmful and ready to be replaced. The old way of living has kept you from a truly abundant life.

But, in order to truly change, your old habits have to be replaced with new, healthy practices. Having a solid goal in place serves as a constant help as you do this. In fact, without a specific goal, youre unlikely to ever make a significant change in your life. While youre on your way toward achieving your goals, you learn to choose which thoughts youll allow into your mind. Youll see the connection between these thoughts, the feelings and attitudes they produce, and ultimately the results they yield. Its not something someone else can do for you.

Ever notice how your life never really stays the same? Youre either improving it or damaging it your actions arent neutral. As a spiritual being, your spirit constantly seeks expansion and greater expression. When this deep desire is thwarted, you experience a feeling of dissatisfaction. That feeling is unpleasant enough to serve as a good motivator. We hate feeling unfulfilled, and work diligently to escape such an unpleasant feeling. Well do pretty much anything to satisfy this need.

This need for fulfillment goes way beyond just things and money although they are important. They give you comfort and opportunity. It goes beyond happy feelings or a sense of peace although theyre important, too. Our drive for complete fulfillment includes these things, but goes so much further its a deep desire for a big purpose, something that catapults you into creativity, into meaningful and effective service.

Great you were created to pursue worthy goals. How do you set them? How do you go after them? What can you do to make sure you achieve these grand goals?

Half the battle with goal-setting is determining exactly what it is that you want. Sounds easy enough you answer that question just fine at a restaurant, on your birthday, when you get your hair cut. But when it comes to the big what do you want question, minds go blank. We dont know whats okay to ask for. Whats too much? Am I overreaching? How am I going to feel if I ask for something thats beyond possibility?

Wow, such bad programming we pick up! Ask any little kid what they want to be when they grow up and youll hear answers like: the President, an astronaut, a gazillionaire, a cat, a rock star. Nothing seems impossible; nothing seems like itll come back to haunt you if it doesnt work out.

Deciding what you want is risky. Telling someone else can feel uncomfortable. You might feel like youve got to preface it with something like, Please dont tell anyone Can you keep a secret I know it sounds crazy, but But you know what? People who set and achieve awesome goals are risk takers theyve learned to be. They know that theyve got the privilege and duty to design their own lives, make their own decisions. They dare to dream, and dream big. The power is in going after what you want, not in going after what you need.

Think you dont have what it takes to meet your goals? Then heres some great news youve already got everything that could ever be necessary to produce amazing results in your life. Youve got access to all you need whether you see it right now or not. So, dont worry about that as you choose goals. Assume you have every resource you need, right at your fingertips because you do.

Andrew Cocks and Terry Zambri are Certified Life Success Consultants, Network Marketing and Internet Marketing Coaches. Their exclusive 3 step marketing system, combined with their unique home based business training program is creating massive success for their team. Visit: to learn how you can be coached by them for FREE.

Copyright, MMVVII- All rights Reserved

Installing a 32 Inch Back Door

In some older houses you will find a 30 inch back door. Have you ever tried to move a refrigerator or some large furniture through a 30 inch door? Keep in mind most bedroom doors are 30 inches wide and are in 36 inch hallways. 30 inch doors and bedrooms make it tough to move some furniture in too.

Let's start with the price difference between a 30 inch door and a 32 inch door. The cost difference is usually going to be around $20. If you are building a hundred homes this could become quite an additional expense. So we can understand why the home builder installed a 30 inch door in the back of our home.

He got the extra money in his pocket, you got a headache.

Here's the big problem. If you ever want to install a larger door you will need to replace the structural door framing. Now this is where you could run into a little bit of an expense. Changing the framing for a wider door could become quite costly. It could actually cost over $1000 in some cases.

Now if the homebuilder would have originally installed a 32 inch door in your house it might have ran him as high as an additional $45. How can this be? I will give you the first clue. There is a good chance the homebuilder will not be moving into any of these houses. If for some strange instance he did move into the house, he would learn the same lesson whenever he needed to move a large item into the house.

I'm a contactor and learned this lesson in a long time ago.

If you are building a new home you might even want to consider installing a 36 inch back door. This door will give you plenty of room when it comes to moving large items in or out of your house. The cost difference between a 36 inch door and a 32 inch door is usually around $20 also.

When building a new home most people don't give very much thought about their interior or exterior doors. Here's a simple chart I made to help with some basic door decisions.

Bathroom Doors Should Be 28 Inches Wide Minimum.
Bedroom Doors Should Be 30 Inches Wide Minimum.
Front Doors Should Be At Least 36 Inches Wide
Back Doors and Garage Doors Should Be At Least 32 Inches Wide

If you are a professional football or basketball player don't use these numbers above.

