Thursday, July 30, 2009

Making Business Proposals Work Their Magic

People in the business world usually dread business proposals. That being said, they will also admit their necessity. Writing a good business proposal is usually the difference between failures and successes. You should be able to master the technique, since it is fairly simple.

To begin writing a business proposal, you need to identify what the competition wants. Sometimes you have the luck of asking them, but other times you will not. Giving the client what they require, whether stated or not, will usually ensure you a win.

The second step is to assess the competition. If there is a lot of competition, this deal may require more energy or, conversely, not be worth a whole lot of time and effort. While you should make every effort to remain competitive, avoid situations that may turn into bidding wars. Most businesses will not benefit from undercutting the competition rather than focusing on product. However, you need to remain competitive, especially if you are in a field with a lot of competition.

Step three is to ask pertinent questions. More customers are willing to provide information than you may think. Asking the right questions can clue you to their needs. A lot of people think they know what the customer wants, but if a customer doesn't feel understood, they will find someone who does.

Keeping in mind these tips should help ease your business proposal writing process. Drafting a business proposal that is effective will usher in work as well as distinguish you as an expert. If you have the information needed, you should easily be able to create an effective proposal.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Traditional Chinese New Year Food

When ringing in the new year in traditional Chinese fashion, you have to consider the importance of Chinese New Year food as well. Food plays a huge part in such celebrations. The Chinese New Year is a particularly special one. It is one of the most important Chinese holidays. Sometimes called the Spring Festival, sometimes called the Lunar New Year, it takes place on the first day of the first lunar month, as denoted by the Chinese calendar. It ends on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Now, back to the subject of food - it is indeed hugely important during this celebration. Foods which are considered lucky and fortuitous are served throughout the entire fifteen days. The qualifications for lucky or symbolic foods vary.

In some cases, foods are considered precursors of good fortune because of how they appear. A whole chicken, for instance, is a symbol of family togetherness. Thus, offering a whole chicken during the Chinese New Year festivities promises that the family will remain together throughout the coming year.

Noodles are another food traditionally found during Chinese New Year's celebrations. In fact, they are practically required. In the Chinese culture, noodles symbolize a long, long life. For that reason, certain superstitions say they should not be cut. To do so would bring bad luck or worse. The inclusion of clams and Spring rolls are used to bring luck in matters of wealth. Clams are said to look a lot like bouillon. Spring rolls represent wealth because they look a bit like bars of gold.

Other foods are significant during the New Year because of the way they sound. Literally, they are used because of the Chinese pronunciation of the word. Lettuce is a good example of this. In Cantonese, the word for it sounds fortuitous. Likewise, certain citrus fruits are served because the words for them sound like forebears of good fortune, such as "luck" and "wealth."

Fish is symbolic in several ways, and thus is frequently served. One reason is because the word for it is "yu." This word resembles the terms for "wish" and "abundance." Both of those are good things to have on your side in the new year. Symbolically, serving the fish whole is good luck as well. When the head and tail are still attached, then the fish is a symbol for a good beginning and a good ending in the year ahead.

Henry Fong
Feng Shui Consultant
Feng Shui Absolutely

Gil Fronsdal

Monday, July 27, 2009

Feng Shui - Wind Chimes To Better Your Life

Wind chimes are attributed to the Chinese, who over three thousand years ago made them to generate melodic sounds for their religious services. Such chimes are also used in Feng Shui and are often made of wood and bamboo.

Available Types

The number of cylinders that a wind chime has is what decides its purpose. Six to eight cylinders are said to bring good luck. Five tubes are often used to protect against bad luck. Not only are they considered to bring luck but wind chimes made of eight cylinders, hollowed and connected to a ship can bring wealth to the owner. The ship must be modeled after an ancient Chinese ship used for trading. Usually, they are made from bamboo or rosewood.

Although people tend to hang them everywhere, placing them in a position where they face a certain star is considered the best place. This is because stars are fire elements and by facing them, wind chimes made of wood receive sustenance that in turn makes good luck stream into your home and in turn into your life. Feng Shui wind chimes have long been considered to bring luck into the home in which they hang. On the other hand, metal versions are not recommended because they can release bad luck. Rather than receiving the sustenance from the stars, they resist it.

Bamboo version

Presently, bamboo chimes are the most popular for Feng Shui practices. Natural healing powers are said to be one of their when they are hung in your doorways and windows. To experience the mind healing powers, you need to stop and listen to the music that is generated by the breeze playing with them.

in case you do not realize, most bamboo wind chimes are hand cut before being tuned to produce wonderful sounds. Almost nothing else in the world is as soothing as they are. Depending on the thickness of the wood, different sounds are made. A thinner wood produces a tinkling sound whereas a thicker one makes a bong sound. Either way the sounds produced by them is said to have great results on clearing your mind and relieving stress.

Feng Shui wind chimes have become more popular over the last few years as people search for ways to improve their life. A large part of this ancient practice is the belief in it so if you believe that the placement of wind chimes will enhance your life, they may do just that.

Thinking of having Feng Shui interior design for your home or office? It can be easily done with Feng Shui Office tips which you can find at our comprehensive Feng Shui site.

J L Mackie

Why Do You REALLY Believe In God - Christians

Jim Rohn Author Review
Dale Carnegie

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who Really Wrote The Bible

Personal Development
Mind And Body

Ezekiel Prophecy - Bridge Uniting House of Judah and House of Joseph

The following is a bridge from the Native American spiritual path, the Red Road, as taught by Cherokee elder John Red Hat Duke, to Torah, the holy scriptures of our ancestors in Jerusalem, on which Judah (Jews) and Joseph (Hopi and those tribes associated with them) may unite with HaShem's blessing.

Note: The union of the House of Judah and the House of Joseph is the same event as the completion of the Hopi migration back to Jerusalem, as revealed to Dorothy by Creator. Ezekiel 37

Step 1: Observe nature with awe and gratitude. A sense of love and respect for all creation will begin to grow within me.

Creation. Our universe. The cycles of life and death. A vast composite of exquisite harmony; a truly beautiful harmonic symphony of melodious verse with each vibratory element sustaining one another, loving one another. This is truly a miracle of melodies played out in the grand scheme of creation.

HaShem's plan for humanity is wondrous and exciting! As the salmon swim upstream every year to spawn, they are led by HaShem's awesome spirit. In the wondrous scheme of HaShem's creation, all of creation follows an internal instinct, and so Jacob's children yearn to go home. HaShem has provided an inheritance for them in Judea-Samaria so His plan of creation may be fulfilled.

Step 2: Learn to trust Creator and accept my circumstances. Overcoming adversity will produce spiritual growth within me as I walk the Red Road.

Today we face great adversities, probably greater than any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. It is also a wonderful time of great opportunity for spiritual growth. We have the potential of rising to great spiritual heights; even to the place of forgiveness, love and tolerance where we will be prepared for the coming of Messiah.

Moses' life was filled with circumstances that tested his faith in HaShem, G-d. He was instructed by Creator to go to Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses had to trust HaShem or he would have given up on his mission before he ever began it because in his mind the work was impossible. Yet, if he had given up and not trusted HaShem, the Israelites could still be living as slaves under the Egyptians, but HaShem's plan was fulfilled. The Israelites were protected and sustained. Creator led them through the wilderness to the land of milk and honey. Through all the adversity of wandering in the wilderness, Moses had to convince the people of Israel to accept their circumstances and trust HaShem and He would lead them home.

We have a tendency to quickly enter the land of 'fire and ice," where our emotions fluctuate to extreme anger (fire) and to coldness and judgment (ice.) Now we must learn to enter the land of 'milk and honey,' where we will nourish, i.e. provide milk for all the children of Jacob with an attitude of sweet forgiveness, i.e. with the sweetness of honey. May we move beyond the place of being extremely difficult to appease to a place where we will bring joy to Jacob and all of our ancestors who wait with hopeful hearts that we will enter the land of milk and honey.

Step 3: Seek for truth within myself, that I may remove hypocrisy and evil intent from within my heart.

Creator is the third partner in procreation. It is He who gives life. It is interesting to note that procreation is the first mitzvah mentioned in the Torah, which gives it primary importance.

Children are the greatest blessing we can have in this life, and Jacob's children were no exception. They were his greatest joy, and it is said that Joseph was his favorite.

This apparently caused jealousy in the hearts of his brothers, except for Benjamin. So they contrived evil action against Joseph to get rid of him. They contemplated killing him, but ended up throwing him down a well from which he was sold into slavery in Egypt.

Joseph's brothers, including Judah, then went home and practiced possibly the greatest hypocrisy and deception of their lives. They pretended to be grief stricken, and convinced their father, Jacob, that Joseph had been mauled to death by wild animals.

However, HaShem was with Joseph, and turned the evil action of his brothers into a positive guidance and blessing for Joseph and for all of Israel.

