Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hope is Action - Self Help Tips

I am going to talk about a forgotten necessity of your life. With daily stress, financial obligations, and competition you get to neglect the most important thing in life, YOU. Your self is so important that it is the only source of happiness, and success in your life, the world, and the universe. How can you ignore it?

Yourself is Dignity, Responsibility, Courage, Love, Action, and Power.

I am talking to adults that care about themselves, enjoy their present, and have a vision of their future, however they are entangled with surrounding negativity, global crisis, and personal obligations. They are hoping for things to change and improve by itself, so they can proceed toward their goals. Let me tell you that your hope is a wishful thinking. It is just a word you say to comfort yourself, not an inner feeling.

Hope, optimism, motivation, and self confidence comes from within yourself. It becomes active and rewarding only with action.

First you must make a choice to be aware of who you are based on your creation, not on psychological loops. Then you take action toward positive change of yourself and therefore to succeed in all perspectives of your life.

You have to BE before you are able to DO

Ask yourself "what do I have to lose to function at my maximum potential?" Nothing, you have nothing to lose, and all to gain. And your only cost is your will. "Why settle for less than your significant complete creation?"

I was so frustrated with everyone around me complaining about economy, marriage, and relationships. And I had to repeat the same words again and again, that you are the source of whatever is happening in your life, your job is yourself, when you change, everything around will too. I chose to positively channel my frustration with taking action toward a change. I have put together a coaching program that will guide you to explore yourself to become a master of your existence, and a leader of your life, through understanding the greatness of your creation.

I am going to work with you, everyday to get you back to who you really are, a complete human, with a mind, a heart, and a body. To transfer your wishful thinking to reality of happiness and success in all aspects of your life.

To claim your program "Hope is Action" go to http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs009/1102313419702/archive/1102366204153.html

Rola Jabri is a founder and president of MAOC Studio Inc. As a marketing consultant, and trainer she ventured in different venues with entrepreneurs to reach out to individuals as they are the source of any positive change in the world.

Copyright 2008 Hope is Action. The name and content of this article may not be copied, published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of MAOC Studio Inc.

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