If you have large sliding glass doors or French doors throughout your home and can use them to move large items into the house you can install whatever size doors you choose that are comfortable to walk through.

Give some thought when installing a new door on your next project and keep some of the above tips in mind..

If you are designing a home give some thought to the stairways and hallways in the home as well.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes and Bay Window Ideas

Was Jesus A Good Example

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Religious Education

I started out as a Christian and lived the first 17 years of my life as one. When I started doing a little research on Christianity, this soon led me to other religions. I started to research other religions, I soon found myself having problems with the religion of my birth, Christianity. I believe that Jesus was special and for some reason, thought that he was an only child. While reading one book, I found out he had 11 brothers and sisters. I don't know if this is true but this is what the book reported.

The stuff I had been taught in Sunday school and going to, what I would like to call adult church. Listening to the sermons and of course never reading the Bible, because my main concerns at the time were playing with my friends, sports and as I entered my teens, became extremely interested in cars. I didn't have time or a desire to verify anything that I had heard about Christianity.

I read one book and that led to others and pretty soon I was confused and chose not to be a Christian anymore, because I couldn't verify if this was a religion made by God or man. Everything I was learning pointed towards man and control and money and power. The more I learned, the more forgiveness I could have towards others who belonged to other religions throughout the world.

We all want the same thing, love, compassion and understanding. Buddhism seems to represent this the most to me and I started to study it a little more diligently. I kind of became fascinated with the Dali Lama and the country of Tibet. We tend to get caught up in stuff that sounds good and makes us feel good but often can't see the problems. This happens in our daily life with work, family and fun.

I never really fell out of favor with Buddhism but soon learned enough to save this religion wasn't exactly for me either. I like some of the principles, especially the principle of compassion which tends to drive this way of life forward.

I have studied quite a few religions and still have plenty of more to educate myself on. I understand that most people don't have the time or interest to pursue this path. That's fine, but at the same time don't make fun of these religions, if you don't know anything about them and don't tell others that your religion is right if it isn't.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility . It's based on overindulgence.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Putting God on Trial

I was listening to something interesting the other day when someone mentioned putting God on trial for some of the atrocities in the world. If God is the creator of the universe and all that is, or all that ever will be, how can we put him on trial, he's our creator. We can't put our spiritual master on trial can we, he'll just escape anyway if we convict him, won't he. He's got to be smart enough to break out a prison.

As a child I often thought about God and why he would allow such suffering throughout the world. It never made sense to me when I was child and it still doesn't make sense to me today. Why would the creator, want us to suffer, with even the littlest of problems. Other religions have explained it as if God was teaching us a lesson and that's why we have hardships in our lives.

Do you think God ever went through these hardships? Did God have problems finding a job or gathering some food? Does God even eat? Okay now I'm getting off the topic here,(I wonder what God does eat)... if children do something wrong, most of the time their parents will discipline or correct them. If adults to things wrong, the government will discipline and reprimand them. Sometimes these punishments can be severe. It depends on the crimes committed.

If man has to be put on trial for committing crimes like murder, genocide, and general atrocities towards mankind, should God also be put on trial or is he above man because he's God. I can't imagine the creator of the universe ever being put on trial for man's crimes against humanity or other men, but it seems like someone who is all powerful and all knowing could help his children out of this little mess that we're in today.

Couldn't God help us like we help our children. We as parents might not have all the answers, but we do not claim to have them. We are not all powerful and all knowing, like we would assume God to be. When is God going to help us solve some of our major world problems, like genocide and starvation.

Putting God on trial might not solve all of our problems today but it would be nice to have some help with our problems. If he created us to please him, do we have to go on trial one day, for all the things we did or ignored while we were alive. Something to think about isn't it.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development. Check This Out What Happened to the Wise Men's Gifts

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Using Words In The Bible Effecti

Why You Shouldn't Hate Math

People hate math, at least that's what they're always telling me. Of course, being the way that I am, I have to make converts of everyone. I don't know what my passion is exactly, that drives me to convert the "math haters," but I simply cannot overcome the compulsion to do so. To me, there is not just beauty in mathematics but something else which is spiritual. It's as though God speaks to us through this strange and mysterious language. For this reason, I always approach the subject with a certain degree of humility and reverence, knowing that I can be both abased and exalted by its magnificence.