There is a way to remove jealousy and evil intent from our hearts and return to live in the abundant blessings and unconditional love of HaShem. HaShem commanded the Israelites that He is Yahweh their God who brought them out of Egypt where they lived as slaves. They shall have no other gods to rival Him.

As we serve others with loving-kindness, we serve HaShem. As we allow His Living Waters to flow through our hearts and bring joy to others, the flowing water also purifies our own hearts through love, and this prepares our hearts to be ready for the coming of Messiah. The reason the union has not occurred between Judah and Joseph prior to now is because the people have not been ready! There has been no water in the well!

Is there any other way for all the children of Israel to regain wonderful blessed companionship with Creator except to accept each other with unconditional love and return to being the unified family of Jacob? Let's bring Joseph back home to his father and receive HaShem's blessing.

Step 4: Repent and humbly surrender my will to Creator, that I may become one with Great Spirit.

The joy of walking in harmony with Creator cannot be surpassed by any worldly activity. It produces a profound sense of peace and completeness; it answers the question, "Who am I?"

The House of Israel sinned against HaShem. We chose to live wickedly and rebel against Him. Before we can walk in harmony with Him again, we must see our own wickedness as repulsive and turn away from it in humility and repentance. We must ask HaShem's forgiveness.

We must surrender our arrogant self-will to Creator's will. For instance, He told us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, and He declared the seventh day as the Sabbath.

Some of us feel it does not matter which day we choose to call the Sabbath, but that is not humble surrender to the will of HaShem; it is arrogant self-will! The Sabbath given to man was a blessing from HaShem, and a blessing once given cannot be changed! If we desire to walk in companionship with Him and receive of His blessing, we must repent and humbly surrender to His will.

When we have turned away from our wicked ways, and received Creator's forgiveness, then we will be ready to accept our inheritance in Judea-Samaria. Currently, Judah is in control of this area. Although HaShem has promised to join together Judah and Joseph as one stick, it will only be accomplished when the people are ready. Judah must be ready as well as the Ten Northern Tribes; the House of Joseph.

It is not enough to walk in the ways of the Noachide Laws, or to adhere to the 613 laws of the Torah. This is like singing in low bass; a very low vibration. We must sing in high tenor or soprano at a much higher vibration. We must walk the higher spiritual path of purity and unconditional love; the spiritual path of the Keetoowah, the Red Road, in the truth of the Torah. This can only be accomplished by learning to walk in the way Creator commanded when He told us to not bear any grudge against the children of His people, but to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Leviticus 19:18)

All children of Jacob, Israel, must accept one another in the way HaShem commanded before we will be ready to fulfill the prophecy in Ezekiel 37:19. May we be quick to forgive perceived wrongs, and not relish being cruel and difficult to appease. May Israel again see all his children united as one family.

Step 5: Communicate with Great Spirit from my heart; listen, and live the insight I receive.

Israel is to listen! Yahweh our G-d is one G-d, and we must love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

Have we lost the unity between our body, mind and spirit? Is our worship of HaShem lip service only? We can try to convince others that we walk with HaShem by speaking about holy things. However, our actions speak much louder than our words, and our actions betray what is in our hearts, and what is in our hearts is who we really are.

Some Israelites were thorns in the side of Moses. They tried to convince the people that they should return to Egypt to the good life. These are the dark forces that are with us still.

Today, Joseph wants to return home and claim his inheritance, but there are those who would deny him that which HaShem has provided, saying Joseph's children are an abomination in the sight of Creator and would only destroy eretz Israel if they were allowed to return.

Judah is refusing to invite Joseph back home, and in some ways he has good reason. The Ten Northern Tribes of Israel have not been living as a light reflecting the wonderful love of HaShem. They have assimilated into the many Nations of the world and many of them are living in idolatry today.

But what has Judah done to draw them back into the love of HaShem? Where is the light that would light the pathway for the rest of Jacob's children to find their way back into the joyous place of living in harmony with Creator? Judah, herself, does not appear to carry this light!

We must rise above the material world of law, only, into the spiritual world of HaShem. It is here that love resides; that HaShem resides. It is here that Light exists. It is here that our thoughts exist and we make our choices.

Creator has given us instruction; we are to have a heart full of unconditional love. If we refuse to accept our brothers and sisters of the House of Israel with unconditional love and forgiveness, and with a helpful spirit to help each other prepare to stand before HaShem in purity and truth, then we are a hypocritical people; we worship HaShem with our lips only! We must live His commands if we are to truly be His people! We must love our people as ourselves; all the children of Jacob!

Step 6: Learn true abstinence. It is in serving others, with an attitude of loving-kindness that I create a flow of Living Waters which will purify my heart.

Joseph served his Egyptian master well. Even when he was falsely accused and imprisoned, he retained his attitude of servitude and loving-kindness by interpreting the dreams of the chief cup-bearer and the chief baker. When the pharaoh had two dreams and could find no one to interpret them, the chief cup-bearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharaoh how he had interpreted his and the chief baker's dreams accurately.

So the Pharaoh called Joseph to him and asked him to interpret his dreams. He did so, and then suggested how the Pharaoh should govern in the approaching times of plenty and famine.

Pharaoh approved of his suggestions and the interpretation of his dreams, and therefore promoted Joseph to chancellor. Only his own throne was above Joseph.

Joseph was blessed by HaShem, and because Pharaoh accepted Joseph into his household, he prospered.

Joseph knew and acknowledged that it was HaShem who interpreted the dreams. He also knew that when he served others, he served Creator.

When Joseph's brothers came to him during the famine and asked for food, Joseph lovingly fed them and provided additional food for them and their families. It was this service with loving-kindness that created tremendous joy in Joseph's heart; the joy of serving HaShem.

Jacob's family was reunited, and the flow of love, the flow of Living Waters, moved them all to tears. This is why water is used as the symbol for the cleansing of the soul. Flowing water purifies, and love flowing from HaShem through compassionate servants like Joseph purify their hearts with the flow of living waters.

This same joy will be experienced again when Joseph's brothers serve HaShem by welcoming Joseph's children and the other members of the House of Israel home. It is then that HaShem will establish a new covenant with the House of Judah and the House of Israel. It will be a covenant written in the heart, a covenant of unconditional love without judgment. It will be a time of great joy and abundant blessing as we experience the wonderful love and compassion of HaShem.

Step 7: Attain complete, joyous harmony with Great Spirit; walk the Red Road. This requires that I totally surrender my will to the will of Creator, and love others unconditionally without judgment because that is who I am.

IAM is calling. Have we forgotten how to listen to His voice? Have Judah and the House of Israel become deaf to the voice of HaShem and turned to self-worship in the ways of the world?

We must return to the ways of the traditional ancestors if we would be ready to welcome Messiah (Masaau). We must return to the ways of Abraham, and the ways HaShem taught Moses when he called His children out of Egypt; out of bondage into a land of milk and honey.

We are invited to enter the land of milk and honey and we can do this by inviting our children home with a sweet, forgiving spirit.

It is time to do more than talk about HaShem and about holy things. It is time to BE that which we were created to be. It is time to become one with the wonderful, awesome IAM; to walk in companionship with Him as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.

Joseph was a wonderful example, and we can do this as he did. With a forgiving spirit, he fed his brothers when they came to ask for food from him in Egypt during the famine.

Joseph depicted a man totally surrendered to the will of HaShem, else he would have judged his brothers guilty and unconditional love and forgiveness would not have been possible.

Joseph walked the Red Road by fulfilling HaShem's Law of Love, and now Joseph's children are asking his brothers to complete HaShem's plan of Creation by walking in companionship with them along the Red Road and inviting them to come home. Will HaShem hold Judah guiltless if they do any less?

For more information about gaining eternal life in the presence of Creator, and about the return of the long awaited Hopi Pahana, read the books Red Hat Speaks, and Red Hat's Wisdom, by Dorothy K. Daigle. These books can be ordered from any bookstore or online from or

Dorothy was taught by Cherokee elder and wisdom keeper, John Red Hat Duke, for over ten years in the Keetoowah Cherokee spiritual ways, in Eastern philosophy, and in Judaism. She was raised Christian so she has a good working knowledge of Christianity. She now follows no religion but strives to walk the Red Road spiritual path according to Jesus' teachings.

She received her call from Creator in the fall of '92, and was then taught by the great prophet Elijah for four years. She was given four assurances by Creator when He called her. She was told that she was anointed by the Holy One of Israel, that she would be protected until this work was done, that Creator would go before her whenever He sent her somewhere, and that she did not have to prove herself to anyone. She is one of Creator's prophesied Two Witnesses. She carries wisdom of many years of living under Creator's guidance and direction.

