Friday, May 22, 2009

Failure is a Test Result!

I really do hope you fail--SOON! I hope you fail often. And I hope you fail in a BIG way. How do you react when you fail? Do you leave projects half-done? Do you get discouraged?

Do you get distracted by another new shiny opportunity and abandon the work you've already done? First of all, let me tell you that you have a bad case of the normals. :) You're just like the rest of us.

We all battle this. The difference lies in how we approach failure. Here's the problem: there is something that you have not been told. Either you don't have anyone in your life that knows this little truth, or if they do, they have kept it to themselves for some reason. I learned it a few years ago, and I have the joy of learning it over and over again each time I fail at something.

When I apply this little truth, it makes me wealthy. When I forget it, I feel miserable.

It really is that simple. And that powerful.


Think about that for a minute. We think of failure as the end-game of something we've been trying to do.

It's just not. But the problem is that we think it is.

We get our emotions involved. We get discouraged. We start to feel that WE are the failure and not the project.

But some people have discovered what most of us never do.

You know them--the people who go on to fulfill their dreams. They are rare.

What is different about them? Why do they seem to succeed at so many things in life?

When it comes right down to it, there is only ONE thing that they know that you don't.


Thomas Edison was one of those people. He filed over 1,000 patents in his life. Patents for products that you and I use everyday still today.

What did he think about failure? What did he think about trying ten thousand different ways to invent a working light bulb, and having ten thousand disappointing failures?

He said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

That's all it is. Each time you fail, just tell yourself, okay, that's just a test that ended up at a dead end. Let's go back and try it a little differently.

I hesitate to tell you how much I'm making on the Internet. It's not a million a year yet, but it's considerably more than a few years ago. And this is how I did it. I just tried something. Part of it worked and part of it didn't. I tried again,and a little more worked. I tried again and again and it just kept working better and better.

I also had lots of failures along the way. I still do! And every time, I just tell myself that I learned what doesn't work.


In the Internet business world, there are only a few things that don't work. If you keep trying, you find them pretty fast. You cut those out of your plan and you focus and you try it again, this time a little different.

Or, you quit. Like I said, I've found that there are only a few things in the Internet Marketing world that don't work. And this is the honest truth: the reason most people don't succeed is because they bail out after the first failure or two.

So what are you going to do? Bail out after your first "failure" or right after encountering the first few things you don't understand?

Or will you be one of those few that push through that bumpy start-up phase and come out on the other side, finding that almost all of your competition dropped out of the race early on!

Let me leave you with this thought: It's powerful to realize that you are not alone--you find out that that place where you dropped out in the pursuit of your dream of a home business is the same place where 98% of everyone else dropped out.

Once you know that, can't you put just a little extra effort in to get through those last few hurdles?

That's what every successful home business owner I know did. There is NO reason you can't also.

If you would like to win more often, you need to seek help to learn from those who have also experienced failure and have overcome it to be very successful.

If you're ready to get started and dying to know what works best, join this private society that will teach you how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet before its too late.

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