Friday, May 1, 2009

Affirmations 101, FAQs - How Specific Should I Make My Affirmation So I Will See Results?

Probably every affirmation coach in the world will tell you something different about the specifics of affirmations so I might as well weigh in as well. To be specific or not specific - that is the question. But what is the answer?

I started out doing affirmations before I had ever heard of them or was given an explanation of the method of affirmations. I had read some self improvement books, identified some areas of my life I wanted to change and thought the way to see change would be to focus on statement that represented my preferred future. Viola, my new life partner was born - affirmations. Seven years later I am still affirming and telling everyone who asks (as well as some who don't) all about the power of affirmations. It was only about five years ago that I ever heard that these positive statements were called affirmations.

When I started with my 'positive statements' I used very specific affirmations. My results were pretty good however some of my affirmations went nowhere. Now I realize I my specifics got me in trouble and limited my results. I also noticed the results I did achieve always seemed to match my specifics - they were never higher or grander.

Now I use very broad and general affirmations and focus more on the 'essence' of what I am focusing on. This allows me to really hone in on the 'feeling' and 'experience' I am seeking while leaving the 'mechanics' of how the affirmation will come to pass up to The Universe. Using this approach opens up my results to achieving the feeling I want without sticking to a specific way of getting it.

Are you focusing on buying a new home? Well you could affirm:

"I am buying a new home, and it is easy and fun."

Is this really your end goal? Or is your goal to be living in a great home and in your mind the only way to have this is to buy a new home... See where I am going? What if The Universe had a really great plan that would allow you to live in a fabulous place but it did not include you buying anything. What if the best solution for you was to inherit a home that you would love forever?

If you focus is on buying a home that is what you will manifest. You will likely find it easy and fun, since that was included in your affirmation however you will never know or experience the joy of getting a home without buying it. You also might be paying for that new home for the next 30 years. Regardless of whether you hold a mortgage you still had to do something to pay for that new house. By using a specific affirmation you may have made your life a lot more difficult than necessary.

How about affirming:

"I am living in a home I love, and it was fun and easy to get it."

Here is a simple way to broaden your affirmation to reflect the root or essence of what you want to experience with an example involving money.

Identify the issue you want to change: I want more money

Ask yourself: Why do you want more money?

-Do you want to be more secure?
-Do you want to buy something?
-Do you want to make more investments?
-Do you think getting money will make you happy?
-Do you want to pay off debt?

Find out what you want to feel/experience because you will have more money. It could be relief, safety, peace, or a whole bunch of other emotions. Once you think you know the emotion and/or experience you are looking for affirm for that.

Here are some examples:

Money related:
Affirmation: "I am attracting $50K into my life"
Scenario: This guy wants to buy a certain list of objects and he thinks it will cost 50K.


"I am purchasing everything my heart desires and it is easy, fun and a joy to spend this money."

Love related:
Affirmation: "I am attracting a life partner that will be with me until death do us part."
Scenario: This gal wants a healthy permanent relationship.


"I am in a healthy, long term relationship that leaves us both satisfied and yearning for more."

Health related:
Affirmation: "I am jogging five miles a day, in the early morning, and feeling a great."
Scenario: This fellow wants to increase the amount he exercises.


"My body and I are in tune and healthy, I exercise until I am satisfied."

Being a little less specific in your affirmation leaves rooms for your results to be grander as well as the method of achieving your affirmation a bit of a mystery.

Remember the person who wanted the 50K? What if the best solution was for him to get 500K and he was able to buy all the things he every wanted now and in the future? Too bad if he affirmed for the 50K I guess he will get his list of things and then his money will run out.

Remember the person who wanted a long term relationship? She actually was to have four of them in her remaining life, all very different and full of adventure and lots of happiness (and each relationship was to end well too). Too bad if she affirmed for the life partner that had to be there until they both died...he never showed up.

Remember the health nut? He was to discover that he really loved yoga a lot more than running and his future wife was that cute yoga instructor that taught the class before his. Too bad if he stuck with his jogging affirmation...he would be forever be buying jogging shoes and thinking this exercise thing 'sucked'.

The more specific your affirmations the less room there is for the grandest version of the affirmation to come to pass. Focusing on the essence of what you want to experience wins out every time and leaves the figuring out part up to The Universe.

Do you have any affirmations you want to change?

Copyright (c) Joan Pasay 2009. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety (including author bio/links) to anyone you wish.

Joan Pasay is just one of the Team, whose lives have been radically changed by the continued use of positive affirmations for money and in every area of life.

Want to enjoy more money? First change your money thoughts. Go to today.

Want to read Joan's affirmations blog? Go to right now.

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