Starting With Simple Things

Fitting a Shower Into Your Tiny Bathroom

People who live in urban apartments or old houses can face problems with installing a shower into their bathrooms. Most of these bathrooms are extremely small, and it may seem that since all the space is already taken up by existing fixtures, there's no hope of ever having a shower. However, there are options available to give you that shower you want.

The first thing you could try is taking the bathtub completely out. In most of these types of accommodations, the bathtubs are old, large, and take up way more room than they need to. By removing this old tub, you'll have the room you need to fit a fancy shower enclosure in the space instead. Unfortunately, this means no more long hot baths, but if you want to create more space, this may be your only option.

Before replacing your bathtub you need to realize that removing the tub will decrease the value of your property. Most potential buyers will expect there to be a bathtub. If you have a very large bedroom, you might consider adding a sunken bathtub to the bedroom in addition to adding the shower. You'll find that a lot of people will really like this idea.

Maybe you have one of those nifty old claw foot bathtubs that are so in demand today. If you have sufficient ceiling height, you can add a showerhead to your bathtub. If you don't have the height to work with, you can find shower heads on flexible hoses that you can attach to the faucet of your bathtub.

You might decide to forget the shower enclosure and the bathtub and just turn your entire bathroom into a shower. You will need to install walls and floors made of concrete or stone which could be rather costly, but the results will be truly amazing. Just be sure to add a floor drain. The problem with this kind of design may be where you're going to put a toilet, sink, and mirror. If there's room, you could put up a glass or Plexiglas partition and place your other fixtures behind the wall.

The more things you're able to remove from your small bathroom will mean you have that much more additional room for a fancy shower. When you get to doing remodeling of this scope, you will probably need to find a professional contractor to do the work for you.

For more bathroom decor ideas, including lladro bathroom style, check out our bathroom style guide at

Advantages Framing With Steel

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is a House Inspection Worth It?

If you have purchased a house last year, when the market was crazy, a home inspection may not have been an option for you at the time of purchase. With multiple offers flying in on almost every property, the offers with the least conditions were sold first and this meant skipping a home inspection.

Conditions are a point or points in the Real Estate sales contract that needs to be met prior to the buyer finalizing their purchase. Common conditions are home inspections (to confirm there are no major surprises), financing conditions (to ensure the banks will finance you), and now even the condition of selling your current home. There is usually a seven to 14 day period where the buyer has to have these conditions of the sale removed and then from that point the contract is legally binding.

Without any conditions, the buyer can be in a hazardous position. If they cannot purchase the property, the seller has the legal right to sue the buyer for breach of contract. This could result in a large penalty, or even forcing the buyer to carry through with purchasing the home.

Imagine putting an offer in on a property without any home inspection conditions and then finding out from your lawyer that the home was formerly a marijuana grow operation and was never properly remediated. This is on the extreme side, but even discovering the basement was wired incorrectly and without permits could cost the new owner hundreds to even thousands of dollars.

Now with the current buyer's market occurring, where many sellers are eager to look at any offer, a home inspection should be one of the first conditions in any offer. A qualified home inspector will inspect the home from top to bottom and depending on the size of the property and scope of the inspection; this may take from a few hours to half of a day to do a thorough inspection.

Usually after the inspection it takes a couple days for the report to be finalized, although we have had some inspectors print their reports out on site. The final report will have information on the major parts of the home including, the building structure, plumbing and heating, electrical, and landscaping. Most reports even include information on the remaining life expectancy of major items such as the roof, furnace and hot water life.

Armed with this type of information you can go into the purchase of your new home with your eyes wide open. If the seller neglected to mention the furnace was on its last legs this may give you some additional bargaining power. Or if they had considered this, and priced it accordingly you can find out in advance what your costs to replace it immediately will be so you are not taken by surprise after your purchase.

Some discoveries may be so costly as to dissuade you from even removing conditions and thus saving you from purchasing the proverbial money pit. This is why the inspections are so important for a buyer.

Home inspectors can be found in the yellow pages, via referrals from friends who have recently purchased homes or if you are purchasing with a Realtor, they will have several they can usually recommend. Don't buy your next home without an inspection, it is simply too large a gamble to take with such large sums of money.

Bill Biko
Helping people create wealth while they sleep through Real Estate

What Does A Gfi Do

Spiritual Ethical Will - Giving the Gift of Tradition

Spiritual ethical wills are different from a last will and testament. Instead of bequeathing physical assets, ethical wills bequeath personal insights, morals and philosophies. If you are looking for a gift that will keep on giving then invest in the development of a spiritual ethical will.

Parts of an Ethical Will

An ethical will can be formatted in a number of different ways, however, most formats will have the same basic sections. The first section will be the introduction. It will identify who the ethical will is intended for and what its purpose is. The second section will contain personal insights into life, philosophies and values that the writer has. The final section will point out what the reader is supposed to learn from the will, such as cherishing time with their family or learning to be charitable.

Writing Your Ethical Will

Writing your ethical will can be an intimidating process. People who do not write a lot may feel as if the process of composing and editing an ethical will is more than they can handle, or they may feel that they just don't have the time to write one. Fortunately, you don't have to sit down and write the entire thing in one night, nor do you have to write an ethical will that is 100 pages long.

The writing process for an ethical will needs to start with an outline and a brainstorming session. The outline will help you to format your ethical will and the brainstorming session will help you to flesh out the ethical will. There are a lot of brainstorming activities that you can try including word association and freewriting.

The next step is to develop the topics you entered in your outline. To do this you will need to try and write at least one paragraph per topic. You can talk about memories, you can provide examples or you can just discuss your thoughts about the topic.

After you have a first draft completed you will want to put away your will for at least a week. When you take it back out you will be able to look at it with fresh eyes. This will make it easier to edit your will. Start by reading through the ethical will out loud. This will help you to find grammatical mistakes, typos and sentence flow problems.

Get more tips for writing an ethical will at Spiritual Ethical Will.

Developing Wealth Building Habit

Modern Stylish Shower Doors - Home Tips

Are you searching of a modern and stylish shower for your new bathroom? If yes then you are using the right article. Modern showers are not only attractive but also safe. Nowadays you can find a big variety of shower doors in the market and your job is to choose the one which suits the interior of your bathroom. Nowadays lots of people are opting for frameless shower doors. Frameless shower doors are getting more and more popular.

A frameless shower door can be installed with every unit which you are planning to install in your washroom. If you are renovating your washroom or constructing a new one then it is a good idea to start from shower doors. Before purchasing anything for your new washroom you should know all the measurements.

It is a good idea to decide the design of your bathroom before you buy anything new for your bathroom. You ask for the help of a professional. A bathroom expert can help you in designing your bathroom in a modern way. You should always spend some time on the internet before you decide anything new. You should try to find all the reputed websites which give essential information about bathroom design and accessories. You can easily find some websites and blogs which provide useful information on this topic.Have you ever heard about online bathroom stores? Online bathroom stores offer high quality accessories and furniture at reasonable prices. You can also find some stores which offer discount on bulk orders.

If you want to know more about Shower Doors then feel free to visit Bella Bathrooms.

Toilet Paper Under The Bathroom

Spiritual Affirmation - Healing Your Inner Self With Spiritual Affirmations

From childhood to adulthood, the knowledge we gain or the experiences we have in our lives only helps us to discover our outer personality and brings us closer to material things of this world. At the same time we sometimes get depressed or fall into a low self-esteem Problem. Spiritual Affirmations help us get out of these problems. Spiritual Affirmations leads us towards a happy and satisfying life with a peaceful mind.

Affirmations are a judgment that we pass or any thought we have. An affirmation is directly linked to our sub consciousness. Affirmations can either be negative or positive which can either guide our subconscious actions to a successful life or towards failure.

Spiritual Affirmations are a form of meditation which when mediated often, have a desirable results. For example if a person has a lack of confidence or self-esteem problem sit in a peaceful, quiet place with some spiritual affirmations in your mind, let the emotions flow to you and start saying the spiritual affirmations aloud, 'I believe in myself' or 'My inner self will always guide me towards right path with decisions that are beneficial to me and others'.

The key behind spiritual affirmations is to let go of all your negative thoughts and trust completely in yourself. Instead of thinking 'This project is too difficult for me' try thinking 'I am capable of anything and obstacles do not effect me or my work'. Once you adopting this kind of spiritual affirmation you will notice a positive and healthy change in your life.

The best way to carry out spiritual affirmation technique is to release your mind of any negative thought, sit in a peaceful and quiet place, relax and visualize any positive spiritual affirmation such as 'My mind is at peace now'. At the same time try to use simple words and sentences which can easily be interpreted by our mind and mind can easily accept it to be true.