But why try to make math converts? Why not simply preach to the choir of that rare group of math lovers? Well firstly, the latter group is minuscule in comparison to the former, and secondly, there has always been something noble in trying to make a "believer" out of a "doubter." Moreover, I have this firm belief that our society advances or stands still according to the progress of its children. If the children of society are reared properly, then the future success of such a society is strongly enhanced. If the children are adulterated, ill-educated, and poorly motivated........well, then guess what? Do you really expect a brighter future for mankind? Hardly.

It is for this reason that I go around preaching the importance of mathematics, particularly the foundations of arithmetic. To this day, when I work with a student and see him or her struggling with the topic at hand-whether it be algebra, geometry, or even a higher branch such as calculus-I come to observe that invariably a weak foundation is the root cause of the struggle. In addition, the student's lack of confidence makes the fight even more challenging. The struggle having increased without remedy, the student eventually succumbs and adopts an "I hate math" attitude.

What is encouraging for such cases and certainly worth stressing is that all of mathematics hinges on the basics of arithmetic. It is unfortunate that much of a student's frustration in his studies later on is the result of poor mastery of arithmetic. For this reason I say, "Soundly drill this discipline into the minds of our children and the chances of success in higher mathematics is dramatically increased." A good analogy to make would be with sports and professional athletes. Expert athletes master the basics. The Tiger Woods of the world spent countless hours practicing the fundamentals of golf swinging. The ace pitchers of baseball worked on mastering the mechanics of certain pitches. In both cases, these athletes practiced endless rounds with a keen focus on both speed and accuracy. Even great coaches understand the importance of the fundamentals: this is why athletes spend countless hours in training camp going over the basic exercises and drills. This same concept applies to mathematics. Master the basics and the chances of success later on are increased dramatically.

Consequently, in mathematics, once the foundations are mastered, success comes in this discipline as easily as it does in others. Okay. Maybe not as easily, but certainly success will come nonetheless. And as mathematics is so powerful in helping us march forward as a society-indeed mathematics unfolds to us mysteries of the very universe itself-there really is no need to hate this most awesome subject, but rather love it.

See more at Math Ebook Online Bookstore

Joe is a prolific writer of self-help and educational material and an award-winning former teacher of both college and high school mathematics. Under the penname, JC Page, Joe authored Arithmetic Magic, the little classic on the ABC's of arithmetic. Joe is also author of the charming self-help ebook, Making a Good Impression Every Time: The Secret to Instant Popularity; the original collection of poetry, Poems for the Mathematically Insecure, and the short but highly effective fraction troubleshooter Fractions for the Faint of Heart. The diverse genre of his writings (novel, short story, essay, script, and poetry)-particularly in regard to its educational flavor- continues to captivate readers and to earn him recognition.

Joe propagates his teaching philosophy through his articles and books and is dedicated to helping educate children living in impoverished countries. Toward this end, he donates a portion of the proceeds from the sale of every ebook. For more information go to

Change Your Thinking About Life

What do I do when I get down and out. Well that use to happen to me often and I seemed to suffer with some minor depression. It would seem like time would stand still. I would look at the clock and notice the time. Let's say 2:23 in the afternoon. I would look back to see what time it was about fifteen minutes latter and it would be 2:26. Wow what in the heck is going on with this clock.

I just couldn't believe it seemed like the day would never end. I would just sit there and think about all the stuff going on in my life, good and bad of course. This seemed to last until I was in my early twenties. I just didn't want to feel like this any more. I made a Conscious design not to get depressed period. I never wanted to feel like that again.

I read a book on ESP and in the book it described visualizing a rose as you went to sleep. I started doing this every night and while I was doing the exercise it seemed to make me feel relaxed in a way I never had felt before. The reason for the exercise was to teach you to visualize something peaceful. This in turn would put you in a peaceful state of mind.

Then a thought came into my noggin. What if when ever I start to feel bad or seem to be going into a sort of depressive state of mind I change my thoughts. It worked... I would start to visualize something else that made me feel comfortable and give me a peaceful feeling. Man was I surprised with my results.

Keep in mind I didn't think of this all on my own but I did put the pieces of the puzzle I needed to together that I needed to change my life. It seemed like I could use this form of self control in different parts of my life. If I was at work and someone made me mad.... Well this didn't work all the time... I still got mad. Let's pick something else OK.

I would worry about something on the job that wasn't going right. Then I would get irritated over something else that wasn't even related to what I was worrying about. Why did I take it out on the other person when what I was really mad about was something else. We do this all the time in our lives. We seem to get mad, get even or give up. Why do we do this and what can we do to stop it.