Spiritual affirmations not only help to achieve a peaceful mind and happy life but also helps us draw closer to God. Remember God and His blessings as much as possible while utilizing the spiritual affirmation technique. For example "I let my renewed soul thank God for His blessings" or 'I release my old self and reborn with a new pure soul'. The most acceptable and commonly used word in spiritual affirmation is 'Amen' meaning 'so be it'. While some of us use it to conclude our prayer, it can be used for spiritual affirmation.

For a positive result spiritual affirmation needs to be repeated many times for effectiveness. Write down any positive thought you get maybe in a diary, on a piece of card or whichever way is convenient to you. Review them daily to get your mind to completely accept these thoughts. Preferably review them twice a day. Initially during spiritual affirmation technique we will also get negative thoughts. Note down these thoughts as well and at the end of the day review them and try replacing them with something more positive. Once you perform this spiritual affirmation technique on a regular basis you will find a positive change in yourself with a renewed spirit.

Robert Watson is a certified hypnotherapist with the ABH and the NGH, and has worked with affirmations and subliminal messages for over ten years. Visit his Subliminal Messages website for more information about using affirmations and subliminal messages to help you lose weight, quit smoking, have a more positive outlook and more.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

Monday, July 20, 2009

Log Home Preservation Methods - Borate Wood Preservatives

Log Home BorateTreatments - the options and how and when to use!

One of the most important ways to protect your investment, your home, is to use a wood preservative on your logs. There are only two times that you can effectively use these products on your logs. When the home is built, before it is stained, or after cob blasting a finish off of your logs, before you re-stain. The wood preservative must be applied to raw wood, so it can soak in and dry underneath the stain.

All wood faces the possibility of rot and insect infestation, even in dry climates. Fungi and insects actually consume the cells of dead wood, often causing severe structural damage that often requires log replacement-a costly repair. We use Penetreat to help protect your home from costly damage of rot and insect infestation. Penetreat is a borate based wood preservative. Borates are well known across the world for their protective qualities. Penetreat provides a protective "shell" coating which helps defend your home against dry, wet, and brown rot, as well as termites, house borers, powder post beetles, and carpenter ants, (to name a few).

Borate is not toxic to people and animals. It will not harm you or your pets. Borates do not affect the natural color or strength of wood. They are completely odorless, and are not corrosive to metal fasteners, nails or screws. When a "Penetreat" home is properly sealed against moisture, the borates can provide many years of effective protective.

Impel Rods are a highly concentrated solid form, water diffusible borate rod. They are ideal for both preventative treatments of high risk areas and remedial treatments in areas with existing decay. Because Impel Rods stop decay when properly used, there is no need to replace decay damaged, yet structurally sound logs! Decay prone and rot hot spot areas at greatest risk include: base logs, corner construction, exposed rafters or overhangs, and below windows, doors, and dormers.

Impel Rods depend on moisture to work. When moisture contents of wood reach levels suitable for decay attack, i.e. (around 25 percent) Impel Rods slowly dissolve and begin to diffuse throughout the moisture saturated wood. The preservative will migrate into the areas of highest moisture, which are at the highest risk from fungal decay. The diffused Impel Rod will adequately and effectively prevent the wood from rotting and decaying because it will not allow the fungus that causes rot to grow. When moisture levels drop below 25 percent, the preservative becomes dormant and provides a reserve, ready to reactivate should decay conducive conditions reoccur. We feel that Impel Rods are an essential part of the protection of your log home, and include them as part of our prevention and restoration system.

We hope this article has been helpful and look forward to giving you much more information in future articles to help you preserve your log home dream!

Jamie Fonder

Top-Coat Log Home Restoration LLC

Structural Framing Beams

What Needs to Change to Become Your Authentic Self?

Becoming your Authentic Self is a process of deprogramming who you were trained to be and rebuilding your perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors to be in alignment with who you were born to be.

And this means change.

"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die!"

There is good reason why humans resist change. The inborn survival instinct does not want to risk losing what it has in exchange for the uncertainty of change.

The dilemma for the person on the spiritual path is that you must change in order to grow. My Awakening Your Light Body teacher, Duane Packer, often shared this quote: "If you want to have what you've never had, you will need to do what you've never done."

The good news is that the more spiritually evolved you become, the more tools and skills you have for consciously creating your reality.

Although it is quite tempting to believe that if only the other person (or situation) would change all would be well in our world, at some point in our spiritual growth we come to accept that our outside reality is a reflection of our inner reality. It is said that we don't see the world as it is; we see the world as we are. It is a big leap forward in spiritual awakening to understand that what we experience in our outer life is a reflection of our inner life.

The great thing is we can change our mind any time we want and start focusing on how we want our life to be (instead of focusing on what we don't want and creating more of that!)

As Nelson Mandela has said: "We must become the change we want to see in the world."

A good question to ask when you are not liking a life situation:

"What belief, attitude, behavior, or perspective do I need to change so I can be joyful in this situation?"

Once we get past wanting to blame someone else for our unhappiness, it is not too hard to take the next step and ask what we need to change about ourselves.

Is it possible that something as simple as asking what we need to change in ourselves can turn around a seemingly impossible situation? Yes!

How do I know? Because I have done it. The hardest part is acknowledging that the unpleasant outside circumstance is a result of something inside of me. But as the saying goes, "do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" At this point on my spiritual path I have found myself to be "wrong" so often that I am used to noticing my "faults" and owning what is true no matter how embarrassing, silly, stupid (all judgments, by the way) it is. I encourage you if you have a situation that is causing you unhappiness, use it as an opportunity to ask "What do I need to change in myself so this situation gets better?"

I know you will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Jennifer T. Grainger, B.Msc.,Spiritual Growth Coach & Mentor, Founder of, an online resource center for people exploring their spirituality. Sign up now for a fr^ee membership and receive Jennifer's guided meditation:"Sitting in the Stillness". In this meditation you will connect with your Divine Self for guidance, inspiration and expanded consciousness. Sign Up Now!

Structuring Your 24 Hour Day

Great Tips on How to Select Wooden Doors

Your wooden doors are not added for the sake of aesthetic value. They can add protection to your home, especially from intruders and stray animals. They can also prevent harmful elements such as strong wind, snow, and rain from getting into your house.

But how do you exactly choose the most ideal wooden doors for your house? We can sum up everything in 4 tips:

1. Get to know the weather. One of the biggest issues of wood is that it tends to expand and contract every time the weather changes. This then makes wooden doors highly susceptible to premature wear and tear. What you can do is to select those that have fiberboard panels. They are not only very durable, but they are resistant to changeable weather conditions.

2. Go for solid wooden doors. There are actually two known types of wooden doors. You have the hollow core, where the panels are made up of fiberboards with gaps or holes. They are very lightweight and somewhat inexpensive. However, they are not as durable as solid wooden doors. They also produce a lot of noise. Though you will surely be spending more for them, you are also assured of their quality. You can stick with mahogany, oak, and hickory, to name a few. They are also considered to be more fire resistant. If you're in doubt of how strong they are, you can still find these kinds of doors among old houses-those that have been around for more than 50 years.

3. Ensure that the door hardly touches the floor. Some doors are just so huge that their bottom edges will cause scratches into your floor every time you close and open them. It would be ideal to have your floors attached first before you buy the wooden doors, or you can have an allowance of at least a half inch at the bottom of the door.

4. Buy the door from a legitimate manufacturer. There are hundreds of manufacturers that you can find in the market today, but not all of them are actually real. Some of them would only give you substandard wood door or market them as solid wood when, in fact, they're not. To see if it's a legitimate seller or manufacturer, you can look for reviews in the World Wide Web. You can also check the Better Business Bureau if the company is registered. Most of all, don't buy any wood door without warranty.

5. Determine your style. There are several choices that you can have for your wood doors, and usually, your selection will depend on your style. If you can't find the right color for your door, you can opt to buy the unfinished one and just have a professional painter to add the color. Victorian-style homes can go for six-panel doors, while others can select 4-panel ones.

You can look for wood doors in your local home depot or at the Internet. It's important, however, that before you bring them home, you must be able to check for any potential issue.

Searching for the best wooden doors will no longer be a problem anymore. Lenfex has partnered with the best American and European wooden manufacturers to ensure that you don't only obtain an affordable product but one that is of excellent quality.

Bathroom Remodeling Problems

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Painting For a Quick Face Lift

Painting is probably the quickest and cheapest fixes for your home. Your house is going to look better right away, and if you are selling, you will get back more money than you put into the project.

You are vulnerable to particles and fumes when you are sanding, painting, or working with solvents. Protect your skin by wearing cotton gloves when using sharp or abrasive tools. Wear latex gloves when working with paint. Wear neoprene gloves when handling solvents, strippers, and harsh chemicals. Protect your eyes by wearing safety glasses when working with tools. Wear goggles to protect against dust and aerosol droplets when sanding, spraying, or painting over your head. To protect your lungs sand, paint, and strip outside, or cross ventilate with a least 2 open windows or doors. If there is a danger of breathing dust, aerosol, or solvent fumes, filter the air with a respirator.

Priming is essential and helps ensure a professional looking paint job. primer is fundamental to good looking walls, not a way to sell you one more paint product. It is a specially formulated product designed to:

Increase adhesion.

Help the finish coat develop maximum sheen.

Give the finish coat a uniform appearance.

Increase the finish coat coverage.

prevent blemishes on an old surface form bleeding through the new coat of paint.

Add to metal corrosion resistance.

In preparation for painting:

1. Move furniture away from walls and protect floor and baseboards with 12-inch base board masking and a paper/poly drop cloth

2. Set Popped nails or screws, repair cracks and holes, and fill dents with light weight crack filler.

3. Let the crack filler dry based on instruction.

4. Treat any areas of mildew with 3-to-1 water/bleach solution and protect your hands with rubber gloves.

5. Rinse the entire wall surface with clean, fresh water and let the wall dry overnight.Clean with a TSP solution before you prime and paint.

6. Spot prime all of the repaired areas with a latex stain-blocking primer.

7. Prime the entire wall with the same stain -blocking primer for uniformity.

Glossy paints dry to a hard, nonporous surface; therefore, it is almost impossible for new paint to adhere effectively. Glossy surface lack what painters call "tooth," or roughness, which gives the paint something to stick to. A light sanding or use of a chemical deglosser will do the trick to for a "tooth."

Although priming is vital to lasting finish and a great looking room, there are also sound economic reasons for a good priming job. Primer is not just a watery paint. It is formulated to adhere well to a variety of surfaces and seals them to prevent stains and discoloration from bleeding through the final coat.

Mask the room and determine the order for painting the room. Paint last the areas that are likely to get dripped on. Prime and paint ceiling first, and walls second, and trim last. If you plan to prime the trim with a different tint than you will use on the walls, mask the trim first. Mask the top of the walls if you are painting the ceiling. Mask the ceiling and trim if you are starting with the walls.

If using latex, dip the brush in water to help absorb the primer. If using alkyd, dip the brush in mineral spirits. Brush out the liquid on a piece of cardboard to remove loose bristles. Brush primer on areas of walls and trim that need special attention: patches in drywall and plaster, areas of bare wood exposed by scraping and sanding, and any spots treated with stain blocker.

It if hard for a dry roller to absorb primer or paint. So prime the roller before you put it in the primer or paint. If the prime is latex, spritz the roller with a garden mister and squeeze off the excess water. Use mineral spirits for alkyd primer. Run the roller over the paint grid or roller pan several times to get an even amount of primer on the roller cover.

Prime the ceiling. Start on the short side of the room and "cut in" the edges about 2 inches wide and about 5 feet long along the edge of the ceiling. Then, wearing safety goggles and an old cap , roll paint onto the ceiling, working the roller into the cut-in areas to remove as many brush marks as possible. Roll with diagonal strokes and move from the edge toward the middle of the room. Continue cutting in and rolling until your are finished.

Cut in a section of the wall. Wait until the ceiling dries and mask it off with blue painter's masking tape. Mask off the trim if you haven't already done so. Starting in a corner, prime along about 5 feet of trim, 5 feet of ceiling, and from top to bottom of the corner.

To minimize the wall area that will have a brush-stroke texture, run the roller over the strips you have primed during the cutting stage, getting as close as possible to the masked trim, ceiling, or adjacent wall.

Begin rolling at the top section of the wall along the cut-in strip. Sand the walls if necessary. Roll the ceiling with the finish color. When the primer is dry, mask around the ceiling. After cutting in a section, start rolling, Protect your eyes with safety goggles and wear an old cap. A 5-gallon bucket with a roller grid requires a filling less often and is less likely to tip than a paint tray. Use a relatively dry roller to reduce spattering. Roll diagonally, as you did to prime, to avoid creating visible rows across the ceiling. Extension poles you to reach more areas without leaning dangerously from a ladder. Then after apply the finish putting on the paint. You can apply more than one coat if you feel that is necessary.

Prime and paint the trims, remove the masking for the walls, allow the pain to dry thoroughly, and mask off for the trim. Control dripping by pouring the trim paint into a small bucket and dip the trim paint into a small bucket and dip the trim paint into a small bucket and dip the brush about halfway into the paint. Tap the brush against the sides instead of scraping it around the rim to remove excess paint in the tip of the brush; This will leave paint in the body of the brush.

Continue painting the delicate areas like the windows and edges with caution until you are completed with your paint job. Your paint job will end up looking professional, because it was done using the right steps.

Plaster And Drywall Cracks

Dream Walking - Where Do You Go To

Dream walking and astral travelling are very similar. Astral travelling tends to be something you do alone, where dream walking is a more conscious experience where you can choose who goes with you.

It is good to set your intentions when going to sleep. You can ask your Higher Self for help with a problem or you can consciously choose to go on an adventure, using your powers of visualization and imagination.

If you have friends who are open to spiritual experiences, you could chat with them in advance and invite them along on the adventure. Distance is no object, so you can even arrange this on Chat or by SMS messaging in advance.

When bedtime comes, go to bed in a relaxed and happy way and if you feel any tension in your body, just spend a few minutes releasing that consciously, becoming aware of the different parts of your body.

Breathe into these areas and relax and expand your consciousness. Feel the more subtle aspects of the physical body  the organs, the cells and molecules; and become aware of your Energy Body or Aura, which permeates throughout the physical body.

Allow the Electromagnetic Power in your Aura to expand and connect to more aspects of yourself by grounding yourself to the Earth, reaching up with your consciousness and feelings to the planets around the Sun in our solar system and feeling their influence, like archangels guiding one's destiny.

As you connect more and more with your Energy Body and the Energy Matrix of the Zero Point Field, which is talked about in Quantum Physics, feel your chakra centres activating and coming alive. Feel the multidimensional aspects of yourself opening up and connecting you with your spirit family, healing helpers and guides within and beyond the veil. You may feel your power increasing like a magnetic presence or charisma comes around you.

When the energies feel right, remember your intentions at the beginning of the process and who is coming with you. Reach out with your feelings and start a telepathic communication with the friends you would like to take with you. You do this deep in your heart with a faint starring in your feelings; it is more the intention to send the message than anything verbal.

If they are ready too, choose to slip out of your physical body into your Energy Body and choose to focus with your feelings on the images in your imagination. See yourself soaring through time and space. This is a process of transcending your physical body consciously becoming aware if the finer and finer aspects of Self, until you transcend the physical into your light body.

Remember that you do not really travel out of yourself: you just choose to make yourself bigger and move your awareness around inside of your Self, which truly is the whole universe. It is like moving your awareness from your head to your big toe, travel from your head to your toe; you just became aware of a different aspect of yourself. So choose to feel yourself as the Universe in this expanded transcendental awareness and then choose which aspect to be aware of.

It is all about focus of intention and what you choose to create; either alone or with the friends you have chosen to have this experience with you. Connect fully to the senses in your Energy or Light Body. This is like being aware of your senses in Sixth Sense Mode.

Feel your surroundings, the warmth of the sun, the wind in your hair; smell the flowers and the freshly cut grass in the hay meadows. Start a conversation with your friend and hear their voice in your ears. Feel their hand in yours as you walk along together. You are using your powers of visualization, imagination and mixing these with your passion and desire in a very subtle dream state.

Then fully open up your imagination and your Self to the multi-dimensions of experiences you can choose to create in this state of consciousness. Enjoy your Dream Walk. Remember you are only limited by your imagination, in this state of awareness all things are possible. Please focus on the good and life supporting aspects, which will help you and your friends, live a happier more fulfilled life.

When you are finished bring your Light Body/awareness back to the here and now, reconnect with your physical body again and enjoy the rest of your night's sleep. Thank all your friends who helped with this process and send them loving thoughts.

By George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT -- HealerGeorge(C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved. Tel: +44 (0)1286 882701 Visit HealerGeorge's web site to experience the power of Distant Healing or listen to HealerGeorge Radio giving Questions and Answer advice mixed with Spiritual Music. You can also enjoy many free benefits on HealerGeorge, like listening to Free Guided Meditations. Why not order HealerGeorge's Latest book entitled "A Journey into The Self - The Multi-dimensional Nature of Being Human" By George E Lockett. It is all available off the web site. HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing, and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Creating A Habit

Material For the Decors

Home furnishing is one of the many investments homeowners give much importance to. From the living room, to the dining room, to the master bedroom; everything has to be just right. But beyond closed walls, lawns, gardens, and backyards also have their share of make-overs. And the patio isn't any different.

Design isn't the only essential information you should be getting yourself acquainted with when choosing your patio furniture. Material is also vital, as you want to find furniture, which will suit both your needs and wants. Whatever your patio dcor is made out of will greatly affect the overall feel of your area, the amount of time and energy you will use for maintenance, the optimum performance of your furniture, and just how much you'd actually be spending for it.