My main point to all of this is we can change our thinking and change our lives. We can learn new things to change our thinking. We don't need to give up hope that we will always be like this. Change the things you don't like about yourself. Do it today. If you need some help there is a great book that will help you change your life for the better.

You can find it at This book has a lot of tools to create the change in your life you want to have a more full filling life.

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown. Ross Perot.

Start Living Your Dreams Today and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Are Christians Really Interested

Coaching for Self Esteem - Seeing Perfection vs Fixing People

The whole class was astonished.

We were all coaches and healers. We'd spent most of our lives in improving ourselves and others. Yet what we saw shook the very foundations of everything we believed.

Our teacher asked for a volunteer to come up front for yet another demonstration. We were about to see something that would make our heads spin.

You might have heard of muscle testing. It's a technique to find out if something is good for us or bad for us. Chiropractors and other health practitioners use it all the time.

She tested the volunteer for a baseline. In other words, you have to start by making sure the testing works correctly.

Then came the earthquake. Our teacher asked everyone to send healing energy to the volunteer. Then she muscle tested again.

You're not going to believe this. The person tested weak!

The volunteer weakened when we sent healing energy to her!

We were about to get the next earthquake to complete the collapse of what we thought we knew.

The seminar leader asked everyone to see the person as already perfect in that moment. Guess what.

The volunteer tested strong!

She became weaker when we saw her as needing healing energy. She became stronger when we saw her as already perfect!

Whoa. What have I been doing all my life? What have we been taught?

Our intentions were good, but ...

Perfection happens where someone sees themselves or someone else as perfect and does something, or nothing, for the benefit of the other person. The word intention may not even apply. We see the person as already perfect. There is no intention to change anything.

Black magic is where someone has an intention to damage another.

Misguided Intention

What the heck is misguided intention?

Misguided intention is where we see a person or situation as screwed up and we try to fix them. This is gray magic.

Does that shake things up for you? It sure shook me up.

What have I been doing all my life? What have I been taught?

Sure, you can see things as messed up and fix them. For example, you can see a house as dirty. You can then clean it up. And yes, then it's clean.

Does it stay clean? There is a never-ending activity of cleaning the house as it keeps getting dirty. Does that mean that, if you always see the house as clean, it will always be clean? You still go through the motions of cleaning.

But we want to raise self esteem. And I can tell you that if we always see ourselves in our perfection, that we'll dissolve anything that limits our self esteem.

This is good stuff!

Humility is fine. But that doesn't mean that we tear ourselves down.

True humility is seeing perfection in others.


Have you seen the Jack Nicholson smile? That smile tells me that Jack is really cool.

How about the Tom Cruise smile? It tells me that we're both really cool. Does that smile help others to be really cool?

What does all this mean?

We had our foundations shaken. Are we going to go around with the belief that we're screwed up? Are we going to keep fixing ourselves?

Is there a better way?

Glad you asked! We can practice seeing ourselves and others as already perfect.

This approach goes way beyond fixing your self esteem. There is nothing to fix. All you have to do is see your own perfection.

Would you like to help other people? See them as already perfect.

Copyright 2006 by Jim Kitzmiller

Jim Kitzmiller is the author of Rocket Fuel for the Soul -- Blissercise Self-Help Manual. The book's bliss exercises (blissercises) surpass usual positive thinking approaches by bypassing the logical mind. The blissercises cover 46 different areas of life.

Jim leads self-help workshops and does spiritual coaching.

Attic Odors and Strange Smells

If you've ever opened up your attic access hole, only to find one of the worst odors you have ever smelled in your whole life, I've been there too. What causes these horrible smells and what can you do about them?

Let's start with the cause of these smells, moisture, dirt, mold, mildew, dead animals, animals that make their home in your attic and the biggest problem of all is normally poor ventilation.

Poor ventilation is the biggest problem with musty smells in the attic. These smells are often caused from moisture accumulating in the building materials over time. If there is enough moisture in the attic, the wood will start to rot but this wouldn't be a normal situation, unless there was a roof or water leak.

Roof leaks can cause a constant supply of water to one part of the attic. This constant supply of water will eventually rot the wood and damage the ceiling. Water leaks from pipes can provide a steady supply of water and the situation can attracts termites and mold. Not a good thing.

One of the worst possible smells or odors in your attic would be a dead animal. Don't under estimate the size of some of these animals, they have found dead raccoons, cats, snakes, large birds, squirrels, rats and mice in some attics. These animals usually enter through damaged access holes or vent blocks, roof vents, large gaps, holes and even fireplace chimneys.