The material for patio outdoor furniture varies. From wood, plastic, aluminum to iron.

Wood is one of the most popular materials used for patio dcor with Cedar topping the list. Others are Mahogany, Pine, and Teak; all of which can provide you with all weather outdoor furniture so long as you apply water sealant. Rattan and Bamboo on the other hand are not as weather resistant.

The Western Red Cedar is the best wood for outdoor furniture. They are resistant to decay and insect infestation. . Adirondack and Muskoka chairs are always made from Cedar.

Pine is less expensive too. They are softer compared to other types of wood. Because of this, they are prone to cracking.

Want something more sturdy and heavier? Choose Mahogany. It will cost you more but it will be worth it.

Beautiful and elegant, they are Canes, bamboo, rattan, and willow. Serenity and ambiance will be felt in your surroundings. The weather will be cruel towards them though. Them being lightweight is another con.

Wood requires minimal maintenance compared to others. You just need to put oil on them from time to time. This will prevent them from drying up. Cushions can be added but be sure to remove them as the harsh weather will not be too soft on them.

Plastic does not always look cheap. Resins for example are beautifully woven and require less maintenance. They are heavy so they won't be easily blown away. This is budget friendly outdoor furniture.

Cast aluminum is like resin. It is cheap and weather resistant. Stainless and rust free, they are easy to maintain. They may need cushions so they will feel a lot more comfortable. They are always in the same color.

Of course there's the classic Scrolled Wrought Iron dcors which have dominantly populated most city park benches and the like. Its long-been-tested durability is truly something this piece of work can boast about. The beauty of wrought irons is that it mixes elegance with low maintenance even if you have to pay a little extra for these benefits. Furniture created from this material can be left displayed under the freezing snow, boiling sun, chilly rains, or cool winds and still come out as fresh as ever. The only problem with wrought iron furniture is that it will have the tendency to rust if its coat of paint was removed although this can easily be remedied by regular repainting.

In choosing your eventual patio dcor, the look should be the last thing on your mind even if it's the first thing people will see. All weather outdoor furniture will always be more beneficial than those which you will need to move indoors with every sign of potential rainfall. Heavyweight material should also be preferred as winds and gusts are unpredictable. Never compromise long-term satisfaction with short-term financial benefits. Do not forget, your patio is also a part of the home you've invested in.

Kenny Leichester is a foremost expert in the interior design industry specializing in the outdoor or patio settings using outdoor patio furniture, patio umbrellas, outdoor cushions, patio heaters, patio lighting and so on to create exquisitely beautiful layout. His work on patio heaters and so on are widely distributed and is a regular contributor to

Concrete Patio Gofer Damage

Psychic Readings - What is Psychic See-er?

When people talk about psychic abilities, then very imaginative ideas pop up in the minds of general population. Some reckon psychic is some one who can talk to people who have departed this transition, and some others think psychics are God gifted and are able to actually talk to God. Throughout the ages there were see-ers who could see the heart of the matter also communicate with spiritual dimension, getting guidance also predicting and anticipating up coming events.

In our recorded history we come to see the importance of spirituality to all lost civilizations. Example: Aztecs of South America, or ancient Egyptian cultures which really evolved their entire existence around a belief that life is of spiritual nature. Ancient Egyptian society had a very rich spiritual belief system. They have built marvelous temple tombs for their journeys for after life. And not just Egyptian but almost all civilizations throughout ages believed in spiritual realms and try to communicate with those dimensions. When we study history we come to see cave painting which date back to 10000 years before time, where we get to see the rock art in detail, showing shamanic rituals being performed. Shamanic cultures still exists in remotes part of our globe. Still living and practicing spiritual traditions their ancestors left for successive generations. Also spirituality touches nearly every heart in one form or another.

Spiritual beliefs and practices vary for different cultures and societies. And almost all cultures have a spiritual psychic who they consult on regular basis. Psychics are not a new invention in our modern busy lives. They can be seen almost in every culture, making their spiritual journeys to higher consciousness to receive psychic answers, and spiritual guidance. In eastern part of our world these spiritually attuned psychics are named as see-ers. They have the unique ability to intuitively see the heart of the matter in question. Psychic clairvoyants in our modern world are becoming in demand and proving to be very popular amongst spiritually minded people. They provide psychic readings, also some are able to read divination as well, divination is not simply a fortune telling event, as alleged in Hollywood movies, it is more than that, it is being able to see insights of a person or events.

We need to understand the difference between psychic readings and divination readings. They are both completely different subjects altogether, yet they will both prove to be insightful also accurate, if received from a genuine source. Our history has seen psychics, soothsayers, magicians, astrology prediction given by astrologers who study the position of stars, clairvoyant, rune stones readers, psychic - mediums who make the spiritual journeys between spirit world and our normal world, divination kumalak readers and many other spiritual forms of divination and seeing.

As science evolved so did knowledge of our universe, science answers many questions, and without the efforts of science we could not make so many new discoveries we find to be useful for us. And scientific communities will disagree with psychic ability being real, as most scientific scholars do not believe in the existence of soul - spirit nature. Everybody is entitled to their theories in life, which is the basis for advancement, to have theories. Yet the spiritual communities know the accuracy and usefulness of consulting a psychic, and getting psychic readings from them. Genuine psychic advice has and will continue to provide a useful option to those who live their lives believing in the existence of spiritual forms thus receiving guidance from these dimensions. Question should not be as to, are psychics real? Rather the question should be how can I utilize the dedication of these spiritually attuned souls? "Psychics"

We are human beings whether we live in Asia or America, and there were psychics thousands of years ago, and some are genuine psychic clairvoyants today also. Have you ever had genuine psychic readings before? If you have, then your theories about them will be positive in nature. And if you never had genuine psychic readings before, then perhaps you may like to test your theories about them, by getting genuine real psychic readings online, today.

Tolga Savas Dedicated and Trusted genuine psychic clairvoyant, is now offering psychic readings, one of worlds best dream analysis free, psychic chat online, kumalak readings, spiritual guidance and spiritual healing, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny - Only the Calm Waters will Reflect the Stars

30 Days To Creating Super Habits

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Basement Design - Finding Furniture That Fits

Imagine this: the colors are just right for your basement design; the lights are on and the floor rugs are in place. In short, everything seems perfect except that there are no equipment or things yet in place. Naturally, this should be the next thing on your mind once you're done with designing your basement. After all, you want to hang around in your basement so you need things to entertain yourself with. You can't just choose items in random though. There are some tips you might want to follow when you pick what goes into your basement.

Weight of Objects

It would be great if you could put some tables, chairs and couches in your basement. You would naturally need all of these so you can relax, play games or work on a hobby. Some basement owners may also consider adding some audio-visual equipment and perhaps some musical instruments. Do remember though that basements could be prone to flooding. If you think your basement isn't going to be spared in the next wet season then it would be best if you had basement equipment and furniture that you can quickly move out in case of emergencies.

Value of Things

You might want to have an expensive flat screen TV in your basement. You might also want to have an expensive or rare painting on the wall to complement your basement design. Other valuable things that may find their way into your basement include family heirlooms and sports memorabilia. Again, you should think twice about putting valuable items in your basement. Moisture and flood could destroy priceless items.

Electrical Gadgets

Television sets, music players and game consoles are great additions to a basement. Do make sure though that there is sufficient protection against possible electrocution just in case these gadgets come in contact with water or moisture.

Organized Themes

You would want the basement to welcome everybody in the family. You would however also want to make sure that you don't end up with cluttered space. You could prevent this by creating a theme for your basement. You can opt for a sports or hobby theme and include items that conform to the theme.

Basement design is one of the most enjoyable things you can get yourself into. Just make sure that you follow good tips for decorating and designing to ensure that your basement will truly become the haven you envisioned.

Want to learn how to improve your basement design? Discover practical basement remodeling ideas online and turn cheap basement ideas into dream basements at a budget.

Materials For Stair Treads

The Missing Years of Jesus Resolved

Shrouded in mystery, fable and legend, nevertheless the Bible recorded the birth of Jesus Christ and follows His life up to about 12 years old.

To this day Jewish male children undergo Bar Mitzvah at the age of 13. This was not recorded by the Evangelists. Indeed, the life of Jesus is not considered again till the age of 30.

To accept that Jesus was just at home with His family is a plausible explanation, but not in keeping with the Gospels that say at the age of 12, Jesus was at the Temple, and the people marveled to hear Him.

Certainly, after His Bar Mitzvah, He would have been technically a man and no longer a boy, and would naturally continue to marvel the people. It would have been His right to speak in the Temple. There is no such record.

There is much speculation, but a lot of recorded incidents and connections. One very important one is Joseph (Saint) of Arimathea. Certain he was a rich man, and certainly he was able to speak (in Greek and /or Latin) to the Roman governor at a very sensitive moment, so he was certainly influential.

He gave his own tomb for the burial of Jesus, and paid for all the necessary burial formalities. There is no question he was close to Jesus, and as a member of the Sanhedrin, would have defended him in that assembly. There were more connections, and many very plausible.

Joseph of Arimathea was certainly wealthy, but how did he amass his wealth? Arimathea, is not a town or district at all, but a Greek compound word meaning Harima Theo (by the Grace of God).

He most likely came from Ramle or another town. He was said to be in the trade of metals; tin precisely. This would have theoretically put him in contact with England, where tin was mined and sent throughout the Roman Empire.

More speculation has Joseph related to Jesus directly. It is been written by early Church fathers that Joseph was the uncle of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Certainly the Gospel has them familiar as when Joseph was burying Jesus in his tomb, he was accompanied by Mary (the mother of Jesus), and Mary Magdalena.

Jesus Himself was familiar with Alexandria in Egypt (where He grew up) and as a major center of learning (the Library was there), Jesus would have also spoken Egyptian.

Since where there is so much smoke there must be fire, the story of the young Jesus being accompanied by Joseph, his uncle, on a journey to England is certainly possible.

The legend records the journey home, but with a diversion to Greece, and then into Asia Minor. There it is said that Jesus and Joseph departed, with Jesus joining another wealthy traveler with his son.

At the time, there were Buddhist missionaries all over Asia Minor, and indeed as far as Rome and Egypt. It is plausible Jesus had encountered one or more, and thus found His interest and way to India.

There are many records from early travelers to India having been shown or heard about Jesus time there.

The famous James Churchward in his major work Mu the Lost Continent describes such an encounter. There have been many others including Notovitch in 1888.

Aside from the fantastic speculation, many of the diversions from classic Judaism appear to be oriental in nature, and very specifically Vedic in nature.

Where the Jews were waiting for a Messiah, the Hindus have their belief in Avatars which are human incarnations of God.

So the missing years perhaps saw a journey from the Holy Land to Egypt, to England, passing central Europe into Greece, Asia Minor, and the Hindu Kush all the way to the Himalayas.

There, Jesus would have found the perfect environment to slowly become the world Avatar that He has indeed become.

There is no Hindu which does not accept Him as a divine incarnation.

Here is William Blakes poem Jerusalem which alludes to such a visit

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon Englands mountains green?

And was the holy Lamb of God

On Englands pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here

Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold;

Bring me my Arrows of Desire;

Bring me my Spear; O clouds unfold!

Bring me my Chariot of Fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,

Till we have built Jerusalem

In Englands green and pleasant Land.

There have been many theories on Jesus the missing years and we hope you find our view thought provoking.

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Stopped Losing Your Car Keys

Tips on Installing Stair Rods

Stair rods are the thin pieces of either metal or plastic that fit to the base of each stair riser to hold your staircase carpet runner in place. This not only protects the carpet and stops it from moving from position, but it also increases safety measures as people are less likely to fall or trip on carpet sections that have come loose from the stairs. You also have the added benefit of a decorative, attractive finish to your carpet, which adds charm and style to your staircase.

Even though stair carpets should be fitted with grippers to help avoid any movement in the carpet, stair rods form an extra means of securing your carpets, but they simply are not strong enough to form the only means of securing them.

Stair rods are available in several materials and several decorative finishes to suit any taste or decor. They range from various timbers or chrome finish to iron or brass, there are so many styles available that you will easily find one available to suit you and your home.

It is possible to order stair rods that are made to measure, but it is important that you get your initial measurements correct to ensure correct fitting and to avoid ending up with stair rods that are too short.

Most staircase carpets are fitted inside each stair riser, so you will need to measure not only the width of your carpet but also add extra length for the finial, or decorative end piece. This means the measurement you supply will be a tip-to-tip measurement from the end of one finial to the end of the other. As stair rods are front fitted, this means you can add them to carpet runners or stairs that are completely carpeted.

When installing your stair rods you should mount the bracket firmly onto the staircase so that it sits directly alongside the edge of the carpet. It is recommended that you drill a pilot hole first for easier installation.

Attach the finials or decorative end pieces to the rods and secure them in place using small screws so they don't come off. Once both brackets are installed, lay the stair rod in the brackets being sure that the rod protrudes an equal distance from the bracket on each end. You should check that the rod overhangs the carpet runner an equal distance on each side, and then carefully screw the top half of the bracket to the bottom bracket piece to secure the stair rod in place.

If you are installing stair rods to fully carpeted stairs you may require longer screws to hold the brackets in place as the screw will need to go through the carpet and the underlay before it can grip to the stair riser.

Once your stair rods are installed, you should be able to enjoy a stylish accent to your staircase that not only looks great but is amazingly low maintenance. Stair rods don't require cleaning with cleaning products; simply wipe them with a clean cloth to maintain their protective lacquer coating and their fine finish.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents a number of UK businesses. For flooring accessories, he recommends Completely Flooring, one of the UK's leading suppliers of Stair Rods.

Materials For Stair Treads

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ramadan - Fasting in 2009

Ramadan is the time of the year when Muslims must obey one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting. Fasting is an important step all Muslims must take.

What time does fasting begin and what time does fasting ends depends on the rising of the sun and setting of the sun. You can find out what day Ramadan begins and the last day. It is customary to open you fast with dates, which are very inexpensive and can be bought from many shops, if not than something sweet will do, such as fruits etc.

When a Muslim man or woman fast they are learning how precious life is and how we should be grateful for what we have and feel as others less fortunate then we are.

Tips for fasting. There shouldn't really be any tips on Ramadan or fasting as that would perhaps defy the whole point God found Muslims to complete this task every year. But there are some things Muslims can do. Drink plenty of water before starting your fast to avoid dehydration as you are not permitted any foods or liquids of any kind while fasting.

For all of you who want quick facts about fasting than here goes, Please remember these are guidelines.

1. No eating or drinking during fasting times

2. No smoking or taking of illegal drugs

3. No sexual activities

4. No behaviors which are considered harmful

5. Fasting is not allowed during menstrual periods.

6. Medical conditions which would require you to break your fast is allowed.

Remember this is a fast of not just food but also of the soul, of our daily luxuries.

This is the time of contemplation and spirituality.

Shazia Shah is a practicing Muslim and has been a driving force behind the Muslim Matrimonials website and With Muslim Members from all over the UK and rest of the world.

Getting Up Earlier

Basement Waterproofing For Mold and Mildew

Many homeowners don't think about basement waterproofing projects until they are faced with a significant flooding emergency involving large amounts of unwanted water entering their home after a large rainfall or other natural occurrence. While solving these immediate water damage emergencies are important, large cracks in your basement walls and potential flooding problems are not the only dangers that face homeowners due to moisture in the basement. In fact, most water damage caused in basements isn't due to large floods, but instead due to small amounts of moisture seeping through the block walls over long periods of time.

The soil surrounding your basement always has a certain amount of water in it, which can increase or decrease depending on the time of year, rainfall and other factors. If you live in a dry western state, you may not have much problems with soil saturated by groundwater, but residents of coastal communities, the northeast, or the Pacific northwest may have serious problems with it. Saturated soil causes hydrostatic pressure on your basement walls and floors, which over time can push water through the blocks and cause some substantial damage.

Block walls can actually act like a sponge, soaking up water over time and allowing it to bleed through into the interior of your basement. In many cases, you can see evidence of this creeping water damage from white streaks on your walls. This, in addition to moisture in the air inside of your basement, can lead to the growth of dangerous black mold and mildew. And while mold and mildew can be killed using bleach or other products, only through a proper basement waterproofing job can you ensure that it won't return in the future.

Basement waterproofing to stop mold and mildew can be done both on both the interior and the exterior of your home. While specialized sealants and polymer coatings on the inside of your walls may stop the water damage problems for a little while, the only real permanent fix is to make sure that the footer drains on the outside of your home are properly installed and serviced to move excess water away from the home. By installing modern footer drains, you can stop water from ever reaching your basement floor and walls in the first place, effectively ending the need for interior basement waterproofing.

Mold and mildew can pose serious health risks to you and your family, not to mention the fact that they are unsightly and ugly to look at. By using all the best modern techniques available to waterproof your basement, you can get rid of dangerous mold growth once and for all. While you may need to make a small initial investment of time and money to properly waterproof your basement, it will add a lot of value to your home and may help prevent big repair costs in the future, as well.