Once these animals die, their bodies start to decompose and produce one horrible odor. Once the body is completely decomposed, the smell usually goes away if the attic is ventilated properly. These smells can seep into the homes living area, often creating a room that no one wants to enter.

Home peststhat make their home in your attics, often create smells from urinating and defecating in the areas around their nest. Large birds like owls can become a problem over time.

Now that we've figured out some of the causes for attic odors and strange smells, what can we do to prevent this from happening and if it's already happened, how can we get rid of the smell.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your having problems in your attic, find out more at pest control books and home building ideas.

Should The Bible Be Edited

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hope is Action - Self Help Tips

I am going to talk about a forgotten necessity of your life. With daily stress, financial obligations, and competition you get to neglect the most important thing in life, YOU. Your self is so important that it is the only source of happiness, and success in your life, the world, and the universe. How can you ignore it?

Yourself is Dignity, Responsibility, Courage, Love, Action, and Power.

I am talking to adults that care about themselves, enjoy their present, and have a vision of their future, however they are entangled with surrounding negativity, global crisis, and personal obligations. They are hoping for things to change and improve by itself, so they can proceed toward their goals. Let me tell you that your hope is a wishful thinking. It is just a word you say to comfort yourself, not an inner feeling.

Hope, optimism, motivation, and self confidence comes from within yourself. It becomes active and rewarding only with action.

First you must make a choice to be aware of who you are based on your creation, not on psychological loops. Then you take action toward positive change of yourself and therefore to succeed in all perspectives of your life.

You have to BE before you are able to DO

Ask yourself "what do I have to lose to function at my maximum potential?" Nothing, you have nothing to lose, and all to gain. And your only cost is your will. "Why settle for less than your significant complete creation?"

I was so frustrated with everyone around me complaining about economy, marriage, and relationships. And I had to repeat the same words again and again, that you are the source of whatever is happening in your life, your job is yourself, when you change, everything around will too. I chose to positively channel my frustration with taking action toward a change. I have put together a coaching program that will guide you to explore yourself to become a master of your existence, and a leader of your life, through understanding the greatness of your creation.

I am going to work with you, everyday to get you back to who you really are, a complete human, with a mind, a heart, and a body. To transfer your wishful thinking to reality of happiness and success in all aspects of your life.

To claim your program "Hope is Action" go to

Rola Jabri is a founder and president of MAOC Studio Inc. As a marketing consultant, and trainer she ventured in different venues with entrepreneurs to reach out to individuals as they are the source of any positive change in the world.

Copyright 2008 Hope is Action. The name and content of this article may not be copied, published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of MAOC Studio Inc.

Finding Homes Using the Internet - Home Shopping

You can simply type the words real estate or homebuying into any search engine on the World Wide Web and you will come up with hundreds, maybe even thousands of websites that are extremely helpful and full of great information. Like the one you're on right now.

Finding homes with the internet, combined with a skilled real estate salesperson, provides you with the most effective technology available today. Most websites start out, having you select a state you would like to search in and then, select a city, with your price range.

By answering their questions, this narrows the search down to all of the homes available in the area. The internet has made home shopping very simple. Considering what you had to go through in the 1970s. You found a realtor or by looking in the yellow pages, sometimes you found a good realtor and if you are lucky, maybe you would find you a good home.

Most of the time, the first homes you would look at, were owned by the real estate professional you were working with.

There are however a couple of problems with using the internet to find your dream home. Some of the verbage used and photographs taken can create a wonderful illusion of a tropical paradise but the reality, it's a regular home in a decent neighborhood.

Some of these photos are taken by skilled photographers who take advantage of every angle and tend to give an illusion of grander. When you actually start driving around and looking at these homes, only then will you get a reality check, of what the home actually looks like. You'll get used to it.

After you've looked at a few of your future dream homes, you will get a better idea of what I'm talking about with these wonderful pictures and the extraordinary home descriptions like "Beautiful Three Bedroom House with an Ocean View." When reality it's a two-bedroom house with an extra closet for the third bedroom and the ocean is 45 miles away, but you can see it on a clear day if you actually climb to the top of the largest tree on the property.

Take your time when searching for your dream home and don't let any one push you into making a decision if you're not ready. If you find your real estate professional a little too aggressive or pushy, get out of your contract, if you've signed one and find another, more helpful real estate salesperson to help you with your home purchase.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Find other real estate tips and great advice, from another one of the Internet's best website creators.

Was Jesus A Good Example