Lorain County Sewer and Drain makes Beachwood basement waterproofing easy and affordable. Visit our site today to learn more about basement waterproofing

Painting Metal Siding

Ways to Use Your Basement

Many of us have unfinished basement spaces that don't seem like a good fit for many activities. They are large and expansive, and it can be overwhelming to finally tackle the space to make it usable. When tackling home improvement in your own home, it's a good idea to first contact a reputable contractor that can help you plan and then renovate your space. But your basement is a great area for many different activities.

If you have teenagers or children that are constantly tell you they're bored, how about a game room? You can purchase inexpensive versions of parlor games such as billiards, air hockey and ping pong, and with the large space of a basement, they'll all fit. It's a great way to keep tabs on your teen when his or her favorite hangout is at your house!

If you're a movie lover, how about an in-home theater? With the darkness of a basement, it's an ideal spot to show your favorite films to all of our friends. Setting up a sound system is fairly easy, and if you have a clear wall you can even project larger images onto a screen, making it just like the movies!

Are you a photography buff? How about evolving your craft and having your own dark room? Home improvement doesn't have to be hard, and with a good contractor, you'll be able to transform the empty space in your basement into a space that you'll use and love for years to come.

Creative Basement Solutions ( is a contractor doing home improvement in Florence Kentucky. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer

Electrical Outlet Problems

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Do We Know If it is Spiritual Love Or Just Physical Pleasure?

Love is spirituality along with the actual realistic knowledge of knowing there is someone other than oneself in the picture. Spiritually as if your heart is not in your own body, it inhabits the space in the heart of the person you love, with that person's heart inhabiting the space in your own, as if indistinguishable who is who, and it does not matter. Physically there are two, though spiritually there is only one, and that one is love, body, mind, and spirit. It can not be broken, ever, period, at least if it is absolute love from the infinite timelessness of our spiritual being, in the present body.

Simple, yes if it is realized that our nature is love and our spirits are free of complications or delusional illusions of what someone else may tell us. In other words when we listen to anyone other than ourselves in the realm of our own spirituality in consideration of love we give up our truth and become as deluded as the ones telling us what to do or who to love. Delusion is rampant in to-days so called intelligent society because of the ego of the experts (supposedly experts) who give out guidance as if there were no tomorrow, even though they may say they are not orders it is implied that if you do not follow their guidance you will be left out. Our media circus is great at that one, and unfortunately many seem to be unable to reject or ignore the zoo keepers. It is akin to actors in Hollywood, or anywhere for that matter, being the character in real life as well as the part they play, so they really are confused as to who they are for the most part. Hence all the idiocy we see coming from so called celebrity status.

What is the circus selling? Pure and simply sex in all the glory it has. Glorification though of sex is like being blissfully ignorant, even though most buy it, or so it seems when we look at statistics of who watches what and what movies sell the most tickets. No there is nothing wrong with sex, or even liking it, and obviously it is a beautiful aspect of life, though it is perhaps the least understood in all that we aspire to understand. Difficulty is the fact that spirituality and sex go together, while sex can be apart from spirituality nothing comes from just sex by itself. Our deficit in spirituality leads to a loss of value to the human condition as well as some of what we see going on in the economy right now, greed for only pleasure/money/sex with no actual work being done.

Pleasure is not a bad thing, though sexual pleasure just for the sake of pleasure is what tears at the very foundations of our human existence, especially in the way of our spiritual realm. Spiritually we have occupied many bodies, we do not know how many, though the fact of our spirit remembering minute, less than perhaps molecular pieces of our past memories is why we behave the way we do, along with of course the cause and effect of our present surrounding. If from childhood we live without any trauma whatsoever we may grow up with full faculty of our own spiritual being, truly knowing who we are all the while not needing any type of mind altering substance or wanting to be altered. Rare indeed, and yet that in itself does not mean the spirit is ready for enlightenment, or love, though perhaps it may help, for example in the area of sex, it is known instinctively, no matter male or female, what is means to be attracted to the opposite sex and why as spiritual purity enables such innocent attraction to manifest with an intimacy which has nothing to do with the physical nature of the body. Of course one will know something is there, though with again the innocence of love. If there is a beginning to true or absolute love it is here in the innocence.

Just for the sake of looking at things from perhaps what some may call a rather different perspective, think of making love as something that everyone sees, not only those involved, hopefully a male and female who actually love one and other, in what we will say is in the spiritual realm. We will leave religious dogma out of the equation for now. When we leave the body at death of the body our consciousness or spirit searches for a womb, unless it has become as god consciousness or enlightened, in order to have a new body to house the spirit. How many spirits are watching when those in love are making love? Choose the womb carefully from Tibetan Buddhism is the relevancy of how and why spirituality is the most important factor in life, as in we are responsible for our own choices. In other words if we are not making love, we are not in love and sex is the only factor, the spirits who are ignorant may end up in a womb they are not meant to actually be in at that time (hence birth control, as in take away responsibility) and may need to start the search all over shortly thereafter, how ever unfortunate it is. Choose the womb carefully.

Sex for sale, narcissus, egotistical, sociopathic exhibitionism and or voyeurism are some of the factors of the spiritual deficit in the world, there is no love or spirituality in this scene. Like it our not religion is meant to be a structural support of love and spirituality, as human beings have always needed some kind of structure to help in behavior, which is why we are not still beating each other with sticks, hopefully. Our spirit is the foundation with love being the transporter which allows life in the physical body to exist, and why spirituality is the actual basis for the foundation. Point is this, the unrestricted sexual behavior of a non-spiritual nature confuses our own consciousness along with all the other spirits involved with our personal behavior.

Depression, irritability, anger, frustration, anti-social behavior all are part of the consequence of our behavior of any type in the realm of sex, be it physical or mental. Drugs, which by the way alcohol is one, are the emotional strength to delude the body and mind that all is just great. Our spirit knows, yet our mind and body pay no attention to the signs and leaves the spirit in the dirt. Of course this is why when it comes to the sex trade, no matter what is happening, drugs are a necessity to keep girls, boys, women, men in the game to profit from, another words exploit without spiritual consequences.

No consequences, is just a lie or delusion that goes with the behavior, even for those who may not actually partake to the extent of some and seem to keep their senses for the most part. It is like standing at the edge of a cliff thinking you are able to fly when you jump. Deviant behavior of a sexual nature must stop before any type of spiritual awakening is enabled. Love making is not deviant behavior, even though it may not be spiritual, though when it is done for an audience other than the female and male involved it turns into deviance, known or not. Usually this type of sexual behavior is not done without the help of some type of uninhibited mind altering substance, which bears repeating, or just plain delusion that there is nothing wrong with it.

In a free society such as ours here in America we must not try to control any-ones' behavior other than those who break the law. Our constitution was and is written in order to allow freedom of all people here in the United States. Behavior is something which is ones' own responsibility, owning up to it is another story perhaps, and spirituality does not necessarily need to be a part of any-ones behavior at least consciously, although it is always there waiting in the background to let us know when we have screwed up, ignored or not.

If love is based on spirituality it will be known to anyone involved as intimacy and innocence will allow the female and the male to actually get to know each other before any physical contact of a sexual nature takes place. When the time comes the female will let the male know what is going to happen or not, or how much, which is completely normal when all is right with the relationship. Meaning it is the female who controls the situation, yet this does not mean or imply she is somehow to blame when things may not go right. Problem is man, usually is the one who pushes or forces something which is not totally wanted, though interestingly younger boys, or young adults will respect the wishes of the girl before an older man will, which again is normal as the spirit is not yet pushed aside in the young man who realizes there is something more at play here than just sex. Point here is man will at times use force to control the woman, and this is and has been and most likely will remain the problem as long as man deludes himself into thinking that he is the one in control of woman. It is kind of a paradox as most men know this already though do not want to admit it because they want to think they are the boss though they know they are not, which ignorantly is why they continue with the stupidity. Of course not all men are stupid, which is why so many people are happily married and do have spirituality in there lives, mainly though because of and through the spiritual nature of woman, as she instinctively knows what is love and what is not because she has the womb the spirits keep wanting to enter.

What can be perhaps the most significant in importance is when there is a true spiritual connection between the female and male there will never be any force what so ever in any part of the relationship. Force is not needed at any time in the union of the female and male, it is the force of nature which is absolutely the way the universe intended in the realm of physical intimacy between the female and the male, as nature is what does and or has brought anyone together in a spiritual union. Fact is we may at times think this will not happen, though with a spiritual nature kept solid through discipline and will we do find we are brought together with someone to love in a spiritual way, which is one reason why they say, and it is true, patience is a virtue. Physical pleasure, or just sex will not happen under those conditions, the spiritual universe will not allow narcissus, egotistical, or a sociopaths behavior to exist in those conditions. Love, absolute spiritual love, is what the universe allows, period.

George Merritt is a Certified General Contractor, Welder, Writer, Machinist always learning something new, and never gives up hope on the love of life and the human condition in the quest for truth, love, peace, and joy among other things.

Backup Plans Feel Good